Vol 2 Chapter 1588: Bishop Bai-Tang Yu

1588, Bishop Bai-Tang Yu
Edward Buckman paused very vigorously, and then bowed slightly towards the surroundings, saying: "As always, the purpose of our Hellfire Club is always only one-change this world, promote this world, and evolve this world! So We have always welcomed top-notch elites with vision and insight into our ranks. Today, we will usher in a new partner! A partner with the knowledge to change the world-Mr. Tang Yu!"
I only saw that light hit Tang Yu immediately, making him very conspicuous in this darkness.
To highlight Tang Yu, Edward’s lights have been extinguished. He said in the dark: "Mr. Tang Yu suddenly burst like a supernova. His understanding and research of nuclear energy, and even his knowledge of mechanical engineering are far beyond At least 20 years in this era! To this end I asked a lot of experts and doctors for their opinions. They thought that Mr. Tang Yu’s understanding, even they themselves, could not keep up with the rhythm. Although there were correspondences, the exchanges between the two parties were completely absent. On a grade. Even said that if you help, we can even make breakthrough progress in the use of nuclear energy within 2 years! So I think that Mr. Tang Yu is exactly the kind of person our hellfire club needs... ...The kind of person who changed the world!!"
Pappapap... There was a round of applause around, but it seemed that the applause was not so enthusiastic because there were not many people.
"Maybe Mr. Tang Yu doesn’t know much about Hellfire Club, but soon you will learn about the power we have and change the world, it’s not just talking. If you can be a member of us, you and your industry You will get a huge amount of funding. We can make you a billionaire within a month. Money is just a number, and what we really have is the power to change the world! And you, Mr. Tang Yu, I believe You can make our strength even stronger!" Edward said enthusiastically.
Tang Yu smiled and pointed to the white bishop's badge on his chest and asked, "What does this mean?"
"Council-of-the-Chosen! The true core of the Hellfire Club!" Edward raised his hands and pointed to this huge round table. "The Hellfire Club is a huge organization, but qualified to sit Here, and it is only us, the decision-maker council!"
"We use chess as our name, I am the White King, and Lord Dennis Rockefeller is the Black King. Next is the White Queen, Paris Sevilla, the Black Bishop Sebastian Shaw, and White Car, Steven Lang... If you are willing to join this big family, this is your name and your status-Bishop Bai!" In addition to these people, Edward also introduced Tang Yu one by one Others on the round table.
"I haven't agreed to join, so I am anxious to introduce the core members to me, don't you worry?" Tang Yu said lightly. In his view, Edward Buckman can be regarded as an exquisite figure, but the feeling of vanity and impetuousness is beyond words, which is in stark contrast to Sebastian Shaw, who is very calm there.
"Ha ha ha ha." Edward laughed, "Hellfire Club is not a secret cult organization, we are all unknown in the circle of high-profile people. So, you don't care too much. So, Mr. Tang Yu, I Sincerely invite you to join our Hellfire Club and become our White Bishop, would you?"
Before Tang Yu could answer, suddenly a voice interrupted Edward’s words, "Please wait a moment, Lord Edward." Tang Yu looked at it, but it was Dennis Rockefeller who had conflicted with him at the door. He is also the Black King of Hellfire Club.
Although the scene was dark except for Tang Yu being illuminated by lights, Tang Yu still clearly saw the sarcasm in the corner of Dennis Rockefeller's mouth, "I have a proposal, Mr. Tang Yu. Your research on nuclear energy, and Regarding machine automation... Well, let me spread the word. The research on robots is very, very good. You are the best and most advanced scientist I have ever seen. How about coming to our Rockefeller company? Willing to pay you 10 million dollars a year! How?
Tang Yu calculated slightly, according to the US dollar, which is still the gold standard system, 10 million US dollars equals 8 tons of gold! In the future, if the price of the gold of Shihuaxia is calculated, it is equivalent to more than 2 billion RMB! ! This is really, an unimaginable huge sum! And so much every year! ! Sure enough, as soon as the price was raised, there were even some amazing sounds around.
It seems that Tang Yu has already started to move, Dennis continued: "I noticed that in addition to making some small investments in Luling Town, you are also buying land in the Permian Basin? You want to do it in a place where the bird does not What? Open a dinosaur park? Hahahahaha..."
He smiled sarcastically, "Maybe your... well, the future of'Don's Dinosaur Park' is a great park comparable to Disney's, but that is an unreachable future after all. One point to one point to make money, why not So tired? Isn’t it good to grab your own now? It’s $10 million per year, you can get it when you lie down. What do you think? If you are not satisfied, my door will open at any time, this price ~www.mtlnovel .com~You can talk to me at any time."
Tang Yu responded with a cold smile: "I'm sorry, Dennis, maybe my "dinosaur park" can really become a park beyond Disney, I really can't bear it. So, this is 10 million US dollars per year, you keep It’s better to support the elderly. I think you will really miss the money in the future."
Dennis Rockefeller's face suddenly became very ugly. He slowly said: "Are you... toasting and not eating fines? Mr. Tang Yu."
"It seems that the Rockefeller banner is not always useful, Dennis." Sebastian Shaw said lightly next to him.
Tang Yu was too lazy to care about this person. He turned his head to Edward Buckman and said, "It looks like I'm really taken in by a great organization. Well, I promised you an invitation and would like to be a hellfire club. A member of, as... Bishop Bai!"
"Hahahahaha!" Edward laughed heartily. When he applauded first, he did not forget to give Dennis a round. "The temptations of His Excellency Dennis just now really tested your true heart, Mr. Tang Yu! You! Sure enough, he is a person who does a big job! Then, you are welcome to join! Bishop Bai......Tang Yu!"
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