Vol 2 Chapter 1740: 1 day war

1740, a day of war
After the Guardian Group began airdrop operations in Cuba, the world was stunned! Because the Guardian Group is fighting, all of them are robots!
Moreover, the combat methods of these robot corps are completely unreasonable. They are directly airdropped on every valuable target in Cuba. As long as they land, they will cause huge damage. The AK-47 automatic rifle equipped by the Cuban army is difficult to harm these robots. It must use heavy firepower such as artillery or rocket launchers. Even people are very surprised that the guerrillas use small and powerful weapons and magnetic anti-tank mines against these robots. Nothing happens at all!
Even fighting in the tropical rainforest is desperate. Cuban soldiers hidden in the jungle will be locked in position by the robot as soon as they fire, and countless bullets are poured over, giving no chance at all! And those terrible killers in the tropical rain forest, including mosquitoes, damp heat, viruses, etc., have no effect on robots!
This is the robot! Terrible cold killer!
Finally, when the picture taken by a field reporter was broadcast on TV, the fear of robots in the entire human society suddenly reached its peak! I only saw hundreds of robots surrounding a Cuban armor company. The robots rushed into the front of the armor company with violent artillery and slaughtered the cooperative infantry. The turrets of those T-34/85 tanks turned The speed can't keep up with the speed of these robots!
After the infantry was eliminated, these famous tanks during World War II were actually overturned by robots one by one! Four or five robots can overturn a tank!
The night after the fighting broke out, Cuban leaders asked the Soviet Union to come to mediation, because the fighting was completely unsustainable! In fact, if the two sides opened up to fight, these more than 10,000 robots are really not enough for the 100,000 Cuban regular army to fight. After all, they all have only light weapons. But the most terrifying point is that these robots are distributed throughout the island of Cuba by airdrop! Under such circumstances, the artillery and armored forces of the Cuban army could not function at all. The defenders everywhere were destroyed by robots, and the losses were extremely heavy.
Plus the Air Force fighter that was shot down by something unknown! It wasn't until this time that countries around the world reacted... Cuban defeated? Was it just beaten by a company? Just one day?
The leaders of the Soviet Union were also furious. They vowed to send troops directly to intervene in the war in Cuba, but everyone knows what he said. After all, Cuba is in the back garden of the United States. The Soviet Union cannot really send troops directly. What's more, the US government came to have nothing to do with themselves. They just said to the public that they didn't know it. It was Tang Yu who took the company's own brain and went to Cuba.
And indeed, no US troops appeared on the battlefield. All transport planes and robots were painted with the guardian group logo. According to Americans, this is Tang Yu's personal behavior. The robots were made by him. If you are unhappy in the Soviet Union, go to Tang Yu's trouble.
But with Cuba's admonition, even the Americans themselves now feel that the situation is not right. On the first day of the war, the US Department of Defense held several meetings urgently, focusing on the role of robots in this battle. And they came to a conclusion that was a bit scary-if the target of the Guardian Group is the United States, then perhaps a robot army of about 500,000 is enough to completely collapse the defense of the entire United States! The sparsely populated United States really has no resistance to such unreasonable airdrop tactics!
This result makes the United States feel extremely frightened of the Guardian Group. They never thought that the robot was so terrible anyway! But the Guardian Group is like a Pandora's Box, and once opened, it can no longer be kept! In the past, the U.S. government wanted the Guardian Group to help them fight this war. The Cuban people are more tenacious, and it is possible to delay the battle for four or five months, right?
In this way, they can slowly whistle with the Soviet Union at the negotiating table and pressure them to destroy the missiles sent to Cuba directly, and then the Guardian Group contributes money. The Soviet Union Cuba suffered a big loss, and the United States just picked up Ready-made.
But Tang Yu didn't follow the script at all! Cuban beat down on the first day, how many months? Can this still be fun together? What makes the US government even more frustrating is that when preparing for war, they assisted the Guardian Group according to the standard of long-term fighting. They helped the Guardian Group set up a large number of robot production lines, and the parts and raw materials of the robots piled up. In addition, a large number of C-46 transport aircraft left over from World War II were retired, and then the Guardian Group was accepted at a very low price.
With the plan given to them by Tang Yu, at least 100,000 robots have to be used back and forth, but now even one tenth of them are used, they won Cuba, but the remaining materials and production lines are all in the Guardian Group. Hold it in your hand! And who knows whether Tang Yu will really brainstorm, and then let these robots subvert the American regime? And don't say it, it seems that he really has a chance to succeed! !
Finally, the impulse to launch a nuclear bomb at the Grand Canyon base was suppressed. The US Vice President anxiously found Tang Yu and hoped to deal with the aftermath with him. How to get rid of it? To put it bluntly, the vice president's subtext is that we gave you too many things before, and when you are full, you will become, and you will come back a little bit.
However, it’s not easy to spit out what you eat. Tang Yu’s answer is also very direct. How much was the US government’s attitude at first, and how much it was used to win, this is my skill. I can’t because I played too much. Pretty, you not only have no reward, but in turn, I need something for you?
After the two of them twitched for a while~EbookFREE.me~ Tang Yu came up with an alternative plan. The Guardian Group was willing to give up these parts and raw materials enough to produce 90,000 robots, but the condition is that these robots must all belong to the X Foundation and the X Force. .
According to the previous agreement, the X Foundation is responsible for the development and manufacture of robots, and the X Force is responsible for the deployment and use of robots, and is an independent department dedicated to public security issues that cannot be solved by ordinary people everywhere, especially mutants. Now that the robots are handed over to these two departments, it is natural for Tang Yu to see its success, and for the US government, it is also an acceptable solution.
Then after other places, such as policies, talents, etc., had many benefits, Tang Yu left Los Angeles with great satisfaction and returned to the Grand Canyon base. Now that the plan is going well, the third world war cannot be fought in a short period of time, and he also has enough time and energy to establish a new order.
But to achieve this goal, we first need to do a very important thing-balance!
After leaving the nano-robot avatar walking around at the base of the Grand Canyon, Tang Yu flew secretly towards the Arctic Circle on his own aircraft, target, Soviet Union, Kremlin!
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