Vol 2 Chapter 1930: layout

1930, layout
"Tang Yu!!! Why is Anake dead!!" Tang Yu raised his hand and looked at the message on the system bracelet, Akhan's angry roar came.
"He was corroded by the great demon Dumat, lost his mind, and later died in battle." Tang Yu replied: "But we also caught Dumat, and he will definitely avenge Anak." He directly took Ake Han choked on being speechless, because it was indeed the case. Anak was killed by Tang Jiu when he was corroded by Dumart and deemed to be deeply infected by the system.
Akhan was stunned for a while before continuing to growl: "But Anake is still dead! And my legion in Dragon Age is basically annihilated! You have to give me an explanation!!!"
Tang Yu smiled coldly: "Account? What account? I was beaten by Izumo like a dog running around, running to let me support the battle in the world of "Dragon Age" and try to hold Izumo's strength, who is it? Now that Izumo’s expeditionary army in the world of Dragon Age has been uprooted, what do you want?"
"Tang Yu... You did it on purpose, didn't you?!" Akhan's voice fell deep, and obviously his anger had risen to the extreme.
"I suggest that you better not get entangled with this problem, Akhan. You have to understand your current situation, why did Izumo retire from the world of "Torchlight", don't you still understand? That's because I launched in other worlds Once they had to return to the offensive! But you have to remember that the offensive was launched by me, and naturally it can be stopped, or even used in other places. It can be said that I completely saved your life from Nehharan, As a result, you are still entangled with Anake?" Tang Yu's voice also became colder, and now he doesn't have to be polite to Akhan.
"So, you want me to quit "Dragon Age", right?" Akhan said lowly.

I’ve never said that, you can go anywhere in the world of Dragon Age, I’m just mining there. In addition, Hermann-Gost is cooperating with me in some research on mechanical undead, if there is The results are also good for you, so don't give him new tasks for the time being." Tang Yu said.
Akhan didn't speak anymore, it seemed that he had been violently thundering, and then he slammed the system bracelet, and then deducted points in various names by the greedy system.
Tang Yu didn't want to bother him either, Akhan's temporary role was all that, he certainly would not have the courage to continue to send people to the world of "Dragon Age", because he also understood that although Tang Yu helped him in this world, he also He pitted him openly. It is equivalent to Tang Yu helping him solve the Izumo's fierce offensive, but it is also equivalent to replacing the world of "Dragon Age" in the hands of Akhan with the world of "Academy Apocalypse".
There is no doubt that "Dragon Age" is a world of low force, but it is also a magical world. The quality of the undead produced in this world is much higher than that of "Academy Apocalypse". This is actually a kind of weakening for Nehharan, and also a measure to tie them to Tang Yu's chariot.
What's more, Fox Immortal brought Akhanla the Ratman as a reinforcement, but the chips that attracted the Ratman were all from the Guardian Empire. Of course, Nehharan also produced something, but at most it was some treasure. . Compared with a majestic terminator and advanced machinery manufacturing technology, as well as the food that can not be eaten, and the secret medicine for longevity, these gold jewelry that cannot be used to eat or cut people are really Not as good as toilet paper.
So no matter whether it is Quaker of the Morse clan or Cui Tesi-weiwei of the grinning clan, he only listens to Tang Yu, but Akhan must rely on the mouse if he wants to follow the cloud in the world of "Torch Light" Human power. You should know that although the 0-1 nation launched the offensive, so that Jing Shuo and Yueyue Jian had to lead the main force to return, Tianzhao and Suzuo still continued to attack Akhan.
Therefore, under the anger, the White Lion King actually cursed right. Whether Akhan is in his heart or not, he is not far away from being a real dog under Tang Yu. Of course, Tang Yu wouldn’t have fantasies about actually bringing Akhan, the famous Nagash loyal dog, dead brains and crutches to his side, but like the 0-1 country, he can use it for him enough.
And the strategic environment of the Lanxiang team is indeed much better now, compared to when it was threatened by the White Lion King, Izumo and Jade Emperor Palace at the same time. All these have to rely on the plan of Fox Immortal. A good military division does not need to come to an empty city to draw a boat and borrow arrows. It is a real achievement that can affect the general situation and reverse the situation. It is precisely because of her plan that the Lanxiang team can truly stand on the stage of the platinum group and fight the powerful platinum five-handed.
Of course, it is not enough to have a good military division. Without Tang Yu, Kristina, ZERO and other members of the management and struggle, there will not be so many chess pieces in the hands of Fox Fairy. Therefore, the strength of an empire must be strong in every aspect, and there is no partiality, and it is not worthy of being called powerful.
Now, the offensive against the world of "Great Sword" should have begun. Go ahead, White Lion! This is the Lanxiang team. This is the first time the Guardian Empire has launched its full offensive. You, then, will be the first undead soul under the sword of the Guardian Empire!
Tang Yu thought to himself, he smiled slightly, and took out a pair of sunglasses to put on himself. He is now in a suit and leather suit. Suits guard around. Tang Yu nodded slightly towards them, and walked toward the building moving forward.
In this building, there are two very striking letters-OW. Here is the headquarters of Overwatch! !
Lan Xiang team home, "Terminator" world, lunar base.
The extremely large portal is gradually solidifying, and the construction is entering the final countdown. In the command center of the lunar base, the commander-in-chief of the entire army, Jane Conner, sat in the center, the strategic commander AI Remy's projection stood behind her, and Furan also rarely became serious, standing on the other side behind Jane , Fox Fairy sat in another seat beside.
White Queen Emma Frost, Cameron Phillips, TX II Eliza, former leader of the Human Rebellion John Connor One and Two, TS-300 prototype blood rose Reil-Wa Lencia, the wretched old tomb-keeper, and the rebellious hero Gao Ming, and the former gray-clad killing machine Krishna.
It even includes virus expert Kara Radames, machinery expert Geki, Empire Finance Minister Li Xinghao, Empire Prime Minister Chen Gang, Empire Chief Scientist Bolivar Trask, and Catherine Weaver, those in the commercial logistics and scientific research departments. Also here. They will also witness the outbreak of this unprecedented war!
Now, except for ZERO and Shao Liwen who stayed in the world of "Dragon Age", and the peacock, Christina, Tang Jiu, Zhou Qing and the dead woman who went to the "Overwatch" world to find the missing Shi Mingdong, basically the whole guardian The core strongmen of the empire are gathered here, the goal-destroy the abyss team, the white lion king! !
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