Vol 2 Chapter 1805: Machine City

1805, City of Machinery
Guardian Space Fortress, the core area.
Tang Yu came down from the five-pointed star, and now they still have some embarrassing thing is that the most rapid means of transportation to and from the earth and the moon is still the five-pointed star. Now the Guardian Empire is also developing various spaceships with plasma engines, but the speed is still far from the five-pointed star on the antimatter engine. It takes about 12 hours from the earth to the moon.
In fact, if the antimatter engine is not used, the most effective and economical way from the surface of the planet to outer space is still the mass accelerator, which is also true in the world of "Borderless Land" that has entered the interstellar age. Because even in the world of "Borderless Land", there are still few spaceships with antimatter engines, after all, the cost is too high.
However, in principle, this super-mass accelerator is actually a super-large electromagnetic gun. It is very difficult to ensure the safety of people and cargo inside the spacecraft while pushing a large spaceship.
Therefore, although the Guardian Empire now has a strong robot corps and a huge space fortress, the atmosphere and the gravitational circle separate the two forces and cannot form a whole. That is to say, their distance is truly a trend. The civilization of the universe still lacks a layer of window paper.
I don’t know what happened to the space battleship project built in cooperation with the Jagged Warrior... It seems that I need to find a time to go there to see...
Just as Tang Yu was looking deep into the pentagram, a fascinating voice suddenly came from behind him. Just listening to this voice, it was almost as if his bones were crisp, "Are you finally here? ? The supreme mechanical god."
Tang Yu suddenly heard goose bumps in his face, both in this name and in this voice. He hurried back, but found a tall and tall figure with big golden wavy curls and a charming face, wearing an elegant purple evening dress standing here, her at least a pair of G almost Shake Tang Yu's eyes.
"Purple? When did you have a body? Did Kara Radames do it for you?" Tang Yu said in amazement, he could not help but take a step back.
Zi followed Tang Yu's eyes, and she twisted her waist like a water snake. With this movement, the pair of Gs also shook uncontrollably. Then she hurriedly gathered in front of Tang Yu, her tone full of charm. Say: "Do you like it?"
Her body is a little taller than Tang Yu, or Tang Yu’s body is not tall originally, she moved closer to Tang Yu, the deep career line in the middle of the low V evening dress and the white and tender on both sides seemed to be The trembling sphere is thus displayed under Tang Yu's eyelids.
Tang Yu was suddenly dizzy and could not help but take a step back and covered his forehead. "Wait... Although you are very happy to have the body, it is not the case!"
Looking at Tang Yu, Zi was puzzled. "What's wrong with you? It doesn't look very comfortable."
"Uh... I'm dizzy..." Tang Yu took another step back, only to clear his throat, so he calmly dismissed the topic and said: "Then the Guardian Space Fortress will come to a "Sword and Seal Demon" The world is going to conduct expeditionary battles, and the target of the battle is the Jade Deficiency Palace, and the demons under Meredith are our allies."
Zi Wu said with resentment: "So not only is there no reward, but will the slaves be sent away again immediately?" This look is really pitiful, plus the big eyes are still filled with mist, summary In a word, it's an alluring goblin, oh no, it's a juicer!
"Oh, of course I haven't forgotten my previous promise." Tang Yu coughed, "About the army consisting entirely of robots with advanced God codes..."
"Actually, this is not just a legion. Many of the advanced God Codes of mechanical life are not suitable for combat, so they are arranged to do other work on the space fortress." Zi suddenly got serious, "Because of you Long-term expeditions abroad, so I also have to report regularly to you on the situation of the space fortress and the holy mountain."
Seeing Zi's appearance, it seemed that she was about to talk about a very important topic, so Tang Yu also put away some exaggerated performance before, "This is the best, I really need to understand that these high-level God codes produce The specific situation. Also, those robot cities..."
Zimei smiled and walked generously, holding Tang Yu's arm intimately, and the pair of G rubbed on his arm, feeling tender and silky, which made people want to think. She leaned on Tang Yu and said softly, "Then let the concubine take you to visit..."
So what will you do for a while when the slave is concubine for a while? Tang Yu was sweating.
At this time, Zi had already started the transmission system. Tang Yu only felt the flower in front of him. When he opened his eyes again, he found that he had arrived in a strangely shaped city. It is not an exaggeration to say that this city is strange, because the densely packed buildings in the city do not have a unified style at all. There are triangular buildings and spherical buildings. Almost no two buildings are the same.
But in sharp contrast to this messy building, it is a spacious and straight road, each road is divided into more than ten narrow and long lanes, coordinated by a set of signals that Tang Yu can't understand completely, countless Robots and vehicles of all sizes are methodically traveling on these roads. Although there are more traffic and people than Tang Yu has seen before in the Imperial City, Magic City, Tokyo, and London, there is no traffic jam!
"This is the city built by robots, No. 1. Among the eight cities, No. 1 is the first and the most complete. The average diameter of No. 1 is 200 kilometers, and there are more than 20 million robots living in it. "" Zi said.
Tang Yu looked at the robots on the road and frowned, "These robots..."
"No more than two meters, right? Actually, these are spontaneous. This is the best figure they themselves need to maintain to live in this city. When the city of machinery just started construction, it was completely It can be described as a garbage dump, so that those robots who have just awakened the God code, and there is no any city-related data in the original program to build cities, this is the most wise decision I have seen. It is also a complete life for us. The decision that the flame of wisdom started to burn..." As he said, Zi greeted Tang Yu with respect.
"In the beginning, those buildings built by robots that could stand for more than 24 hours were already a miracle. And the layout of the buildings is disorderly. Often, some buildings are repaired by half before they are blocked by other buildings, or else Abandon halfway, or change into a strange look and wrap the previous building... Anyway. I guess if ordinary people enter such a city, maybe this sense of disorder is enough to make people vomit. Right."
"But ~EbookFREE.me~ these robots are still happy to build in the city. Soon after these robots have used up their own construction points, they are connected to the Shenghua Road network of the Holy Mountain and they start to communicate with each other. Only then can my building no longer collapse. Because of the existence of artificial intelligence that has input architecture in the Sublimation Road network, for a while, the buildings in the mechanical city became exactly the same as the human city. But this The situation lasted only a short time..."
"Soon, these robots began to transform these buildings according to their unique needs, and human architecture no longer fits their needs. Afterwards, the building of the City of Machinery once again ushered in a wave of collapse...but this time, It’s much more orderly. Soon, new buildings were built, which were completely designed and manufactured by robots based on structural and mechanical principles!"
"But this is not the point. The robots soon discovered that their uneven body is also a factor hindering the development of the city, so they spontaneously began to limit their bodies to about two meters-close to humans. Because After all, robots are born out of humans, so at this stage, their basic concepts still come from humans. However, this is already a sign that our mechanical life has begun to think independently and evolve independently!" Zi's eyes flashed a strange light .
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