Vol 2 Chapter 1446: Prophet's call

1446, the call of the prophet
While Tang Yu and Jane Connor were engaged in demolition work in the virtual training ground, Murphy suddenly received a message. He looked down and frowned, then came to the computer and opened the microphone and said: " Well Tang Yu, Jane, come out and take a break, we have something to do."
Tang Yu, who is fighting in a factory that has been turned into a ruin, looked at each other and suddenly rushed past, bang! ! ! The gigantic mechanical claws around Tang Yu and Jane Connor's fists suddenly collided together, and suddenly there was a loud noise, and a powerful shock wave rumbled in the air! With this burst of shock waves, everything around them disappeared and became a completely white space.
"Smelly girl! Now you know how great it is!!" Tang Yu said with a gasp.
"Fuck your uncle! It's a blessing to be beaten up by my old lady!" Jane Conner also gasped and pointed his at him.
"It's the same as you didn't beat!" Tang Yu couldn't make a move.
"Then I'll call again next time! The old lady had to beat you up to call her mother!" Jane Conner grinned.
Suddenly, the two of them had a flower in front of them, opened their eyes, but what was in their eyes was the cabin of the Nebukanesa suspension spacecraft, the couple of Murphys, Neo and Neo, the three short-haired beauty Trinity. Waiting there.
"What's the matter? Found humans with signs of awakening again?" Tang Yu asked. In fact, in more than a month, he also performed two missions with Murphy, rescued a man from his mother. Controlling the awakened person, and handed over to another spaceship, brought back to Zion.
It is precisely because of Tang Yu and Jane Conner’s incomparable strength that made the rescue operation very smooth, which also made the atmosphere of the entire spaceship Nebu Ganesa a lot easier.
"No, the Prophet has news!" Murphy said in a deep voice.
Tang Yu immediately became serious. He stood up and came to Murphys and took a stool and sat down and asked, "What news?"
"After the last time I met Neo, the Prophet had no news. I thought she would want to see you for the first time after she knew that you had freed her from the shackles of the mother, but she didn't." Murphy Said.
"Can you contact the prophet again? See if you can understand the current situation." Tang Yu asked.
Murphy shook his head and said, "No, every time the prophet wants to see us, she will take the initiative to send us a message. If she doesn't want, then no one can find her."
"Last time when I went to save the peacock, you saw the Prophet. She didn't say that when the time was right, would Neo always know how to do it? Why did he suddenly find us again? What is the so-called opportunity?" Asked, after Murphy returned from the last time, he also told Tang Yu what the prophet said.
With that said, he turned around and asked Neo: "So Neo, have you made any new breakthroughs recently?"
Neo shook his head and said, "Although you all say that I am a savior, I really don't feel anything special about me, except when I am studying faster. On the contrary, I think you and Jane Conner are more Like a savior."
"You are the key to everything, not me and Jane. You still think you are just an ordinary person. That only shows that you are not ready yet. Because only you can enter the source." Tang Yu Shen Sheng He said, and then he thought for a while, "Since the Prophet took the initiative to find us, it must be that she thinks there is something that must be told to us, or what has happened... In short, at this stage, we must still follow the guidance of the Prophet. Let’s go, but on this trip, we must be careful."
Murphy asked: "Since then you said that the prophecy of the savior does not save humanity, why do you still believe in the prophet? And, you never seem to tell me what the prophet wants to do."
Tang Yu thought about it and said, "First of all, you need to be clear. The prophet is still a member of the mother body, so no matter what her ultimate purpose is, it is definitely impossible to be harmful to the mother body."
"So is she an enemy of humanity?" Trinity asked.
Tang Yu looked at this face with some angles, and now the heroic and cool woman, smiled and said: "Does it stand with the mother body, it must be harmful to humans? The prophet is from the perspective of the robot, this is true, but the same , Her purpose is not a bad thing for us humans. Moreover, to achieve our goal, we must rely on the prophet."
Murphy nodded and said, "Then let's prepare, and set off in 20 minutes!"
He said that he patted Tang Yu on the shoulder, and then turned to the microphone and said: "Tank, start the spaceship! Find a relatively safe node and start monitoring the signal of the mother!"
"No problem, boss!" The tank replied. Tang Yu only felt the spaceship tremble, and the suspension engine was ready to start at any time. With the spaceship, he began to move along the sewer system of a huge city ruin. At the same time, the computer on board the spacecraft also began to scan the mother's network signal.
Immediately after entering the parent's network, the spacecraft computer quickly displayed countless codes extending from top to bottom. These codes contained countless information and data. These codes are also the most real side of the parent. The tank tapped quickly on the computer keyboard. After a while, he said: "Okay, I found it. Through this data node, we can enter the mother body."
He said, as soon as he pushed the joystick, the hovering spacecraft immediately circled very flexibly, and stopped steadily under a hidden ruin. A group of antennas extended from the spaceship. "Start sending packets and access the parent network...successful!"
Murphys and Tang Yu and others were ready. They lay on their chairs, and Maus and another crew member Doze began to connect them to the data cables one by one. When Mauss was about to insert a data interface for Tang Yu, Tang Yu suddenly gave him a wink. He smiled and didn't speak, but helped Tang Yu plug the connector.
"Let's go," Murphy said, bowing his head to the tank.
In a deserted urban area that is inaccessible ~EbookFREE.me~ a public phone suddenly sounded a ringtone. Then there was a sudden twist in the air, and seven figures appeared here out of thin air!
Tang Yu, Jane Conner, Murphys, Neo, Trinity, Sever, Ipak, Swich, they are all dressed in black trench coats. Murphy looked at the public phone that was ringing. When he first walked over and picked up the microphone, he said lightly: "We're in, tank."
"Okay, Murphys. The data flow around you looks stable. This piece should be safe. The location provided by the Prophet is three blocks away from you. I suggest you find a car." Came across.
"Okay, keep on alert, tank." Murphy hung up the phone when he finished, turning his head and said, "Tang Yu, you're going to find a car. The three of you, Sever, Apple Parker and Swichie, are here to guard We guard the retreat. Others, go with me to see the Prophet."
"Okay, listen to you, boss!" Sephora pulled the bolt of the Uzi submachine gun in his hand and answered with a smile.
"Wait a moment." Tang Yu said suddenly, "Jane Conner stays too. She stays here and grasps a little bigger."
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