Vol 2 Chapter 2064: The 1st Battle of Geonosis (Part 2)

? 2064. The First Battle of Geonosis (Part 2)
Three anti-orbital cannons were installed on the surface of the planet of Geonosis. When the cheering-class assault landing ship swooped down and landed, these three cannons immediately opened fire! The thick green blast energy beam hit the cheering class, almost instantaneously causing the partial guide shield to be overloaded, followed by another shot, and the landing ship that was hit suddenly fell in a huge explosion with smoke billowing.
But even so, it also shows the excellent shipbuilding technology of the Republic. The cheering-class assault landing ship was designed and built by the subsidiary of the Quart Power Dock, Rossana Heavy Engineering Co., Ltd., and the overall shape is triangular. The design idea is exactly the same as that of the later Victory class destroyers and Empire class destroyers. However, compared with the design of the later Star Destroyer, the hull of the Cheering Class is much flatter and wider, and the bridge is very small. And as a landing ship, the bottom armor of the cheering class is very heavy. Under the bombardment of anti-orbital artillery, five or six landing ships fell seriously afterwards, but they did not explode and disintegrate!
After entering the atmosphere, the 12 turbo-laser turrets equipped above the cheering class began to show power, pouring powerful fire against the ground targets. The constitution of the Republic of the Galaxy is strictly forbidden from orbital bombing, mainly because an attack on the ground outside the atmosphere will greatly damage the atmosphere. In addition, the detonation beam emitted by the detonation cannon is still an ionic gas in nature, and it will also cause huge pollution to the atmosphere after volatilization. After a round of orbital bombing, the ecology of this planet will be greatly damaged. In the attack in the atmosphere, the gas of the explosive energy beam will gradually sink to the ground after being volatilized, and it will be dealt with by the natural environment without much impact.
After the first round of bombardment, the cheering class immediately opened the hatch, and in the wide hangar, more than a thousand LAAT/i attack gunboats took off and rushed toward the surface of the planet of Geonosis. The body of the LAAT/i attack gunboat is wide and thick. It can carry 30 soldiers inside, and it also has powerful attack fire power. The two rapid-fire laser guns on the nose and the spherical anti-infantry laser turrets on both sides can provide very accurate and powerful ground-to-ground firepower, and there are two missile launchers that can attack air-to-air.
After the gunboats landed, the hatches opened, and the clone soldiers wearing white combat armour and full-cover helmets wearing T-shaped eyepieces came out. They immediately searched for bunkers immediately after landing, and then advanced in groups, showing extremely high. Tactical literacy.
The insect-like Geonosians flapped their wings and rushed out of the rock pinnacles on the surface of the planet, holding a blasting gun made by Geonostic to counterattack. But in front of a well-trained clone army, these messy counterattacks have no effect at all! These Geonosian warriors were shot to death like mosquitoes!
Following the landing of the clone soldiers, there were more than 200 Jedi warriors. Their division of labor was clear, and each led an army to attack. They wield lightsabers to bounce off or even bounce back the explosive energy beams or lasers fired from each other. Often they can attract hundreds of defenders by themselves!
Hundreds of modified LAAT/c attack gunboats appeared in the air. This gunboat removed the passenger cabin and replaced it with a heavy-duty pylon, on which was mounted an AT-TE all-terrain tactical attack walking machine! This terrible walking combat machine is 9.57 meters tall and 22.02 meters long, supported by six short and thick mechanical legs. A huge heavy gun was equipped on the back, and there were six anti-infantry laser turrets, four of which were on the front and two on the sides. This heavy armored monster immediately advances in an unstoppable posture as soon as it descends from the gunboat. The fixed firepower points set by the Confederacy simply cannot destroy this walking machine, let alone those infantry units!
These LAAT attack gunboats took off again immediately after putting down the personnel and the AT-TE walking machine, and advanced deep into the battlefield. Their goal was very clear, destroying the three anti-orbital cannons of Geonosis and destroying the entire All airports on the planet!
The current planet of Geonosis is not a combat configuration at all. Although Tang Yu has been alerting him to communication at least three times a day since he knew that Count Duku was going to a meeting there, Count Duku only kept the troops in combat. The entire planet of Geonosis is basically a large loading and unloading yard, and the combination of all the weapons and equipment in it is not the configuration required to fight a battle.
In the face of the bombing of more than 2,000 LAAT gunboats, the Geonosians could not organize effective resistance! Only more than one hundred Geonosis ‘South Teks’ interplanetary fighters took off to meet the enemy, but these fighters were soon wiped out by V-wing fighters coming from the space battlefield! Within two hours of the landing battle, all 29 airports on the surface of the planet of Geonosis were destroyed, and the Republican Army completely took control of the air!
On the ground battlefield, the Confederate army that has already entered the state of preparation has also begun to fight back! The total number of assembled B-1 Robot Corps reached 1.1 million, and three of the 7 landing sites in the Republic launched an attack! The Confederate Robot Corps, led by 100,000 B-2 Super Fighting Robots, attacked the landing position of the Republican Army like a tide.
At this time, other advanced robots equipped in the Confederate army also joined the battle. In addition to the B-1 battle robot and the B-2 super battle robot that are the core arms of the main battle, the dwarf spider robots with small stature can climb and walk from the surrounding. Attack on the mountain rock; there is also a homing spider robot with a spherical body and four elongated mechanical legs, which is 7.32 meters tall, and the laser emitted by a dish-shaped laser gun equipped under the body is almost devastating, Almost everything! It is a miniaturized use of the data research of the secret weapon'decision' captured by Fran and Severance-Tahn from the Republic.
