Chapter 180: Mysterious shadow

180、Mysterious Shadow
Kristina's waist was wrapped in a shirt wrapped in a mysterious sphere. 【】
This is no way, this sphere can not be included in the four grid bag or four-dimensional space device, then this at least shows that the sphere may be a living body or artificial intelligence.
There was no proof of identity on the person who committed suicide, so Tang Yu pulled out his shirt and handed it to Christina as a package.
According to the train conductor, it is about fifty kilometers away from Incheon City. The coastal highway is not far in front and should be able to stop the car.
Okay, but why is there no one on the highway? ? The previous wisdom crisis has not reached the point of killing people! However, the street lights next to the road began to flash a warning red light. Tang Yu immediately understood that this is a state of martial law! It seems that something is on the train!
"There are aircrafts approaching, jet engines, the number is five." Christina said suddenly.
"Oh, a guest is here." Without saying anything, Tang Yu took out at-4 from the four-dimensional space installation, followed by at-4's armor opening, revealing a humanoid space in the middle. Tang Yu stepped up and immediately took over the control of at-4, the armor closed, the energy node lit yellow, and the body started!
This is not enough, Tang Yu mentally connected the four-grid bag, only to see the guardian type three mechanical spider began to appear around him. Each time four mechanical spiders appeared, after appearing, the mechanical spiders automatically moved forward into a formation, followed by four more appearing next to Tang Yu, and moved on. A small mechanical legion appeared on the beach beside the highway!
In the midair five kilometers away from Tang Yu, five black streamlined aircraft are moving forward. This aircraft looks like an inverted olive fruit bowl, with two sets of variable direction jets on each side of the aircraft Engine. If Tang Yu sees it, he will recognize that these black aircraft are painted with black claw marks.
A woman is standing at the door of the hatch opened by the aircraft. Her skin is slightly dark, and she has a very conspicuous left shovel hair style. The original fine and smooth black hair is all combed to the right, and there are two flashes on the left head Electronic circuit with pink rays. It seems that this woman has a soft spot for pink, and the color of the leather coat on her body is also dark pink.
"Is there anything unusual?" The woman's mouth always had a playful smile.
"Yes, Lord Black Shadow. A large number of signals suddenly appeared in the vicinity. It seems that he suddenly had dozens of helpers!" The driver replied.
This woman named "Black Shadow" embraced her chest with both hands, a submachine gun in her right hand, and a fancy glove on her left hand. From the back of her hand, there were five lines of pink light extending to her fingertips. She was cold. Leng laughed and said: "Two possibilities, the first is that they have some way to hide our radar. But the possibility is not great, after all, he just got off the train. Then the second possibility, maybe electronic interference. Haha, interesting guy. Unfortunately, you have chosen the wrong opponent."
"Keep flying at low altitude, the weapon system is ready, and conduct the first round of missile attack immediately! According to the intelligence, the other party has heavy firepower and needs to be suppressed at the first time! Our cargo will not be damaged by this ignition power." Said, Shadow Sticking tongue out and licking lips.
"Understood! Shadow One, lock the target and launch the missile!"
"Shadow II, missile launch!"
"Shadow III, missile launch!"
Hey~! ! Hey~! ! Hey~! ! Dozens of missiles came out of the missile compartment of the aircraft! Pull out dozens of long tail smoke in the air!
"We were found." Christina said.
"Then come, the mechanical spider army is under your control, I will use the network center command system to assist." Tang Yu said.
"We detected fire control radar waves and we were locked. The weapon used by the other party should be a missile."
"Can it be intercepted?" Tang Yu shouted, and the electromagnetic gun was ready, pointing in the direction pointed by Christina.
Christina said with a cold smile: "Guardian III's operating system is linked and you can intercept the missile."
At the next moment, countless missiles rushed at high speed with a long tail flame! At this time, the rumbling sound of breaking the sky came only!
However, the movement of forty mechanical spiders equipped with quadruple laser guns and forty mechanical spiders equipped with twin electromagnetism guns was aligned in the air uniformly!
In the next second, the fire net intertwined by countless red laser beams blocked the whole sky! The cone-shaped bullet launched by the electromagnetic gun blew out a burst of air and hit the missile! Tang Yu completely released the network center command system imitating the aircraft carrier to Christina. Under the treatment of the powerful CPU of t-x, he instantly locked the incoming missile and rationally distributed the firepower of each mechanical spider.
The electromagnetic gun with a longer range is the first layer of defense, intercepting a small number of missiles, followed by a fire net composed of laser guns! Forty mechanical spiders can emit 160 lasers every moment! Fortunately, the missile that broke through the laser network was immediately destroyed by the second round of the reloaded electromagnetic gun!
Tang Yu didn't do anything, he just prepared the electromagnetic gun and aimed at the other side.
"The missile attack has no effect! The missiles are all intercepted!" The pilot reported to the shadow in panic.
"There are two brushes. Shadow No.2 to No.5, rushed directly to attack! I will come later." Black Shadow's eyes narrowed.
The other four aircraft next to them immediately accelerated and flew straight into Tang Yu's direction.
However, just approaching suddenly the sudden shadow No. 3 seemed to be hit by a huge force, and the aircraft was suddenly hit several meters up! In an instant, the entire vehicle broke, and it was at this time that a blast came from a distance! Tang Yu's electromagnetic gun!
boom! boom! boom! ! Shadow No. 3 immediately issued a series of explosions, and the black claw soldiers above were drowned in the explosion without screaming!
"Scattered and scattered! Fast, increase speed, rise!" the black claw driver shouted in panic.
"Discover the target! Discover the target! Oh my god, that's a large group of armed machinery!"
"Out of the battlefield, out of the battlefield!"
boom! boom! ! ! The sound of explosions kept ringing.
"Oh, a bunch of waste." Black Shadow sneered, pulled a device from his waist and dropped it on the aircraft, said to the pilot: "Just wait here for me."
Then she jumped directly from the mid-air of more than ten meters high, and before she landed, her entire figure had completely disappeared! Invisible technology! (To be continued.)
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