Vol 2 Chapter 1358: Portal VS Transmitter

1358, portal vs transmitter
"They crashed in from port p-r-044." Zi said to Tang Yu.
"Very good, the airtight cabin is closed, don't let them run! Lest they drove the spaceship to the depths of space, they can't really catch up with the pentagram." Tang Yu stood up and said: "I remember that place Prepare to build a port city, mainly for bars, leisure, and cargo distribution."
"Yes." Purple nodded.
Tang Yu smiled, "No way, then it seems that the city's official operation time needs to be delayed! Open the transmission platform and start transmitting robots! We are ready to go!"
With Tang Yu's order, only to see in a very vast space somewhere in the guardian space fortress, countless red lights suddenly lit up, each light represents a g-2 engineering robot! And these red lights are actually more than the stars in the sky!
This is a multi-layered space, but each floor is filled with robots, and it is impossible to count how many, because with human eyesight, we can't see the end of this space! ! At this time, as the alarm sounded, a huge multi-layer platform with a height of hundreds of meters in the center of the space was suddenly brightly lit, and then these robots began to move, one square array after another.
Although there are countless robots here, there are only 100 robots on a platform at a time, and 10 robots each. After the robot walked up, the platform immediately rose to the multi-layer platform, and then a conveyor on the multi-layer platform flickered suddenly, and these robots disappeared immediately, leaving only a small empty platform.
Then the empty small platform moved to the side, another small platform full of robots moved again, the conveyor started again, and there was no stagnation in the middle. On the multi-layer platform, a total of ten sets of transmission devices are in constant operation, and on average, 1,000 robots are transferred to the port city number p-r-044 every 10 seconds!
The transmission technology in the world of "Lordless Land" is very mature, and has even penetrated into all aspects of the folk. After the transmission network is established, it can be conveniently transmitted between two transmission devices.
Although Tang Yu has not been able to turn this technical analysis into his own, it does not affect him with the help of Zi to build a transmission network throughout the guardian space fortress. However, there are still not many such transmission devices that can transmit a large number of targets, but the port city of p-r-044 as a space port naturally has such a large-scale transmission platform.
This is why Tang Yu wanted Zi to control those gunboats' almost suicidal attacks and forced the Dark Blade Council into this area. Of course, there is another factor because construction is under way here, even if it is destroyed by war.
At this time, Quan Zhiyan's screams also reached Tang Yu's ears through emergency communications at the port console. However, he didn't think it was right, but just said with a smile: "Seeing that the other party has already made the determination to die, since it is so, satisfy them!"
Jane Connor took out the annihilating sledgehammer, and a grin appeared in the corner of his mouth. Shi Mingdong pulled out his demon sword three days and the moon was near, and countless black wraiths surrounded his body. Christina tilted her head, a purple light flashed across her. Cameron finally prepared his huge killer sniper rifle. Zero stretched out his hand and flicked it gently on the back of Tang Yu's hand, scratching his heart agitated, then Zero smiled gently, turned around and walked towards the long-waiting dragon Mihaier.
"We need to remember that the members of the Dark Blade Council have more or less practiced the spells of warlocks in "World of Warcraft". Unlike the wizards of the Golden City State who rely heavily on the legion to fight, these warlocks have individual combat capabilities. They are very powerful!" Fox Immortal took out a purple flower and put it in front of him, sucked deeply, and then the furry fox ears and three furry tails grew out, and it has become a model of a demon fox! She looked back and said with a smile: "So, I wish you all...Happy hunting!"
Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Countless g-2 engineering robots lined up in a square matrix and walked down the transport platform towards the port city of p-r-044.
Now the space fortress has just begun, so there are only empty steel floors everywhere, and the city in front is very abrupt. So you can see from a distance, in the middle of the city, a portal with a height of hundreds of meters is standing! This portal is very conspicuous among the surrounding unfinished buildings.
Inside the portal, countless Burning Legion demons are coming out, and there are already tens of thousands of demons in the city! The Dark Blade Council also chose to be desperate, they just opened the portal, and the demons that passed over would not listen to their instructions at all! But it doesn't matter, in this guardian space fortress, every place and every inch of land is an enemy!
Seeing the neatly arranged robot phalanx approaching, those demons wandering aimlessly suddenly became anxious! Immediately after, I only saw these robots suddenly and uniformly put down the guns in their hands, and the muzzles of countless black holes were aimed at them!
"Roar!!!" An abyssal demon finally couldn't hold back his anger, waving his double-edged sword and rushed up! The huge body more than ten meters high rushed up as if a mountain was moving!
In the array of robot legions, the countless g-2 engineering robots just looked at the demon that threw it indifferently~EbookFREE.me~The red one-eyed in front of his chest reflected the violent figure of this demon. Immediately afterwards, they opened fire!
Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da! ! Countless machine guns spit out tongues at the same time! In this uncovered space, the abyssal demon's more than ten meters high body is completely unobstructed, and almost no need to aim to hit!
Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da! ! Shock bullets, armor-piercing bullets, incendiary bombs, corrosive bombs, and various bullets are launched. It is no longer possible to count how many robots fired bullets. Only know that the shell is covered with a thick layer!
Not only that, because the Guardian Space Fortress uses a lot of ytterbium resources, these robots use a brand new bullet purple bomb that has not been used on earth at all! ! Although the bullet made from the use of ytterbium residue waste is not ideal for its weak structure and range, the extremely strong corrosiveness of ytterbium can quickly unknowingly erode the target's protective layer and change it. Very fragile!
And this kind of bullet is a lore to the demon who relies on the rough skin and thick body to resist the attack! !
I only saw that the abyss demon who had rushed up was hit by countless purple bombs, and the front of the body was covered with a thick layer of purple slag. These ytterbium residues immediately began to erode the abyss demon's extremely thick scales! When more bullets came, these scales, which could even resist the bombardment of tank artillery, were actually penetrated by armor-piercing bullets! !
"What is this! You worms! I'm going to trample you!!" The abyss demon rushed up, but there were more and more wounds on its body, and the purple residue began to erode its body! The demon fell to the ground without running a few steps!
At this time, more demons also rushed up!
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