Vol 2 Chapter 1310: Pretend to leave

1310. Pretend to leave
Tang Yu dodged in the shadow of Zhang Long's heavy stick. His body was strengthened by the prophetic cells, much faster than ordinary people do not know how many times, and his dynamic vision was greatly strengthened, and he was not even hit! But even so, he was also embarrassed in front of Zhang Long's wrath like a stick!
Immediately after the two mass-produced at-6s were taken out of his personal space, the two robots waved huge arms like gorillas and smashed them towards Zhang Long!
"Useless!" Zhang Long drank angrily, and the staff in his hand was waving like a tornado. The blade on one end of the staff was obviously strengthened by magic, and it was easy to cut the at-6 thick armor, and the crystal power on the other end. It is even more huge. With a single blow, a small pit was blown out of at-6!
For a while, two robots were smashed into a pile of scrap iron by Zhang Long within seconds! Tang Yu looked stunned and spit out loud, "Hey! You guys are fouled! What about the good Master? You use the precious staff as a stick to play with your family's Masters will cry! And why do they appear? This kind of dragon king stick method! Isn’t this the way that Hong Haiman smiled in the "Four Famous Catchers"?
Tang Yu immediately found the corresponding data in the database after he heard the name of the move that Zhang Long shouted.
"Do you want to die more gorgeous? Complete you!" Zhang Long smiled contemptuously, the staff waved faster in his hand, almost even the stick figure could not be seen! "Dragon King Stick Method! Jiao Dragon Swallows Moon!"
Tang Yu took out several mass-produced at-6s, but he was still smashed by Zhang Long’s easy sticks. He quickly raised his speed to the fastest and was very flexible to avoid Zhang Long’s attack. However, at this time, Zhang Long roared again: "Bigby catches the palm!"
Bang! I only saw that huge pair of armored palms suddenly appeared, and grabbed it towards Tang Yu! At the same time, Zhang Long waved his staff and brought up a gust of wind, hitting his head down! The space around Tang Yu was completely covered by Bigby’s palm, and Zhang Long’s attack was smashed over again.
Boom! ! A loud deafening noise! Zhang Long's staff hit hard, but it hit a sudden appearance of a ball-shaped mechanical device, making a loud noise! This mechanical device was suddenly crushed by the great force of Zhang Long's staff, and the parts were flying, but it has not been smashed!
Zhang Long's eyes flicked, and the two huge palms immediately grabbed this mechanical device! However, driven by his magic power, he could only squeeze some of these mechanical devices, but he could not directly squash as he imagined!
I only saw this spherical mechanical device protecting Tang Yu in the middle, and a purple light flashed on the outer layer of the device. This light made the mechanical device very strong! Zhang Long was a little surprised when he saw this light, "Magic? Although very rough and inferior, but...how do you use magic?"
After he finished speaking, there was a hint of hate in his eyes, he raised his staff and wanted to continue to smash it. However, he suddenly used Yu Guang to skim, and saw that the peerless beauty with beautiful black hair and drooping black hair to the calf was still just Standing by the side and not changing the color, as if not worrying about Tang Yu at all!
Zhang Long was shocked in his heart, and put away his staff to recede backwards. At this time, the duration of Bigby's grasping palm had expired, and the palm of both hands also dissipated in the air. At this moment, I only saw that the spherical device suddenly moved! The device suddenly began to deform, and the damaged mechanical parts automatically fell off. The intact mechanical parts were replaced from Tang Yu's personal space. In just one second, this sphere became a large mouth full of serrations, as long as If Zhang Long stepped back slowly, he might be bitten by the big mouth and then dragged directly into the pieces!
Click, click, click! The zigzag inside the big mouth turned like a countless chainsaw, and Zhang Long looked creepy, and then the big mouth began to deform, more parts flew out, and began to grow bigger and bigger, obviously Tang Yu I want to get a big guy out! Not only that, the t-800 terminators that were just blocked by Zhang Long’s Bigby King Kong also rushed over, and the gargoyles in the sky have been almost destroyed!
"Humph! Bigby beats the flying palm!" Zhang Long shouted, and the huge palms appeared again and pushed towards Tang Yu, but Tang Yu greeted him directly, and the mechanical giant mouth had been assembled into several meters. The long huge mechanical dog swooped directly and slammed against the palms of his hands!
However, when the mechanical dog destroyed the huge pair of magically condensed palms, what he saw was Zhang Long's back running on the flying carpet. Tang Yu was suddenly choked, "Asshole guys! Why don't you come here and pretend to be forced?"
"Do you want me to chase him in the past? I should be able to catch up with his speed." T-9800 asked beside him.
"No, don't move for a while." Tang Yu calmed down and thought a little, said: "This Zhang Long apparently came over to test too. He was determined to go with a blow from the beginning. It's not easy to leave him with something that runs away. You need to listen to my orders and then shoot when they officially start the attack, and strive to leave a few of their core members."
Tang Yu raised his eyes and looked forward, only to see that the six people who came down from Sky City with Zhang Long had built a huge portal with a diameter of more than 20 meters on the ground! It seems that Zhang Long just came over in addition to temptation, but also to attract his attention, so that his teammates can build the portal.
At this time, only countless stone men came out of the portal! These stone men are more than 2 meters tall, and their bodies look very bloated, but they are also carved with heavy armor, and there are a lot of lines radiating magic energy on the stone men.
In the sky, the number of Ximo eagles has increased to more than one hundred. With the tens of thousands of gargoyles, Tang Yu’s remaining air force has been completely destroyed, and then he rushed towards Tang Yu!
Not only that~EbookFREE.me~ After those people built the portal, they also left three of them to protect the portal. The other four people rushed towards Tang Yu again under the leadership of Zhang Long! All four of them were riding on flying carpets, wearing mage robes, holding staffs, and obviously all magicians!
"This amount is difficult for us to block." t-9800 said.
"It doesn't matter, our reinforcements will arrive soon." Tang Yu said, unfolding the light screen of the personal terminal on his wrist and said: "There are 15 seconds...10 seconds...5, 4, 3, 2, 1. ..."
boom! boom! boom! ! Several missiles suddenly exploded above Sky City, and the extremely powerful explosive power even made the magic array on Sky City flash a dazzling light!
boom! boom! boom! The bombing of the missiles continues, these are bgm-109, Tomahawk cruise missiles! Not only that, more than ten US Navy f/a-18 fighter jets and f-22 fighter jets from the US military base in Guam also flew over Sky City. The AH-1 Cobra Gunship of the Japanese Land Self-Defense Forces also flew over!
After being attacked, more gargoyles began to fly out of the sky city, and those gargoyles and Ximo Eagles who had originally come to Tang Yu's side immediately divided half to meet the approaching United team.
From the sky city, there are countless pyramids with flashes of arcane light floating out. The top of these pyramids suddenly emit a magic ray, and all incoming missiles are intercepted!
There was a sneer on Tang Yu's face, "Although Sadako Yamamura made me have to deal with it myself, but why didn't it hit the reverse scale of the whole world? You look down on me is normal, because I have been hiding, But you have always underestimated this world, that is your stupidity...Golden city-state!"
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