Vol 2 Chapter 1839: Luxurious authentic battle

1839, luxurious tunnel warfare
The battle at Lanhard Lake continues, but the current offensive and defensive situation has been reversed.
At first, the human legion of the Guardian Empire pressed a total of 300,000 troops, plus more than 20 huge hunter mechs to make up for the shortage of armored forces, so as to storm the beach front of the Red Police Legion with less than 50,000 people. The defense of the landing force of the Red Police Corps was once at stake, but General Yoshida also understood that once the battle failed, this landing force was the end of the whole army, so he could only stick his teeth to insist.
After a lot of fire support from the navy fleet and the continuous fueling tactics of reinforcements, they finally managed to hold the position. However, such tactics are destined not to last, but for General Yoshida who has made up his mind to counterattack, it does not matter whether it is lasting or not.
Soon, the Red Police Corps launched a counterattack operation with the help of a neutron jammer, and the rear of the Guardian Empire Human Corps was immediately cut off. Even more deadly, all the hunter mechas that also used nuclear energy were lying in scrap metal. Fortunately, the first goal of the Red Police Corps is not to eat the huge army of 300,000 people, but to directly hit the portal of the Guardian Empire in this world.
Therefore, the 300,000 army became a lone army, and the situation became very subtle. On their front, facing the direction of Lan Haad Lake, there was a defense line of more than 40,000 landing troops, which was not large. , Lack of heavy equipment. But the human legion without the hunter's armor would have a hard time breaking through their defenses. Behind the Human Corps is the 70,000-person army that the Red Police Corps uses to counter encirclement. This unit has an advantageous armored group, and it is not something that the Human Corps can defeat.
Therefore, under the command of Tang Yu, this human legion immediately stopped attacking and established a line of defense on the spot.
But these 300,000 troops are located in the hinterland. If the Red Police Legion has been victorious, it is okay to say that the most deadly situation is that the Red Police Legion's attack has been stopped by the Fanatic Legion! ! Now on the side of the Red Police Corps, which is constantly shrinking the defense, the 300,000 army has become a thorn in the flesh!
However, if the front line of Lan Haad Lake is only a hidden danger, and the human legion of the Guardian Empire does not have the ability to initiate an offensive against the Red Police Legion with an advantageous armor cluster under the situation of front and back attack, then the three are full. The height of the underground passage is really a terrible thing! !
Gravekeeper and John Connor 1 led the soldiers of the fanatics into the three highlands in batches. Never underestimate how huge the project that 1 million robots have dug in a whole week. They not only dig a large number of tunnels on three high grounds, but also dig a complex network underground!
The soldiers of these fanatic forces entered the underground network from several very secret passages, and went directly to the living area excavated underground under the guidance of the navigation system. Because before the Red Police Corps used the neutron jammer, the entire battlefield situation was under the control of the Guardian Empire, so the supplies delivered to it were also extremely rich. The large amount of weapons and ammunition that made the Red Police Corps soldiers feel hot, and stacked Compared with the underground materials, it is only a dime.
And most of the robots are hiding in the tunnel. These robots have considerable intelligence. After they found that the power system was abnormal, they hid in the tunnel for the first time. Therefore, there are at least nearly 500,000 robots and more than 200,000 undead spirits in the entire tunnel network!
Although the Robot Corps has lost most of its power, they can at least move, be able to move around, be able to fire reluctantly, and most importantly, their chip operation will not be affected in any way. For humans, serious injuries or extreme hunger will cause the brain's thinking ability to decline, but the robot will not! For robots, the performance of only 20% of the engine output is very simple, that is, only 20% of the strength, nothing else. You will not be unconscious in doing things, nor will you become dull, nor will your thinking operations be affected.
So even if these robots cannot be used for combat, it is okay to help the fanatic soldiers to carry weapons and ammunition, or to treat the wounded, and to repair the collapsed passages.
Therefore, these tunnel fan soldiers fully enjoy the emperor-level treatment. Every time they play, robots carry ammunition in their backs. When the situation is critical, these robots will come forward to block bullets. During the intermittent combat, these robots Will help bring tea and water, help cook, and even help those tired soldiers massage! ! Needless to say about the injury number, the precise movement of each robot makes the stitching of the wound more reliable than the sewing machine, and the success rate of the operation is also very high, no matter how small the shrapnel can not escape the scanning of the robot.
And under the treatment that can be said to be extravagant, the results of the fanatic forces are also terrible. With the three highlands of 313, 479 and 418 at the core, the area of ​​hundreds of kilometers around will definitely be harassed and attacked as long as the troops and vehicles of the Red Police Corps pass by.
The vehicles of the Red Police Corps are often inexplicably struck by lightning. This road was obviously cleaned up an hour ago. Some smaller transportation fleets often disappear for some reason~EbookFREE.me~ Even the car wreckage will not be left to you, and it will be removed by the robot and used as the material to support the tunnel. As for the corpses, all of them were transformed into undead spirits and taken away completely. The CD policy was fully implemented.
Not even the plane is safe! Unlike Little Japan (er), who tragically digs holes in sulfur and Okinawa, the guardian empire possesses the most advanced individual weapons. The number of individual fire-fighting surface-to-air missiles is also very large. As long as an aircraft flies over, it will definitely be hit by air defense missiles.
Fighting a tunnel war in such a luxurious way can be said to be a hooligan.
Because if it is a normal war, if you give up the ground completely and go to the tunnel like this, it is equivalent to giving your own large area of ​​land to others to wreak havoc. It is also equivalent to fixing yourself in this place and being passively beaten. No matter how well the tunnel is dug, there will always be a day when it will be broken.
But the Guardian Group is different, because they don’t care about the concept of the land at all. It doesn’t matter if the people in the world of
Dragon Age
are dead. And they still have incomparably strong power, which can prevent the Red Police Corps from advancing. The most important thing is that the Red Police Corps is greedy and aggressive, bypassing the three highlands and continuing to attack, it means that they have got into the cover.
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