In addition, there is a very conspicuous robot tank-the IG-227 riot fire robot. This robot tank is flanked by a pair of circular rollers on the sides. The body is not big, but it is equipped with two sets of 15-unit missile launchers. They burst into the battlefield at high speed, launching countless missile rain. This missile is not accurate, but its power is terrifying!
Under the powerful firepower of the riot fire tank and the homing spider robot, the AT-TE walking machines that the Republican army advanced suddenly suffered. After the missile rain of the fire robot carried out a cover shot, only a series of violent explosions were seen. The soldiers around the AT-TE walking machine were basically cleared, and the shield of the walking machine was also overloaded. Immediately afterwards, the powerful laser cannon of the homing spider robot directly irradiated the AT-TE. The extremely powerful energy even hit the walking machine directly!
But the clone army’s response was also very fast. The LAAT gunboat immediately launched an air attack on these threatening fire robots and homing spider robots. The Confederate Army, which had no air power cover at all, had no resistance to air attacks. These robots It was cleared by a precise fixed point, and then there is no longer any ground on the ground that can block the existence of the AT-TE walking machine!
On the battlefield side, more than 20 LAAT gunboats, under the cover of more than 10 V-wing fighters, are heading towards Mount Imtewe, the core area of ​​the planet of Geonosis. On one of the LAAT gunboats, Master Yoda stood in the cabin with his cane, and Master Windu, Master Shakti, Master Pro-Kong, and other members of the Jedi Council were also awesome.
"Oubiwang had previously received a report from the president of the guardian planet Tang Yu, so he went to investigate Duc Earl alone. Now he has determined that Ducul has fallen into the dark side. According to the news he sent, Duc Earl is on a large scale. Preparing for war and preparing for public independence, it seems so now! If this huge army is scattered, it will have disastrous consequences for the entire galaxy!" Master Wen Du said.
"Rescue Obi-Wan and catch Count Ducour, we must. Otherwise the war will break out, the entire galaxy." Master Yoda said briefly, he looked at Mount Imtway, his eyes full of anxiety.
Geonosian outer space, the battle in the universe has begun to show a one-sided trend. The fleet of the Independent Galaxy Confederacy is completely out of formation, and it has been divided by the Aquitaines-class light cruisers, each fighting separately. The 16 hunter-class cruisers that are the main force of the Republican Fleet already have advantages in firepower, shields and speed, which is even more unstoppable under such circumstances!
More than half of the Confederate battleship shields have been broken, and they can only rely on their armor to resist the powerful firepower of the other party. Five hours have passed since the battle. Seven generous-class frigates, one Tianyi-class cruiser, and three Destroyer-class destroyers have been destroyed. The demise of the Confederate fleet is already a matter of time.
"Where... where did these fleets come from? This was not the case with the former judicial fleet!" Confederate Fleet Commander General Kaviktok said helplessly. He desperately found that the warships controlled by his robots were not opponents at all!
"According to the battle report from the ground battlefield, a group of elite troops newly recruited by the Republic are participating in the battle, which means that it is these people who control their warships." The tactical robot replied.
"So what to do? What should we do? Let's run away..." Kaviktok has no gods.
"Count Ducout and the leaders of the business giants who participated in the secret summit have not yet evacuated. If we run away now, we will face the harshest punishment." The tactical robot said.
At this moment, the bridge hatch was opened, and White Queen Emma Frost brought four B-2 Super Combat Robots straight to Kaviktok.
"You... who are you? How did you come in?" Cavitek was startled.
"She has the highest level of authorization provided by Earl Duku, and specifically asked me not to tell you when I made the boarding request." The tactical robot replied.
"You! How dare you..." Cavictok was so startled and angry that he couldn't even speak.
"I don't want to say anything else. Earl Ducco is very dissatisfied with your command. Now you can leave." Emma said coldly.
"I? Get off? You...you..." Kaviktok suddenly froze without knowing what to say.
However, at this moment, Emma suddenly took out the handle of her waist and pressed the switch. The red lightsaber was shot instantly, followed by the bright red flash of light, and Kaviktok was cut into two pieces!
The nearby B-2 robot immediately came over and dragged his body to the side. Emma came to the commander’s position and sat down, said to the tactical robot: "Immediately notify the warships~EbookFREE.me~ Don’t get entangled with the Republican warships, and immediately enter the planetary ring of the planet of Geonosis and cover the twenty A Rukri Hook class battleship, and then ready to retreat!"
"Understood, I will do it immediately." The tactical robot answered respectfully.
Under Emma's very clear command, the Confederacy's fleet immediately began to refocus, and in the process of turning, several warships were destroyed, but finally stabilized in the position of the planetary ring. At this time, a huge spherical core spaceship was loaded with a large number of robotic forces from the planet and reintegrated into the center of the ring of the Rukker Hooker class battleship. The integrated battleship immediately restored its combat power and the powerful turbine The laser turret continued to fire, pouring powerful fire towards the Republican fleet.
Not only that, the asteroids in the planetary ring also affected the performance of the V-wing fighters of the Republican Fleet, so that they could not enter the dead corner to attack these Rukrihuk class battleships. Immediately after a wave of crossfire, four Aquitaine-class light cruisers and one hunter-class cruiser were destroyed, and the Republican fleet lost the opportunity to wipe out the Confederate fleet!
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