Vol 2 Chapter 1226: Empire Sword

1226 Empire Sword
Woo~~~~ A sound of electric motor came, and in the mountain range of Aurora Island, a flying platform unfolded from the middle of the mountain. As the entrance disguised as a rock opened, a huge double-unit ion beam gun turret also rose, which was Tang Yu's previous disassembly from the head of the "Sixth Day Devil" in the "Overwatch" world. The big killer coming down is also the strongest defensive firepower of Aurora Island.
The ion beam gun turret slowly rotates, and any movement around it will be destroyed instantly! Under its gaze and cover, the "Pentagram" aircraft docked on the flying platform rose into the air and hovered at a low altitude of 200 meters. Immediately after the invisible device was activated, the aircraft immediately disappeared into the air!
The sound of the engine grew louder, only to see a sudden wave of fluctuations in the empty sky, and then completely quiet.
On the five-pointed star, Tang Yu, Jane Conner and Fox Immortal are looking out of the window. After rising to an altitude of more than 50,000 meters, the aircraft has been invisible. Immediately after the antimatter engine mounted on it started to run at full strength, the speed of the aircraft began to increase, and the outline of the earth could be seen more and more complete outside the window. After entering the vacuum environment, the surroundings immediately fell silent.
The five-pointed star is very fast and enters the moon's orbit about 3 hours later. At a distance of 50,000 kilometers from the moon, the communication signal on the spacecraft was suddenly interrupted. After a while, the communication channel began to switch to the communication frequency of the moon base.
"Welcome to you, my master." On the large screen of the spaceship control room, an image of a blond lady wearing a gorgeous dress appeared. She looked graceful and luxurious, and there was a trace of charm in her eyebrows. Underneath the low V-neck on the chest, the two huge white flower peaks are almost going to prop up the clothes.
Seeing this woman, Jane Conner and Fox Fairy both turned their heads and looked at Tang Yu playfully. Fox Immortal said with a smile: "Are you going to replace all your men with beautiful women?"
"No, this image was chosen by myself. I think this image is more affinity for the owner. For artificial intelligence, gender is meaningless, and it is displayed on the screen, but I made it myself. A video only." The woman said.
"Compared to this, you might as well tell me who gave you this bad idea? Zi. Wait for me to guess, Catherine-Weaver, right?" Tang Yu said, clutching his forehead.
"The host is really wise, this suggestion was indeed given to me by Catherine." It turned out that this woman is the main control AI of the guardian space fortress-purple.
"Okay...Since Cameron and Christina, Catherine has started instilling these messy ideas in others?" Tang Yu said grittedly.
"But I don't think this idea is messy. As your servant, it is our duty to make you happy at any time," Zi continued.
Tang Yu decided not to entangle these messy topics with her. He coughed and pointed out the window to Jane Connor and Fox Immortal: "Look! This will be the foundation of everything in the future for a long time-the moon Base and guardian space fortress!"
"Has entered the range of the gravitational circle of the guardian space fortress, and turned on automatic guidance..." Zi said, immediately taking over the five-pointed star flight system.
"Gravity circle? How big is this space station that actually has a gravitational circle?" Jane Connor looked out of the window with some doubt, and is still on the moon's orbit, and has not turned to the back, except to be able to see a few artificial moons Nothing can be seen beyond the satellite.
The inexplicable smile hung on the corner of Fox Fairy's mouth, watching Jane's expression with interest, but her eyes also shone with the light of expectation. After all, although she had already joined the team before, Remi and Zi did not allow her to go up Go up to the moon base. Although she knew that the guardian space fortress must be the Hyperion Space Station Tang Yu obtained from the world of "Lordless Land", she knew that it was another matter to see with her own eyes.
The five-pointed asterisk continued to move forward. Finally, under the sun's rays, a black shadow that could not see the edge appeared outside the spaceship's window. Seeing this shadow, even Jane Conner couldn't help but open his mouth wide and could no longer close it! Fox Immortal also covered his small mouth with his hand, obviously shocked! !
What kind of existence that is! Even if it is only one side now, even if the shadow has not been completed, most of it is still in a frame state, but it can no longer hide its grandeur! ! At present, the orbit of the Pentagram is more than 40,000 kilometers from the moon. Under such a distance, through the window of the spaceship, you still cannot see the whole picture of this space fortress! !
Thousands of tiny light spots are flying around the space fortress. These are small engineering spaceships. Don’t look at these engineering spaceships as small as dust near the space fortress, but in fact, every project The spaceships are all behemoths that are 50 meters long and five times larger than the five-pointed star!
A shadow suddenly covered the five-pointed star, and then the spacecraft began to tremble. Fox Immortal turned his head to look at the other window. It turned out that a huge belly-bellied spaceship was flying past the pentagram. This spaceship is short and thick, but its length is more than one hundred meters. At a glance, it is known as a transport ship. From the tail of the spacecraft, a stream of purple particles is ejected, which is the performance of the spacecraft using ytterbium fusion reactor.
"These are blueprints of the spacecraft found in the database of Hiberon. I chose the simplest ones and produced them directly. The moon is a perfect universe base, and there are almost inexhaustible titanium mines. And the quality of this titanium ore is several times higher than that on the earth." Zi explained.
"Why...when you are fighting Skynet, you don't even have a decent fighter, you have to copy Skynet's interceptor fighter. But even the spaceships are here!?" Jane Connor still stopped. Surprised.
"In fact, without considering the gravity of the earth, and solving the energy and life support system, the construction of the spaceship is not much more difficult than a car. And, obviously these robots do not need life support systems, if you have such a moon At the base, it's not impossible to build such a humble spaceship as a car." Or Fox Fairy had a lot of knowledge, she explained to Jane Connor.
Then, Fox Immortal turned his head and asked, "Zi, what is the size of this space fortress?"
Tang Yu nodded to the side, indicating that Zi could speak.
At this time, the purple image on the screen disappeared and became the structure of a huge space fortress. The sound of purple still came from the speaker: "Guardian Space Fortress, with the core of the space station dismantled from the Heberon Space Station by the master as the core Based on the basic manufacturing, the fort is formed in a T-shape, corresponding to the T-mark of the guardian group, and the initials of the owner's name. The core diameter of the space fortress is 2 kilometers, the core area is 350 kilometers in diameter, and the total width of the T-shaped one is 2100 kilometers , The total length of the T is 3300 kilometers."
"This size... can even be said to be a small planet!!!" Jane Connor said incredulously.
"Yes, and even if the space fortress is completely hollow, the total weight has reached 40 trillion tons~EbookFREE.me~ and due to excessive mining, the lunar inclination will change by 0.3 degrees during the engineering process. There are currently more than 5 million Hebron loaders in the construction of this space fortress, this number will be five to ten times in the next two years. At the end of the project, three quarters of the robots will be rebuilt Back to the furnace, used as a building material." Zi continued to explain.
"A project of this scale cannot be undertaken by the moon alone?" Fox Immortal asked.
"Indeed, five years is only the completion time of the main project. Now the base of Venus is also under construction. When the engine of the space fortress is completed, it will go to the base of Venus to complete the final assembly. At the current technical level, the guardian of the space fortress It will take nearly two decades to complete the work completely," Zi said.
Tang Yu looked out of the window while listening to Zi's explanation. Now the five-pointed asterisk has flown to the front of the space fortress, only to see that the central position is an incomparably huge spherical core, which emits blue and white light. Construction is underway in the three directions to the left and right of the core, extending three larger strips, and a large number of frames have been erected.
This is the most powerful sword in his own hands! It is also the guardian empire in his hand, the sword of the empire! !
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