Vol 2 Chapter 1569: Time and space of change

1569. Changing time and space
While talking, blinking and turning around suddenly said: "The sunspots are back." After that, she raised her hand to open a gap in time and space, and then a man who looked like he was about thirty years old rushed over in embarrassment. Behind him was a sentry!
The sentinel robot's arm turned into a thorn and slammed into it, and the peacock's figure appeared next to him, pulling him away! At the same time, the flashing also closed the space-time crack, only to see the arm of this sentry robot was suddenly cut off by the enclosed space and fell to the ground.
Peacock raised her hand, she just pulled the man, and her palm was burned. Tang Yu walked over, took out a bottle of first aid spray and sprayed it on her palm.
"Uh... I'm sorry, and, um, thank you for saving me." The person said, he reached out to the peacock, "My name is Sunspot, um, it doesn't matter, now I'm not hot anymore."
Tang Yu walked over to replace Peacock and shook his hand and said: "Hello, my name is Tang Yu, this is Peacock, this is Zhou Qing. We are here to find Professor X."
"Why are you so anxious to find Professor X? What do you want to do?" Bishop was still a little wary.
"We came to this time and space, not to hide from Tibet, nor to save a person here, to save a person there, I came to find a solution to the problem!" Tang Yu said.
"The way to solve things is to eliminate all sentinels! And the bastions!" Bishop said sarcastically, "I can't even do the things in front of me, what else do I want to do?"
"What is a bastion?" Zhou Qing asked.
"Sentinel's master brain! The supercomputer that controls all the sentries! But no one knows what this thing looks like and where." Bishop replied.
"The bastion is a super sentry robot. If it comes out in person, I am afraid that we may not be able to fight together. But fortunately, because it wants to control these sentries, it generally does not move. Well, don’t waste time. That’s it! Everything I see when I see Professor X!" Tang Yu said impatiently.
"Don't be a thing! I don't know that Bishop is that way!" Tang Yu was finally angry, he said loudly: "Look at what you are doing now? Hiding Tibet! Hiding Tibet! This will eliminate the sentry. End the war? The sentinel database will only be more and more perfect, and you will not have any chance by the end of next year at the latest!!! So, take me to see Professor X! Otherwise, I will find him myself! But in the process The wasted time is everyone's life!"
"I don't think they are bad people, Bishop." Blink also came over and said.
Sunspot found the dispute here, and came over and asked, "Hey, what happened to me?"
"They must see Professor X." Bishop said.
Sunspot said with some surprise: "Why are you looking for Professor X? Isn't he seriously injured yet awake?"
"What are you talking about!" Tang Yu jumped up like an electric shock and rushed over to grab the sunspot's shoulder and said aloud: "You say it again!!! What's the matter again! What's wrong with Professor X?"
Although the sunspots are a little unhappy, but feeling the life-saving grace of the peacock just now, they said patiently: "Six months ago, the professor was attacked by an extreme mutant and seriously injured, and he has not yet awakened."
"This is impossible!!!" Tang Yu said aloud, "In this time and space that I know, the professor should at least live well by 2023!!!"
As he let go of his hands, he said to himself incredulously: "No! This is impossible! If the plot changes, that would not be the way!! Is there a mistake in this time and space? Or is it the butterfly effect? ​​No... …Why exactly?!"
"Hello! What do you know?" Bishop asked frowning.
Tang Yu stared at him sharply and said, "Who is the main person now? Magneto? Take me to see him! Immediately! Immediately!!! This matter is very rare!!! Space and time, there may be changes!!! This is not what I can understand The time and space we arrived in!!"
"In this case……"
"Don't talk nonsense to me!!! I know that Professor X's injury makes you suspicious, but now I don't have time to with you here! Don't make me angry, Bishop!!!" Tang Yu's tone is endless anger.
Bi Xiaopu stared at Tang Yu deadly for a long time, and then shouted violently: "Sunspots!!"
"Understood!" Sunspot raised his hands, his skin suddenly turned completely black, and endless flames appeared on his body! This is awesome, the power of the sun! Immediately afterwards, he stretched out his hand and pointed at Bishop, only to see that a powerful energy suddenly emanated from his hands, shining on Bishop!
Bishop's body absorbed this extremely powerful energy like a sponge. His body began to emit a strong light, and even his muscles became larger. And the gun that looks like an energy guide in the hand is also brewing a powerful energy!
Then he turned his head to look at Tang Yu and said in a low voice: "I'll take you to see Magneto, but don't think about tricks!"
In Tang Yu's scan, Bishop's current energy response has even surpassed the sentinel robot, and he has greatly increased both power and speed. This is Bishop's ability! He can absorb any form of energy and amplify it for his own use.
The sunspot's ability is to continuously absorb solar energy and store it. He releases his energy to Bishop. Through Bishop's amplification, the power will reach a terrible level!
Uh! ! Blinking and reaching out to open a crack in time and space, only to see the other side of the crack, but it was a snow-capped mountain.
Bi Xiaopu held the gun in his hand and shook Tang Yu, beckoning him to advance. Tang Yu also walked into the crack without hesitation, followed by Peacock and Zhou Qing.
Just after passing through the crack, a dark and non-reflective dagger was pointed at Tang Yu's throat. Only an Indian with a painted face was standing on the side of Tang Yu with a dagger, looking at him coldly .
Also standing beside the peacock is another young mutant in his thirties ~ EbookFREE.me ~ his hands are condensed with a force of cold frost, always alert. Behind Zhou Qing, stood a man with steel all over his body.
A spirited old man with a dark complexion and silver hair standing opposite them. Soon, sunspots, Bishop and Shimmer also passed through the portal and stood behind Tang Yu and others. Tang Yu and they were completely surrounded.
"Magnetic King." Tang Yu looked at the old man, Shen Sheng said.
"Tell me your intentions, young people. And, I believe your reasons." Magneto said coldly. His eyes looked like a torch. Although his face was old, the momentum of the world was not weakened.
"My original intention was to ask you for help, but also to help you. But now, the situation seems to have changed and things have become more complicated." Tang Yu said.
"This answer does not make me believe you, young man." Magneto said.
Tang Yu Shen Sheng said: "Time and space have changed, and Professor X's injury may have other hidden meanings. I don't need your belief, but I need to know what happened!"
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