Vol 2 Chapter 1661: The end of X-Team

1661, the end of the X-team
Chaos is still spreading, and robots suddenly lose control and fire at other robots. Within a few minutes, more than a dozen robots were destroyed and collapsed to the ground.
"Bird's beak, Chris Bradley." Tang Yu sneered, and turned his head to explain to Sebastian Shaw: "His ability is to use electricity to control machinery, which is of little use, I'll get it done Right."
As he stepped forward, he instantly took over the control of the robots in the front row. He immediately felt that there was a force competing for the control of the robot, but although the strength of the mechanical field could not be compared with the ability of Magneto , But the ability to squeeze the beak is stress-free.
Sebastian Xiao looked at Tang Yu, "I'm very interested in you, you don't have the X gene in your body, but you still have such a special ability, and it is also very powerful..."
"I also want to know the reason." Tang Yu said while under his control, the robots again turned their direction and walked towards the underground space. He saw a figure hiding in the shadows and fleeing. Immediately, several robots were shooting wildly in that direction, da da da! Da da da! ! Countless machine gun bullets immediately poured over, and then only heard a scream of screams in front!
Then several robots walked over and dragged a man like a dog, his right leg was directly interrupted by bullets, blood was flowing, and his mouth was still screaming. Tang Yu walked over, took out the first aid spray and sprayed it against his wound, and quickly stopped the blood. The anesthetic drug in the spray also relieved the pain. This person was lying on the ground and couldn't stop gasping. Scream again.
"You are Chris Bradley?" Tang Yu asked, kicking him lightly. The man nodded weakly.
"What does this place do? Where is Logan? And where is Kella?" Tang Yu continued to ask.
Chris suddenly shivered all over, probably because of fear, he said with a trembling voice: "Logan is indeed here... this place is hell... hell..."
"Now that you are safe, these robots will protect you. Now tell me, is this the place where William Stryker conducts mutant experiments? Is Stryker here?" Tang Yu asked sharply.
Chris was still trembling. He looked at the G-1 fighters around him. He was a little calm in his heart, and then suddenly burst into tears! A man in his thirties was crying like this. After crying for a while, he sobbed and said, "I... I have to do what they say... otherwise I will be like Victor and Wade. Like them, they are treated as guinea pigs!!! Wow..."
Hearing that the mutants were treated like this, Sebastian Shaw's face changed drastically, and he stepped forward and shouted: "What experiment are they doing!? Say!!!"
"They...William Stryker...He was thinking of fusing different mutants together! Combined into super mutants with several abilities... He collected the remains of the meatballs and extracted the genes directly Injected into Victor's body...then...then...oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo aable'' Chris seemed to be remembering a terrible scene
"No wonder Victor's previous body can even resist the shooting of large-caliber machine gun bullets! It turns out that he has integrated the genes of meatballs!" Tang Yu exclaimed, "So who else is here now?"
"In addition to those few test items, there was only the dead woman, and Keira was with William Stryker... there were originally more than 100 mercenaries, and they went to meet..." Rees Bradley said, looking at the robots around him, and he soon understood how the mercenaries ended.
"Oh, it seems that the X-Team is all over." Tang Yu sneered, and this ending was no surprise. Although when he first came to this world, the X-Team was very powerful. The lineup of X-Team with Wolverine, Deadpool and Death Girl was very strong, and there were almost no dead ends. Even the Hellfire Club did not dare to provoke them easily. .
But with the passage of time, the X-Men led by Charles has been recruiting, and with the help of Izumo's Theta, there is no bottom line to use mind control, and its strength has expanded dramatically. Although the Hellfire Club also suffered some losses, Tang Yu’s robot corps also began to take shape, and now the X-Team has become the most vulnerable.
Coupled with the surprise attack by Tang Yu and Empress White, it happened that the X-Team was caught by surprise, killing Meatball, Phantom and Agent Zero, seriously wounding the Saber-Tooth Tiger, and then defeating the vengeful Wolverine and Wade . After two battles, the X-Team was broken by each, and it was already falling apart.
"Let's go!" Tang Yu waved his hand and led the robot corps into the underground laboratory. The scale of this laboratory was several times larger than the laboratory that Tang Yu saw in the Jiuli Cape Nuclear Power Plant site. There are dozens of cultivation tanks lined up with a large number of mutants inside.
I only saw that these variants are all naked, their bodies are incomplete, and they seem to have undergone a very cruel biopsy! Some people's chests are opened, the internal organs are exposed, and they are still creeping! Most of these mutants are not dead. They looked at Tang Yu and the Robot Corps passing by with praying eyes~EbookFREE.me~ I only hope Tang Yu can give them a happy heart!
Sebastian Shaw and Torrent's breathing was quick, full of anger at this tragic scene!
"William... Stryker...!!! After catching him... I will tell him what is the real hell!!! I will give him ten times what he has done to these mutants!!! "Xiao roared.
"There will be this opportunity!" Tang Yu's heart was very angry when he saw this scene. This is an experiment that completely wiped out human nature! !
As he continued to walk forward, he said, "This underground base has no other exits, and he can't run away! Let's go! Emma's sister and Wolverine are there, we have to rescue them! There is the Master of Illusions, he is our card against Charles Xavier!"
However, at this moment, suddenly there were loud noises on the ground! boom! boom! boom! ! Among Tang Yu's photon computers, he found that the robots that were left on the ground and fighting the US military garrison forces were suddenly destroyed in pieces!
Then suddenly the figure flashed! A stunningly beautiful woman suddenly appeared before them! ! It's... Peacock! !
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