Vol 2 Chapter 1726: Political transaction

1726 Political transactions
Tang Yu crossed his fingers with his hands on his chin for a moment, and Shen Sheng said: "No! At least until my plan is completed, I will never trust David! The things he gives, except for materials, can be used. Don't touch other technologies!"
Trask suddenly moved, "Mr. Tang Yu, is this too harsh?"
"No...not harsh! But we have a new enemy...Essex! This company may be more dangerous than Sita!"
"Essex? I haven't heard of it..." Trask thought for a while, "I have counted powerful companies and groups in this world, but there is absolutely no company called Essex!"
"If anything, this company should be in the UK. Then we must mobilize people to the UK to conduct a thorough investigation! Be sure to dig out the old bottom of the Essex company! The most important thing is not to let them back behind! The most important thing now is The thing is still to destroy Theta and establish a new order. Once these two things are done, my true power will come to this world!"
Trask nodded and said, "I see."
"How is the U.S. interim government now?" Tang Yu asked.
"The situation went very well. The Vice President was furious at the Rockefeller family because of their mistakes, and almost caused Elginsky to be captured. Once Elginsky fired the missile, it was a disastrous consequence no matter where the missile landed. And he was also very annoyed by the Rockefeller family’s previous small moves. Now that Lockheed’s stock has been severely set back, they are likely to give up Lockheed.
Trask replied.
"The sentry MK-4 they made, was it checked? What is the problem?"
"Checked, there are two main problems. The first is that in the identification of the enemy and the enemy, these robots can not distinguish the difference between the controlled US military and the US military stationed at the base. Second, there is a problem with the structure of these robots. When impacted or shaken, the springs of the suspension system will fall off, and then they will break off from the waist. One or two on the battlefield does not matter, but if it appears on a large area, it will really become scrap iron." Terra Said Sk.
Tang Yu tapped on the table with his fingers, "If it is a problem of enemy identification, it can be said that it is a software error. This is not surprising at the level of Lockheed. But the problem with the suspension system... Are they idiots? Dare to send to the battlefield without any stress test and limit test?"
"According to the information I collected, it is almost like this. They want to complete this brand new combat robot before us, to avoid us being a big player in the market." Trask said.
Tang Yu nodded and said, "Then let's take this opportunity to take the Lockheed company and give it to the Japanese Shida Consortium. I will say it to the vice president."
"Leave it to the Japanese?"
"Well, let's pass the risk. The US government does not want the Guardian Group to become a huge trust. This time I went to Japan and almost got the Shishida Consortium handed over to them. In addition, this move just happened to the Shishida Consortium. Push it to the front and let them help us produce robots." Tang Yu said.
"Do you have any plans?" Trask asked.
Tang Yu nodded, "First of all, I am pulling up the Guardian Group step by step. There are no problems here, including that Essex has not penetrated our forces. Otherwise, I will not be determined. Tian Cai consortium made an article, then since that is the case, their conspiracy will definitely be concentrated in the recent changes in our group. The biggest change, except for the David company, is the acquisition of Lockheed."
He paused and continued: "So even if the other party moves, they can only do things in Lockheed and David's company. By then, I will just cut this part out. And As long as they have action, they will definitely go to the front desk, then it will be easy to say."
Trask was still a little uneasy, "Cut it off? What if it can't be cut by then?"
Tang Yu smiled confidently, "Anyway, it is the robot business. I have never had a problem with robots." Of course, he has absolute confidence, even if the Essex company has penetrated the Yasuda consortium? The big deal is that Lockheed doesn't want it. And as long as there is a black day code, the produced robot will be there, sooner or later, it will be his, so that he will be invincible!
The aircraft landed at Los Angeles International Airport. Tang Yu went to the command center of the U.S. interim government and met the U.S. vice president who was in charge of the overall situation.
Seeing Tang Yu coming, the Vice President suddenly showed a happy face and came over and said, "Mr. Tang Yu, I have been waiting for you for a long time."
Tang Yu smiled and said: "Oh, let you wait for a long time. Because we are busy analyzing the data of the sentry robot MK-4, so it is a few days late. But I did not want to know the problem of this robot. Hurry up."
Upon hearing the sentry MK-4, the vice president's face suddenly became somber, "What's wrong with this robot!!"
Tang Yu repeated the question that Trask said just now, and then said: "This kind of robot is very immature and really unsuitable for cooperation as the main battle unit."
The Vice President gave a fierce punch on the desk and said sharply: "Jack Rockefeller Jr.!!!!!! Whether it is order competition or commercial competition, he has crossed the border!!! The Rockefeller family should also converge. Alright!!"
He whispered again and again, and then he calmed down and said to Tang Yu: "For what you want to buy Lockheed, you will get the support of the US government. But you need to fully consider antitrust laws. ,you know what I mean."
Tang Yu nodded and said, "I have had some cooperation with the Japanese Shida Consortium before, so I suggest that this acquisition should be completed by the Shi Shida Consortium. The Guardian Group only has a 20% stake in Lockheed."
The vice president thought for a while and said with a smile: "Your plan is very interesting. Well, Japanese, you know, they have been just a dog since World War II. Well, I will put pressure on them over the Japanese government , Can guarantee that Lockheed’s technology will not be outflowed, so that these Japanese people still work for us in the end, ha ha ha."
At this time, his mood has also improved a lot~ EbookFREE.me~ He glanced at Tang Yu and said: "Then I represent the US government and the US Department of Defense, I once again make a request to you, I hope you can accept the military Fang’s orders produce combat robots.
His tone is unquestionable, and Tang Yu also understands that as an enterprise, he can bargain with the country, but he must never refuse military orders. It was the first time in history that the Vice President could be rejected by him.
Tang Yu's face was suddenly dignified, he said very seriously: "It's no problem to accept the order, but once we accept the military robot order, then this may be the beginning of the Third World War, do you really want to do this? Once the war no longer needs to bleed, just let the robot fight, then to what extent will such a proxy war be terrible, have you thought about it?"
"The issue of war is not considered by you alone. But I understand that you are also a good heart. I can promise you that we will never use the Robot Corps when there is no security threat in the United States." The vice president said.
"Then I will add one more request. I hope that the Robot Legion is controlled by an independent foundation and an independent command department, and these robots need to be given priority to deal with the security issues that the police cannot handle. For example, mutants, or Some ordinary people with different abilities..." Tang Yu said.
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