Vol 2 Chapter 1769: surrender

1769, Surrender
If this terrible army of robots, this huge hell-like robot, and the guardian group are not connected now, it must be a fool.
Now people are thinking about a question. Where did this terrible legion obviously belong to this era? Of course, this is not the most important question. The most important question is, what should he do when Tang Yu returns?
With a long sigh, the US President called the Department of Defense and said, "What do you think?"
"I think we should launch nuclear bombs at once!" the Defense Secretary said decisively.
"Is this your opinion, or someone else's opinion?" The president's eyes flashed coldly.
"It is the result of the discussion among several of our military generals." The Minister of Defense said.
The US President looked back at the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency standing next to him. The Director nodded at him to make a color. He immediately thought in his heart and said with a sneer: "If this giant war machine comes out, then I will consider this proposal. But now, I order you to arrest the person who first made this opinion immediately! The CIA People will be here soon, you understand what I mean."
The Secretary of Defense was stunned for a moment, but he immediately wanted to understand the joints. He waved his hand and saw only a few heavily armed gendarmes coming in from outside the door. He followed his fingers directly to kick him at the beginning to launch nuclear missiles. 'S senior staff was arrested.
"You... what are you doing with me? What are you doing with me?" the staff screamed loudly, struggling violently.
"Take him to the military police camp to interrogate carefully, the CIA people came to let them find a place to die qie. The army's affairs the army solves by itself!" The defense minister snorted.
Then he reconnected the phone with the president and said, "Your Excellency, what is happening now, I think if our army is going to defeat this robot corps..." He glanced at the gluttonous food on the screen step by step near the base of the Grand Canyon Mech, silently wiped a cold sweat, "I think we have to be ready to wipe the entire Colorado from the map at any time."
"Then don't fight, start negotiations." The US President said lightly.
The Defense Minister was stunned for a moment, "You mean...we are negotiating? Surrendered?"
"Do you want the children of our country to fight against this thing?" the president said.
The Minister of National Defense looked at the screen and was slowly advancing. Every step would cause a gluttonous mecha that caused a small earthquake and suddenly became silent.
The president sighed and said, "Okay, when I established the interim government as vice president, I had some dealings with Tang Yu anyway. Maybe my face will work... this fight can't be fought again. Going down, we have no capital to fight a full-scale war."
"Then how can you be sure that Tang Yu is capable of fighting a full-scale war?" the Defense Minister asked with some unease.
"Is this important?" The President of the United States took him back in a sentence and then hung up.
Dididi, the communicator sounded. This is the contact information that Tang Yu left when he was a director of the Guardian Group, and it is basically open to the top of the world. But Tang Yu has not received it, but cut off the communication directly. It is not the time to take care of these people.
In fact, after this army appeared in the portal, not only the President of the United States, but also the leaders of many countries including the Soviet Union, China, France, and the United Kingdom kept contacting him. The purpose is self-evident. The United States is here to beg for mercy; most of the Soviet Union wanted to continue half of the previous cooperation, and by the way send some gold to send some beautiful women; other countries, most of them come to get oil and water.
But these are not the key points. Tang Yu is now waiting for a person's communication, or a robot's communication.
The endless stream of T-2 combat robots continued to come out of the portal, and then lined up on the vast hills, standing quietly. This time he sent only one gluttonous mecha, and the rest were all T-2 combat robots. The tanks, planes and artillery did not bring anything. This is a compromise between him and Fox Immortal. Otherwise, Fox Immortal would rather turn his face. Agree to send troops.
However, this is enough. Although Tang Yu doesn't know that the T-2 combat robot has been called a demon robot by people in this world, he can roughly guess. This kind of robot, which is the core armament and the frontline armament in the Guardian Empire, can hardly be said to be cannon fodder. But the cannon fodder is also a high-level cannon fodder. It was put in the sixties, the proper killer, the unsolvable kind.
The gluttonous mech is still advancing step by step, the speed is very slow, and it seems to be very consistent with its huge body. But this is only the result of Tang Yu's deliberate control. In fact, if you run at full strength, the speed of the gluttonous mech is much faster than that of the T-2 combat robot, which can almost reach 80-100 kilometers per hour!
Big things must be slow, in fact this is just an illusion for many people. Perhaps a giant weapon platform such as gluttony is a bit less flexible, but if it rushes, the straight line speed is not slower than anything. BNK-3R is also the same reason, don't look at it usually lazy in the air, really want to launch hard, this 60s supersonic fighter really can not catch up with it.
In fact, Tang Yu did not plan to really start a war in this world. Fox Immortal is actually right. In the current situation, attacking the world of "X-Men" is totally worthless, not to mention there is also a diamond team The bastion of level strength is staring at the side. Therefore, his idea from the beginning was to intimidate these people, so he said that he had asked Fox Immortal to send a gluttonous mecha.
As for the thousands of American soldiers who died in the battle near the previous portal, Tang Yu only died when they were scared.
The American soldiers in the direction of the base of the Grand Canyon have already run away, and the only 200,000 robot corps left by the X-force are constantly deploying defense lines. When the gluttonous mecha was less than one kilometer away from the base, Tang Yu saw from a distance that the robots under construction were suddenly stopped, and they stood still.
Immediately afterwards, Tang Yu's communication came, not the communicator, but the bracelet of the system.
Tang Yu smiled at Jane Connor and said, "Look, the Lord is here."
"Hurry up~EbookFREE.me~ Hurry up! You called the old lady far away to cooperate with you to set up a POSE?? And this idea of ​​inserting a flag behind the gluttonous mech? Who gave it? It’s the second year!
Jane Conner looked disgusted.
You don’t think it’s enough, do you believe it or not, come in a minute and slap a gangster to slap the broken mecha on the wall?

"I'm not going to insert a flag?"
"Those villains who inserted the flag think so."
"I'm a villain when I co-author?"
"Do you think about it?"
Tang Yu raised his head and thought for a while, his mother was really a bit like...Forget it, should it be low-key? He clapped the bracelet to connect to the communication, and indeed a metal-synthetic electronic sound came from the other side: "Tang Yu, I have been waiting for you."
"Have you not seen me before? Did you still feel that I haven't been hurt?" Tang Yu smirked.
"At that time, I was not the same as now..." said the bastion. "I, came to surrender to you, as an'L'."
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