Vol 2 Chapter 1428: Contradiction

Jane Connor said seriously: "If you go to see the rich woman, the old lady's intuition tells me that something will happen 100%!"
"But I have to go!" Tang Yu answered decisively.
Jane Conner was immediately anxious. She lowered her voice and shouted: "Are you still doubting the old lady's intuition?!"
"No, I mean, even if there is danger, I must go! No matter what I face, I will go! If I don't solve some doubts in my heart, I can't find the answer I want in my life. ! Moreover, I must not watch the peacock continue like this!!!" Tang Yu said with a deep voice.
"You crazy! What if those black agents got out of the rich woman you want to see?" Jane Connor said.
"I don't know, fight a chant." After seeing the peacock, Tang Yu seemed to put down the burden on his heart, and he smiled and said, "Just let me be willful once! If we can live out, we will be farther away from the answer near!"
"Huh! Then whatever you want! Anyway, the agent in black is not the old lady!! You are dying too!" Jane Connor snorted heavily and found a place to sit down and said: "This villa As this storage room is safe, the old lady is here! If you can’t, just come over. If it’s blocked, then ask yourself to be more blessed!

Tang Yu nodded, opened the door of the storage room with dignity, and walked out. This villa, which is very gorgeously decorated, now looks to him like a huge beast that has been eaten by others!
Peacock is sitting in front of the computer with anxiety. The man named Murphy before was obviously a supernatural hacker. He could hack into his computer without knowing it and then leave without knowing it. But after he said those seemingly incomprehensible words, there was no more noise.
The string of numbers he gave to the peacock was something, and the peacock did not know. Obviously not a phone number or address, maybe a password? The peacock still has no clue. Moreover, what made her feel a little panicked at this time was what Murphy said. What Tang Yu put in the living room can disrupt the balance of the world?
What kind of things can disrupt the balance of this world? Moreover, what Murphy said, Tang Yu now does not know, really Tang Yu knows, what does this sentence mean? Does Tang Yu have two personalities? Have a dual identity? So what is his other identity? spy? If this is the case, is it a nuclear bomb that can disrupt the balance of the world? biochemical weapon?
It's no wonder that Peacock is thinking wildly, because in her view, things that can affect the entire world are easily associated with this. In addition to the explosion of the Manhattan Bridge last night, Murphy also told her that this was caused when Tang Yu fled. Where does Tang Yu she knows have such a mastery?
What if Tang Yu combined her commitment with her in the last romantic dinner? What Tang Yu said would show him a brand new image, what is his image? Peacock suddenly felt that Tang Yu was so strange, so strange that she was a little scared.
Obviously he is only one step away from happiness! After having dinner together that night, Tang Yu had already accepted her! Obviously from the next day, they will have a new happy life! but……
Just when the peacock was in a state of confusion, suddenly the computer in front of her ran automatically! Peacock watched as the computer automatically opened a text document, and a line of text appeared instantly on it: to the third bedroom downstairs, T.
The heart of the peacock suddenly bumped up like a deer, she only felt a burst of blood flow to her head! Because both of them have a lot of business activities, they use several mobile phone numbers, so when she usually communicates with Tang Yu by SMS, Tang Yu will always add a T at the back to indicate that it is him. In the peacock's heart, there was a sudden panic, excitement, shyness, nervousness, fear... her hands shook suddenly, and tears began to swirl in her eyes.
When I looked at the computer again, I found that the text file had been closed and the screen was as usual. Peacock couldn't calm down anymore, she pushed open the door, suppressed the impulse in her heart with her last reason, looked around, and went quietly downstairs.
Opening the door, I only saw my sweetheart standing in the room! ! The tears in the peacock's eyes could no longer help, and suddenly came out, she desperately threw it up like a moth, and hugged Tang Yu!
Tang Yu was also very excited. He hugged the peacock tightly, and the unique fragrance from the lady rushed to his nose, almost flushing his reason. He took the peacock's cheek and kissed it violently! The two's lips were tightly pressed together, and their two tongues were entangled in their mouths. They kissed so passionately that they didn't even know a spit of saliva dripping from the corners of their mouths.
After having kissed for a long time, Tang Yu just reluctantly parted, and whispered, "Peacock...I..."
"Tang Yu...I'm so scared!" said Peacock with a choked voice. She held Tang Yu's hands tight again, and Tang Yu also held the Yingying Slim Waist in her arms and refused to let go.
"I don't even know what happened... the men in black, the power behind them is terrible... what the happened to you...?" the peacock asked tearfully.
Tang Yu pulled the peacock slightly away, facing her eyes, and said seriously: "They keep saying that I put something in the living room that breaks the balance. I don't know what this thing is, but I guess, with This thing is related!"
With that said, he took out the strange picture before.
The peacock took the picture, and she looked sad for a while. She said quietly, "You still can't forget Song Hana... Tang Yu... Isn't I nothing in your eyes? Did I even die? Can’t compare with the ghost of my soul? I’m willing to give you everything, Tang Yu! But...but..."
Speaking~EbookFREE.me~ Tears remained like broken bead curtains.
"Listen to me, peacock! Not what you think! Actually, I started the investigation after Song Hana died in the car accident! I have been investigating to investigate the cause of her death!" Tang Yu picked up the peacock's perfect line The face of melon seeds said seriously.
The heat on Tang Yu's palm made the peacock's eyes confused, and she asked in doubt: "What are you investigating?"
"Logic! There is still time! This doesn't make sense!!" Tang Yu pointed to the photo and said: "This photo only appeared in recent months, I have never seen it before! You also know Song Hana, you When did you see her like this? And the mech behind the photo! This texture is definitely not a toy! So where was this thing taken? D.VA behind the photo, what do these three letters mean?"
He looked at the peacock and continued: "And, the more I recall Song Hana's life, the more I feel wrong! I have listed my own experience with Song Hana's things I recalled for a time. The table, and then found that the two are completely incompatible! June 15th five years ago, it should be the day of my marriage with her, but that day I should attend an academic seminar in Los Angeles!! My memory will not be wrong ! But there is a contradiction!"
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