Vol 2 Chapter 2006: Invitation, Confederation of Independent Galaxy!

?2006, Invitation, Confederation of Independent Galaxy!
Tang Yu didn't care about Count Duku's strong momentum, but looked at him scorchingly. After a while, he said slowly: "You want me to abandon this Galaxy Republic that has just established diplomatic relations, and then join you. In the separatist movement?"
"Abandoned? Ha ha ha ha... No, it should be the Galactic Republic who betrayed you first, my friend. No matter who was assassinating Palpatine at the time, but you can be sure that you are definitely not willing to see you enter the Republic Parliament There may be many such people, including the Jedi Knights! Think about what they did to the Mandalorians! Just because the Mandalorians have strong fighting power, they put the orthodox Mandalorians. Almost killed! And you, have the potential to be no less than the Mandalorians!" said Count Duku.
Believe you are the ghost, Tang Yu secretly said, no one can be a Jedi, but he knows that it does not mean that others can see through the shady behind this series of things. And it can indeed be seen here that Count Ducout is definitely a very good negotiator and is definitely not under Palpatine. However, unlike Palpatine, Duku's way of talking is more direct. It is more about infecting each other with his own beliefs, just like a passionate warrior.
"Then? Join in your separatist movement, and at this point, the guardian planet that has just experienced the assassination of the speaker will definitely become the target. Perhaps the second day of my announcement, the hunter-class cruiser has already taken us Surrounded. At that time, the five hunter-class cruisers led by Major General Tajin almost paralyzed the entire outer defense of our planet with electronic interference. I don’t think we have any resistance.
Tang Yu said disapprovingly.
"Please pay attention to my wording, Your Excellency Tang Yu. My judgment of the Guardian Planet has always been labeled with the word "potential", which also explains your weak status. But this will not be a permanent situation. In view of the information I collected about the planet of the guardian and what I saw and heard today, I decided to help you and stand up!" said Count Duku.
"Stand up? Ha ha." Tang Yu smiled and asked, "What about the price?"
A smile appeared on the corner of Duku's mouth. He walked towards Tang Yu step by step, spread his hand, palm up, and slowly said: "Sometimes, a simple action often shows this person's different choices. For example, this gesture now represents a request, or even a request. But..."
He turned his hand over again, with the back of his hand up, and then said, "This action means giving, gift. So, do you choose to pray or choose gift?"
Tang Yu didn't move, just looked at Duku with a smile.
Seeing Tang Yu's appearance, the smile on Duku's face snapped sharply, and Shen Sheng said: "So, you chose the third path..." As he said, his open palm suddenly snapped together, holding it into one Fist look!
But Tang Yu still did not move.
The smile on Duku’s face was once again, but this time, his smile was very cold, like a thousand-year-old iceberg, "It’s not a secret to you that an alliance of mainly oppressed galaxies in the central and outer rings is Formed. We call it the Confederation of Independent Galaxy! Within five years, we will have a battle with the Republic!"
He leaned down, supported the table with one hand, and slowly stretched his fist in front of Tang Yu. "The corrupt rule of the Republic of the Galaxy should end here! The era of the galaxies in the core area should also end! And most importantly Yes, those eras in which non-human races and humans coexist should also end!! A new order will be born in our hands..."
"A clean, pure, and straightforward government should replace the Republic! This government should not fight for the inferior people, but should maintain the authority of our human race! The corrupted and rigid Jedi Knights will also be crushed and replaced. It should be a truly powerful, iron-blooded, ruthless army! They will defend the rights of the government and the rights of mankind! And, open up territory for the country!"
"No more violations of Yang Feng! No more corruption and bribery! Fairness and justice will be the only axiom of this new order! Only such a government can gather the power in our hands to the greatest extent and let our civilization go to another glory! For this purpose, I will sacrifice everything! Even if it is, my life!" Count Duku said enthusiastically, his eyes seemed to be burning with flames.
After a passionate speech, Earl Duccu looked back at Tang Yu, his fist was still in front of Tang Yu, and said slowly: "For you, my friend. War is the most effective and quickest. What do you think of the way of development? Therefore, on behalf of the Confederation of Independent Galaxy, I would like to issue a formal invitation to the Guardian Planet! Join us to fight against power! Against exploitation!"
Speaking of this part, it would be meaningless to be hypocritical, not to mention joining Duku has already been a long-term decision. Tang Yu stood up and clenched his fists against the ears of Count Duccu. With a muffled noise between the two fists, he said straightforwardly, "Get out of your terms!"
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!" Count Ducout laughed loudly, "I did not miss you! I did not miss the guardian planet! You are not the same as those soft eggs of the republic! You will not hesitate when appropriate Choice, war!"
"I'm not interested in step-by-step development. The fleet brought by Major General Tajin allows me to see a thing thoroughly-in this seemingly peaceful galaxy, strength is still the only voice! Then that is the case, I also We can only deal with it in the way our guardian planet is best at-war!"
Tang Yu's eyes flashed with a gleam, "Not like those in the Republic who are indulging in peace, I like war! The development of our planet is built on war! Soon, you will fully understand this ."
"That's the case~EbookFREE.me~ Please accept our meeting gift." Count Duku said, taking out the communicator and pressing it, and then said: "Now you can inspect the goods."
On the outer orbit of the guardian planet, a flash of light flickered, followed by seven giant warships that appeared instantly, quietly stopped there motionless!
Tang Yu waved his hand and immediately a robot came over and projected a holographic image from its chest. The optical image above was aimed at the fleet! A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "You are indeed too generous, Count Duku."
"Hehehehe..." Duku said with a smile: "Four destroyer-class light destroyers, gifts from commercial guilds and technology alliances; four generous-class frigates, gifts from Star Banking Group; two Tianyi-class cruisers , A gift from the trade union..."
"Furthermore, I already know what Newt Gunley did before. He concealed that I wanted to blackmail you and almost broke my major affairs. As compensation, I asked them to deploy planetary shields for you for free and help you Set up a robot factory. Finally, in my own name, I provide you with 50 million credits of starting capital. Of course, this is not a loan, but a gift..."
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