Vol 2 Chapter 1874: Counterattack

1874, counterattack
Hearing Jing Shuo’s words, General Yoshida raised his head violently, and his pale face began to flush with anger,
I! Not a fool! This war is a mistake!

Jing Shuo smiled and said, "I know you are not convinced, because before you came to the system space, you were an excellent Marine Corps special forces instructor, and I was just a college student at T University..."
He paused and his eyes gradually turned cold: "But you have to understand that in system space, the most important thing is not what you used to be, but how you adapted to the world. You haven't done this at all! All along, you still look at this world with your past eyes. This is your biggest mistake!!"
"Give me another 100,000 people, I can make a comeback! I can win you!" General Yoshida said loudly.
"There is no chance, Hiji Yoshida. You can never understand our strategic layout. This is a huge battlefield that spans several worlds. You have proved that you are not suitable for such a war. So, you have no chance. Jing Shuo shook his head and answered.
"You... don't you even get 100,000 people out!!" General Yoshida's eyes gloomed.
"Do you know what is the best situation in the world of "Dragon Age"?" Jing Shuo asked suddenly.
General Yoshida froze suddenly.
"Maintain the status quo! Just like a sniper, he will only hurt the first target, possibly hitting his thigh, causing his arteries to bleed, wailing on the ground, screaming and bleeding, and calling his companions to save him. Then , This sniper would only shoot one shot at a time, and shot everyone who went to rescue, headshot." Jing Shuo said lightly: "So, if you can maintain the status quo, even if I give you a million troops, Because in this world, you can hold the pace of Lan Xiang and Neh Haran at the same time, let them pay attention to this world, there is no chance to pay attention to other places."
As he said, his tone gradually increased, "So! I personally arranged the Horta defense line, so that you must guard the road of the abyss, I personally stationed 5 divisions, 100,000 troops in Ozma City!! Because of the blue The Xiang team is going to break the game, the dry tide is the only means!!! And I have already said! The battle of North Africa, the battle of North Africa!! The final victory is the British who have been defending! Not the Rommel that has been fighting the British. !!!Every word I say, everything I do, have you heard it!!! Now, you come to me to get reinforcements!!!"
After Jing Shuo roared for a while, he seemed to feel a little sick, and he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He slowly said: "Leo Li is the first person I know in the system space. He used to be Kaohsiung City. An expatriate policeman from Hong Kong can say that during the most difficult time when he first entered the system space, he protected me from going to the present. Then, we only encountered... well, Tianzhao and Xuzuo, Later Izumo was established together..."
With that said, he seemed to start to indulge in the memories of the past. After a long time, he said quietly: "Don’t you say that you will be uncomfortable with foreign monarchs? Since the monarch makes you unacceptable, this result, Carry it yourself. I hope you can use your existing forces to resist the Lanxiang team's offensive for three months. After three months, reinforcements will arrive."
Then Jing Shuo closed the communication involuntarily.
General Yoshida was stunned, and then a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and he slapped it on the table with a slap, making the table in half! Then he opened the office door and went out,
He came straight to the front of the holographic map in the center of the command center and said to himself: "Do you think I can't win? Jing Shuo! Damn it, I'll win it for you!!!"
On the holographic map, showing the situation of the entire battlefield now, he stared at the map and murmured, "Now my situation is not so bad! The Lanxiang team has limited offensive power now! The fanatic force is stronger once the battlefield In the battle of position, the gap will be levelled! And the 300,000 human legions on the other side are all light infantry and do not have the ability to intervene on a large scale!"
"General, do we still have to take the initiative to attack?" said a staff officer.
"We must take the initiative to attack! Because, we have no time!" General Yoshida Shen Sheng said: "The battle has lasted for a week, if you count the previous time, then it has been a month and a half since we launched the offensive! To be sure The other party’s scientific research department is working intensively to combat neutron jammers. Every day of delay is more harmful to us. Therefore, we must seize this vacuum period and directly hurt the Lanxiang team!"
"But General, our main army corps saved a week before we got enough supplies. It was originally planned to use these ammunition to cover their retreat?" the staff asked.
"No! We must attack! Our strength still exists! As long as we can repel the fanatic forces, recapture the Ozma City engulfed by the dry tide, and open the supply line, we can regain our advantage!" General Yoshida said loudly.
"It's too risky! Now our main legion's supply and ammunition are very limited! And there are three highlands on the road to Ozma City! There are pits everywhere in the entire highland. God knows how many undead and The people of the fanatic army are hiding inside! That is to say, with the supply of our main army now, we must not only repel the fanatic army, but also break through the three highlands, and finally attack the countless black spirits and undead. Ozma occupied by the undead!" The other staff member was out, and he stood up and retorted violently.
Boom! ! General Yoshida hit a holographic map with a punch, and all the maps showed a snowflake point. After shaking, he took a breath, and then said quietly: "In the underground tunnels of the three highlands, there are not only undead , Not only have the fanatic army, but also more than 500,000 robots!!"
He raised his head and looked around. No one said anything, just looked at him with a desperate look in his eyes. He continued: "So, if we no longer seize the opportunity to break through the siege and open up the supply line, this robot army may stand up again at any time, and then give us a fatal blow! You guys, how do you want to choose?"
The staff members present bowed their heads.
General Yoshida drew a line on the holographic map and said: "But don't worry too much, we can attack along the seaside route. Although we will lose our strategic depth in this way, we can always get supplies from the navy."
The other staff member's eyes lit up suddenly and said loudly, "Yes, General! We may indeed have a chance!!"
Everyone turned their heads to look at him~EbookFREE.me~ The staff member excitedly opened the map and said: "The Ozma city is occupied by the black tide of the dry tide and the undead spirit! No contact with the Black Spirit! So, the ammunition and supplies hoarded in Ozma City are probably still there! As long as the main legion can conquer Ozma City, you can get these supplies again!!"
"Okay!!!" General Yoshida applauded loudly, flicking the table, said loudly: "The order! The 40,000 troops near the portal immediately assembled, and with the forces of the local forces, began to enter the city of Ozma from the west! "
"Declaration! Beside Lake Lanhard, the 80,000 troops guarding the Imperial Human Legion of the Guardian, immediately blond hair from the south towards Ozma City!"
"The order! Let all naval ships, even destroyers and submarines, fill me with ammunition and food! Be sure to support the supply line of the main legion!! Not only that, let the North Shore Antifan Kingdom and freedom The Principality, collect all the ships in their territory!!"
"Zhujun! Live or die, fight here! Counterattack, start tomorrow!"
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