Vol 2 Chapter 1454: Mutations

1454 Variation
I only saw that Neo and Smith both moved very fast, so fast that Tang Yu’s dynamic vision was a bit unclear even now!
When training on the Nebu Ganesha before, Tang Yu had played against Neo. However, although Neo showed the superb learning ability of the savior, he completed Tang Yu’s one-month course in almost one day, but in actual combat, he was not Tang Yu’s opponent at all. He had not yet been able to discover his savior. Due strength.
But the situation is completely different now! Neo actually competed with Smith!
Not only that, now Smith is not an ordinary maternal agent, he actually got a part of the peacock's space power! I only saw Smith constantly sending in the air, constantly appearing behind Neo to attack, and even occasionally there was a tearing space commonly used by peacocks! To be honest, in the face of such a Smith, Tang Yu himself is completely unsure if he does not rely on the mechanical field!
However, Neo, as if he had not known the prophet, fully mastered Smith's movements, and his speed was faster than Smith! He danced countless afterimages with both hands, completely sealing every action of Smith!
There is no doubt that the power of Neo’s savior has really begun to awaken! Tang Yu, who realizes this, is not happy at all, because Neo and Smith have obviously started to contact! If Smith is exposed to Neo’s savior ability, he will be out of control!
But now Neo and Smith are completely entangled, Tang Yu is completely unable to intervene! He looked down and found that Murphy was running wild with Trinity on his back. Behind him, two mother agents were chasing after him, and it was Agent Jones and Agent Brown.
"Tang Yu! Go and help Trinitti! I can get this guy!" Neo saw the mechanical monster and knew Tang Yu was coming, he said loudly.
Tang Yu nodded and replied: "Leave it to me here! Be careful! Don't get too close to Smith!"
After talking, I only saw the mechanical monster transformed into several giant mechanical claws again, and slammed towards the two agents! The two agents evaded the grab as soon as they flashed, and then only saw dozens of machine guns suddenly appear on the mechanical claws, and fired violently in the direction of the two agents! Da Da Da Da Da Da Da! The speed of the agent is also super fast, and actually avoided most of the bullets while running, poof! ! Agent Jones was directly hit by a bullet. At this moment, Agent Brown had rushed over and hit the mechanical claw with a punch!
boom! ! ! The incomparably great power of the agent actually broke the mechanical claw with one punch! But his movements were also a bit slow, and at this moment, Tang Yu had arrived! He swooped down from the mechanical monster and punched Agent Brown with a punch!
Boom! ! Agent Brown was suddenly beaten out! Tang Yuma rushed towards Agent Jones who had just climbed from the ground! A large number of parts were suddenly split from the mechanical monster, assembled in the air, and became several mechanical tentacles, entangled Agent Jones violently. Before he could break free, a large flame swallowed him instantly!
With a bang, a car fuel tank that had just spouted flames fell to the ground, the gasoline was exhausted, and this part was useless. Tang Yu hurried to Murphys and Trinity and asked aloud, "How is Murphys?"
"I'm fine, but Trinity was shot just now, and the situation is not good now!" said Murphy, Tang Yu looked at Trinity, only to see her pale, with a blood hole in the waist, inside There was a lot of blood gurgling.
"Tank! Is there an exit nearby?" Tang Yu asked when he opened his phone.
"There is an exit in the basement next to it. Murphy was also approaching there just now, if you can guarantee the safety of the neighborhood," the tank said.
"I can guarantee." Tang Yu replied in a deep voice.
"Well, you as soon as possible!" The tank finished, and the sound of the phone ringing came from the next door. Tang Yu kicked the broken wall with one foot and walked over to pick up the telephone receiver. Murphy walked over with Trinity. Tang Yu put the receiver on Trinity's ear.
"No! Trinity has lost consciousness! So she can't come back!" the tank said suddenly.
"Then send a batch of medical equipment immediately!" Tang Yu finished and put the handset back on the phone with a click.
"Okay! Do it now!" Within a few seconds after the tank finished speaking, the phone rang again, and Tang Yu answered the phone, only to see a white iron box one meter square suddenly appear beside him. After Tang Yu opened it, he found that it was indeed a variety of advanced medical equipment, which can be said to be everything.
"Morpheus, you have to deal with Trinity's injury quickly! If these things don't work, then just look for Neo! I'll help him first!" Tang Yu snapped.
"Neo can save Trinity?" Murphy was puzzled.
"He is the savior! Don't you believe him yet?" Tang Yu said.
Murphy nodded and immediately took an epinephrine from the medical box and injected it into Trinity's body, only to see her face slightly recovered.
Tang Yu also turned back and looked at the terrifying battle ahead. But just after he got the job of Agent Jones and Agent Brown, Neo had completely suppressed Smith! I only saw Neo's speed is faster, more powerful, and the prediction is more accurate! Even if Smith got some space power from the peacock, it was not Neo's opponent at all!
"Good job! Neo." Tang Yu whispered, and then he frowned, and found that Agent Brown, who had been beaten, had rushed over again. He waved his hand slightly, and the mechanical monsters immediately scattered numerous mechanical parts and assembled four or five strange robots in front of him, and these robots were filled with various machine guns!
Da Da Da Da! Countless bullets instantly suppressed Agent Brown! However, at this moment of distraction, Tang Yu looked at the scene in the past ~EbookFREE.me~ but it made him stunned! I only saw Neo's lightning punch, Bang Bang punched several consecutive punches on Smith, and then rushed towards Smith!
"Asshole! I tell you to stay away from him!" Tang Yu suddenly roared in shock.
However, it was one step late, and Neo suddenly slammed into Smith! Then Smith screamed suddenly, countless rays of light shot from him, and his body began to tear! Immediately after the explosion, Smith instantly crushed his bones, leaving no residue at all!
"What the are you thinking! Why are you doing this!" Tang Yu roared loudly at Neo.
Neo looked at his hands with some doubt, and it seemed that some of them did not respond. He murmured: "I think that only in this way can the agents be completely eliminated... now in my eyes... what I see seems to be not It’s the same... that agent, he is a set of codes... I directly destroyed this set of codes, so he disappeared..."
Tang Yu closed his eyes and shook his head. So, is this necessity? Under certain conditions, certain people will make certain choices! Even if Tang Yu didn't want Smith to awaken or let Smith and Neo contact, so as to escalate into a virus, but he still failed to stop it!
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