Vol 2 Chapter 1195: 'end

1195. The'End Chapter' Plan
Skynet actually pulled out civilians to fight! !
After 7 people including Tang Yu, Kristina, and Jane Conner directly broke through Skynet’s first-line defense, and created conditions for the subsequent penetration of the Horned Dragon Tank Force, Skynet’s west-line defense fell into a great deal. Crisis, the western energy base is facing a fall. However, after the subsequent editors arrived on the battlefield, it was discovered that Skynet organized more than 100,000 people and distributed crude weapons and launched a counterattack on them!
The commander of the mixed 45th and 69th infantry divisions encountered by civilians refused to fire on the civilians, and all robots under the command were strictly prohibited from firing on the civilians. In this case, the Grey Army and the Terminator Corps mixed with civilians immediately made trouble, causing serious casualties to these two infantry divisions. In the end, the 45th and 69th Infantry Divisions were defeated, with more than 5,000 casualties, more than 10,000 robots destroyed, and the offensive on the Western Front was temporarily blocked.
Immediately afterwards, the Skynet Corps dragged more than 2,000 civilians who fought back in the previous battle to the front of the Human Alliance position and cut them all to death. The blood of the Human Alliance soldiers in this direction collapsed instantly! The Skynet Corps continued its counterattack, broke through the defense line from this place, and took advantage of the situation to encircle the 7th Army of the Human Alliance, which attacked the Western Front.
Not only that, there are also civilians on the central battlefield and the eastern battlefield! John Conner One and John Conner Two, who remained on Aurora Island, worried about the low morale of the soldiers and had to stop the attack across the board.
Tang Yu, who was preparing to launch an attack on Skynet’s Western Energy Center, heard the news and was furious. The computer in front of him was smashed directly under the mechanical field! !
"Skynet! Altuzov! This is not the first time!!! Armed civilians over and over again! What the do you think these civilians are!!!!!!" Tang Yu shouted.
"Skynet killed 3 billion people on Judgment Day. It doesn't care to kill more." Eliza said coldly while standing behind Tang Yu.
Tang Yu also realized his gaffe. He was just anxious and impulsive just now. He took a deep breath and a cold light flashed in his eyes: "They were already armed when the Grey City No. 13 was before A civilian. If that was the reason that made me finally determined to release the C virus... this time, was it to force me to execute the'final chapter plan'?"
The so-called final chapter plan is to spread the C virus in the entire area controlled by Skynet, completely destroying all humans controlled by Skynet! The Gray Army and civilians are not immune! Because Skynet doesn't have any way to deal with C virus! But if this is the case, it means that Tang Yu's order is to kill tens of millions of people!
This order was the ultimate means Tang Yu was prepared to use when he was absolutely forced to defeat Skynet on the frontal battlefield.
"In terms of strategy, this is the most correct method. If the final chapter plan is executed, Skynet’s defense line will completely collapse under the impact of tens of millions of zombies, depending on the speed of the zombies, this time will not exceed 3 Month." Eliza said beside her. For her, these humans are just numbers.
Tang Yu closed his eyes and shook his head.
Eliza looked at Tang Yu and asked indifferently: "Don't you want to defeat Skynet?"
Tang Yu did not speak.
"The plan is not feasible," Schwarzenegger said suddenly.
"Tang Yu will not do this." Christina also said.
"At least not now..." Carla Radames added her arms around her chest and chuckled.
"Grey City 13, you have done it once." Eliza was still asking.
"The spread of the C virus on the 13th of the Grey City is based on the fact that the civilians in this city have all been armed. And it is only distributed in one city, it is better to control the spread of the virus, so I made this determination. "Tang Yu said slowly.
"Tianwang has so far only armed civilians in several cities close to the front line, and has not armed all of them. Therefore, I must not organize massacres of unarmed civilians. I don’t want to say that I still hold That longing to save everyone, I can even say that my hands are now covered with blood, but sometimes, this last layer of shame cannot be revealed." Tang Yu's words became more firm, "So , Unless I’m sure I can’t beat Skynet, the final chapter plan is always just a plan."
Jane Connor suddenly came across from Tang Yu and asked very seriously: "Grey City 13? What happened?! I hope you can give me an explanation."
Tang Yu's eyes swept over the people around him, Schwarzenegger, Christina, Eliza, and even Kara-Radames and Furan, as long as he ordered, they would not hesitate Go to the final chapter plan. However, this is not what Tang Yu wants.
As his strength became stronger and stronger, Tang Yu found out that he already had the power to control the fate of tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people, but it was precisely because of this that he became more and more cautious. As the saying goes, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Such a feeling is that those who have nothing can never experience it. Those who yearn for power and strength will always look forward to how to abuse this power, but once they really have it, their concerns will increase. more. This is how Tang Yu feels now~EbookFREE.me~ And sometimes, Tang Yu really feels around him, so there is no trace of humanity. He doesn't know why he has such a powerful ability in the mechanical field, but this ability gives him the opportunity to make the robot a new type of intelligent life, rather than let him become a robot.
Thinking about it this way, Tang Yu grinned at Jane Connor and said, "I'm glad you can question me like this. But to explain, that's what I said just now...I don't want to justify myself, then It was my choice at the time."
Then Tang Yu looked awake, turned to Furan and said, "Immediately replace all army commanders who refuse to fire on armed civilians! Strictly order the whole army, as long as they are armed civilians, even if they take a kitchen knife, Always treat the enemy soldiers!!!"
Then he paused and continued: "But for those civilians who laid down their weapons, if possible, let them go as far as possible. In addition, in order to prevent Skynet from expanding the behavior of armed civilians, we can The city spreads flyers or broadcasts."
Furan nodded and said, "I will arrange a special commander aircraft to do this."
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