Vol 2 Chapter 1197: I don’t know what the title says, so happy new year

1197. I don’t know what the title says, so Happy New Year
After the Western Energy Center was captured, the defeat of Skynet was inevitable. With the loss of energy supply from the Western Energy Center, coupled with the previous t-infinite crazy energy extraction, the energy supply behind Skynet immediately became problematic. All the power supply to the Grey City was interrupted, and humans under the control of Skynet began to survive in darkness.
At this time, the aircraft of the Human Alliance began to fly over these cities from time to time, spilling various leaflets, exposing the open net and the Gray Army crimes, and encouraging these people to take the initiative to stand up against Skynet and the Gray Army. If it was before, then these people would scoff, but now the situation is different, Skynet is losing ground. Although several previous defeats blocked the news, this time, the dark city could not lie.
Through these flyers, humans controlled by Skynet only discovered that the original Guardian Group had reappeared, and organized the Human Alliance soldiers to be under the city. Skynet was in a desperate situation and had to pull out civilians for final resistance. Once these news began to spread, the seeds of resistance were planted in the hearts of the people in the Grey City.
No one wants to continue to survive under the rule of Skynet. This absolutely procedural and systematic society has tortured humans into walking dead. Originally they just wanted to continue to work hard, but now, it seems that Skynet doesn't even want such an opportunity, but actually wants to bring civilians to the battlefield? To fight against the human alliance that even Skynet's Terminator can't defeat? It's really better to kill them directly!
More and more people started to communicate with each other when they were on the street, and they started to look at the terminators patrolling around differently.
Skynet couldn't stop it all.
Bnk-3r wandered all day on Skynet's defense line. Once he seized the opportunity, he swooped down like a mountain top, and used its terrifying firepower to turn the Terminator's position into a sea of ​​fire. Skynet’s only remaining air force had to be exhausted, even maintaining combat patrols for 24 hours. Because of the electronic interference of the commander's aircraft, Skynet's radar could not find the trace of bnk-3r in advance.
Not only that, the air defense forces on the ground also had to run around with the bnk-3r. Although these air defense forces basically have their own defense zones, the loss is also very large in the non-stop movement.
Therefore, under such circumstances, the other air forces of the Human Alliance can always find opportunities to burst into the core area of ​​Skynet, throw flyers, or drop bombs. Although Tang Yu did not build a bomber, and the Longqi III aircraft was not suitable for this type of high-speed penetration and then bombing on the ground because of its low speed, it is still very simple to hang a few guided bombs on the Air Qi-1 fighter. .
Skynet's factory area and energy area were bombed from time to time. The Grey City and the major labor camps kept dropping leaflets to arouse people's resistance and the front line was constantly retreating. The death knell of Skynet has already sounded.
On January 12, 2048, in one of the most advanced hospitals in the base of Aurora Island. A man and two women hurriedly walked across the wide corridor. All the people around, whether they were doctors or nurses, or those patients who were undergoing treatment, immediately stood upright after seeing the pedestrian and saluted them from the heart.
Tang Yu took Kara Radames and Jane Connor directly to the entrance of the ICU ward at the top of the hospital. A doctor hurried over and said: "The patient's injury has stabilized, but no one wants to see him. Don’t want to say anything..."
"Take me to see him." Tang Yu said lightly.
The doctor quickly opened the door and led Tang Yu into it. Tang Yu walked straight in and saw a man in a striped illusion sitting on the bed with his back to the door in a bright ward.
"I said that, don't bother me! Now get out of me before I start to smash things..." The man said without looking back.
Tang Yu looked at some debris such as water cups and ashtrays scattered on the ground and shook his head slightly. "Your injury can be completely recovered without leaving any scars. After a week at most, you will be as usual again. Similarly, become the dazzling hero Major Commander, Gao Ming. Or, the Colonel Commander."
"It turned out to be the leader...I'm sorry...I may not be able to serve you again..." This patient turned out to be brilliant. After he heard Tang Yu's voice, he shivered all over, and then suddenly turned back to reveal the disfigured face!
Gao Ming's sunny and bright face now looks like it has been bitten by countless mice, with a dull complexion and potholes everywhere, like a walnut. His eyelids, lips, and nose have been corroded, and his left cheekbone has also been recessed. It looks terrible and a little disgusting.
However, Tang Yu looked at his face, and did not show a disgusted expression on his face. He just nodded and said, "This injury is for you to suffer for humanity. This is a great thing. So, you don’t have to because of this. Feeling frightened, but gratified. Because the person who attacked you is an elite warrior of Skynet. If you do not repel him, then he will kill more people."
With that said, Tang Yu handed over a newspaper that was circulated in the Grey City and founded by the Grey Army. At the headline of the front page, a person's "sawtooth" is being reported!
Gao Ming looked at the photo of this person, only to see that a metal mechanical mask was installed on his face, covering his nose, chin, mouth, and throat. It was difficult to recognize his previous appearance. But from the fierce and sharp eyes, Gao Ming still recognized it for the first time. This person was the one who attacked him before! !
"This man is called Krishna. He was once the head of an armored regiment of the Grey Army, and was later demoted to corporal because he repeatedly fled from the battlefield. After he sneaked into you, the battle video reached the Grey Army through the battlefield recorder. In the hands of Marshal Artuzov, in order to create a grey army hero, he began to preach to Krish, describing him as an invincible soldier. And also let him lead a team of special forces, it is indeed true It has caused a lot of damage to our army." Tang Yu continued.
Endless murderousness suddenly broke out in Gao Ming's eyes, and then suddenly disappeared all invisible. He threw away the newspaper with interest and said slowly: "Hero? Ha ha... makes no sense..."
"In war, the meaning of a hero is greater than you think." Tang Yu said.
"So what does I mean to you? To encourage more young people to go to the battlefield to die? Or to encourage those frontline soldiers~EbookFREE.me~ to be more brave to charge, and then, to die?" Gao Ming murmured. "I only thought about this... I have thought a lot these days, no matter how hard I fight, that is, I kill a few more Terminators than ordinary people. Compared with you, I am nothing... I capture that The village is indeed of great significance, but compared with your record of single-handedly capturing the Western Energy Center and directly causing the collapse of Skynet’s Western Front...I’m really nothing..."
Tang Yu smiled, walked over to sit on the hospital bed, took an apple and began to peel slowly. He is very slow, just like ordinary people cutting apples. He said while cutting: "What was the first time you joined the army for what? I think it was for rations? Because the benefits I give to the army have always been very high."
Gao Ming nodded.
"So, because I'm hungry, I want to eat. I want to eat, so I join the army for this. The so-called for all mankind, in order to eliminate Skynet... These slogans, these goals are mine, not yours. .Because the position of our station is different, the angle of thinking about the problem is also different. However, why do you think there are so many people fighting for my goal?" Tang Yu asked back.
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