Vol 2 Chapter 1375: Split conference

1375, Splitting Conference
After the new president took office, the United States also formally apologized to the United Nations. It was mainly aimed at the act of the US military ignoring the lives of civilians when the ring virus raged on Japan at that time, instead of attacking Sadako Yamamura, but attacking the robots of the Guardian Group.
After several days of consultations, the United Nations finally reached a consensus that when the United States was facing a heterogeneous universe invasion, it focused on infighting and oppressed a very promising enterprise with the power of the country, which caused a very great impact on the international community and the market environment. Bad influence. But when the Hydera Legion invaded, the Seventh Fleet fought bravely and forged a line of defense with its own life, which won everyone's respect. And when attacking the floating city of the golden city-state, the reorganized Seventh Fleet will also make up for it and cooperate fully, so it can also offset part of the fault.
However, as a punishment, the 53-year-old "Japan-US Security Treaty" has been officially abolished since 1951, as a punishment for the United States. The United States will withdraw its troops from Japan within the next five years, and the Guardian Group will be stationed in Japan to assist Japan’s defense. In this resolution, the United States simply abstained, which is why they realize that the results will not change.
In fact, Tang Yu didn’t want to participate in the garrison in Japan, but on the one hand, it was the strong request of the Japanese prime minister, on the other hand, it was the other four permanent members of the United Nations whoever assumed this role, which would cause serious international politics. Impact. Therefore, Tang Yu finally agreed to garrison in Japan for 50 years, and then make the next decision based on the specific situation after 50 years.
However, the United States military base in Guam has not been cancelled, and the military base in Davao Port, Philippines, which was previously rented for guarding or monitoring Aurora Island, is still retained. It is a chat, and it has not completely withdrawn from the Western Pacific stage.
However, as the most important piece of the United States in the Western Pacific, the loss of Japan has caused a major loophole in the United States' Pacific strategy. It is impossible to limit China only by virtue of Davao Port and Guam. What's more, the leaders of Huaxia are closer to the Guardian Group because of their relationship with the Chinese lineage. When the United States vigorously cracked down on the Guardian Group, Huaxia did not force it to death, but opened its eyes. Close one eye.
Under such circumstances, China's development is smoother than the original historical trajectory. Anyway, according to the information in Tang Yu's hands, China has already put the problems of tw and the islands of the South China Sea on the agenda.
Of course, the United States is naturally very reluctant, so they have increased their control of South Korea, but the South Korean government dares to speak out and moves closer to China. These political chain reactions are all afterwords, and Tang Yu will never really get involved in these things according to his commitment.
To forcibly extract Japan from the United States' Pacific strategy is what Tang Yu has explained for his Chinese ancestry. After all, he is now in the system space, and the guardian empire is already established in other worlds. He also needs to have his own position. But this is also a very critical step, at least so that the development of China after the summer will not have any constraints.
Afterwards, the United Nations recognized Aurora Island and Sky Island as the official territory of the Guardian Group in a resolution facing all countries. The resolution was adopted with 192 votes in favor and 1 against. There is no doubt that the vote against is poor Indonesia, because whether it is Aurora Island or Sky Island, they are actually their territory. However, they did not even have the courage to protest to Tang Yu, but instead licked their faces to stick to the cold buttocks of the Guardian Group and wanted to join the development work of Sky Island.
The objection only means something. The result cannot be reversed anyway. It is better to get some benefits from other parties. This is what Indonesia is thinking.
Next, there is a huge stolen activity. In this invasion war of the different dimension universe, the invaders left a lot of relics, and these things are completely different from the current human science and technology system! If you can study carefully, it will definitely be a blowout of technology!
These relics include the wreckage of the three air-borne motherships of the Hydera Corps, a large number of corpses of people; there are a large number of copies of the scorpions of Sadako of the village of the ghost road team and the pathogens of the ring virus; ; The weapons left behind by the comprehension of the Tianzimen, and the flying boat.
And most importantly, the floating city of the golden city-state, and a large number of corpses of stone men, Raksha, and Naga Banshee! ! And the wreckage of the Burning Legion Star Destroyer brought by the Dark Blade Council! ! There are even a lot of demonic bodies! !
In addition, the bodies and relics of those experimenters are also very precious. Including the wreckage of the steel lock, the wreckage of Tianxiao, the body of the captured village sadako, the magic sword left by Aqing, etc., are almost beyond count.
Tang Yu is very clear that such a huge amount of things, the Guardian Group is absolutely indigestible, and swallowing these things is the most stupid behavior. There was once an ancient king sage with a white complexion and a handsome appearance who once said,'Building walls with fools and building bridges with wise men', mutual exchange is the greatest help for the development of science and technology.
He spared no effort to make the Guardian Group try not to interfere with the pattern of this world. The purpose is this. These trophies and achievements Tang Yu will share with all countries~EbookFREE.me~ everyone makes progress together. He even said that Tang Yu knew that the United States would retaliate against the Guardian Group sooner or later, and he did not hesitate to share with them.
Tang Yu, backed by the system space, has such a convenience, and still loses to the United States in the competition of science and technology and armament. Then he should not be in the platinum group. On the contrary, the technological blowout caused by such competition is good for Tang Yu.
These loot, Tang Yu left some things that the guardian group can use, mainly the relics of those experimenters, including the bodies of Tian Xiao and others, the captured mountain village Zhenzi, and Aqing’s magic sword, etc. . These things are powerful, and sharing has a bottom line.
But for other things, Tang Yu didn't have so many scruples. Under the proposal of the Guardian Group, the United Nations established a foundation called the Earth Foundation.
Afterwards, the salvage and auction of loot began. On the Bismarck Sea that sank the floating city, several hundreds of thousands of square meters of artificial floating islands were even established to assist in the salvage work. All the relics of the different-dimensional universe invaders salvaged are all auctioned. The main body of the auction is the country. Every country can participate. The highest bidder gets it. The guardian group will not enjoy any privileges here. .
The funds from the auction belong to the Earth Foundation. The funds will first be used for the families and victims of the soldiers who died in the war of the universe invasion of different dimensions. Then it will be used to maintain the universe court. Then, it will be used to offset the losses of countries participating in the war, including the loss of ammunition, equipment, robots, etc. The funds will then be used for post-war reconstruction. Finally, the cost of booty salvage is also paid by this foundation.
In this way, with the relics of different-dimensional universe invaders as the core, a very complete order and interest chain were born.
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