Vol 2 Chapter 2068: Bingfen 2 Road

? 2068, two points
After leaving the hospital, the group went directly to the command center of Yucheng. According to the theater division of the Independent Galaxy Confederation, the Guardian Planet was classified as the highest command in the G theater, and the commander was Admiral Trinch. In fact, according to this war zone, although there are more than 70 galaxies in the confederation of independent galaxies included, the only one with a relatively advanced civilization is the guardian planet.
The entire battlefield of the galaxy is divided into more than one hundred theaters. Each theater is commanded by an admiral, and a large fleet is also assigned to them.
In a holographic projection of a star chart that almost covers the entire hall of the command center, a person with six arms that looks like an upright spider is holding a pointer, flapping it in his hand while studying the star Figure.
Seeing this person, Tang Yu smiled and stepped forward and said, "General Tranche, it looks like you have fully recovered. It's gratifying."
Trenci also turned around and said, "It turned out to be Tang Yu, thank you for your previous reminder, thank you for the shield generator you gave me, and thank you for letting me recover from the serious injury. I owe you A big favor, Mr. Tang Yu, tweeting." Although he didn't see any expression on his spider's face, from his tone, the mood was also quite good.
Seeing General Trent’s statement, Tang Yu was very happy in his heart, because he was standing in front of him is one of the few famous generals in the world of "Star Wars" during the Clone Wars, which can draw him to nature. It could not be better. He laughed and walked over to stand side by side with Trenci, pointing to the position of the guardian planet on the star map and saying, "It should be all right. When I first saw you, I thought we would be good. Friends. And not only you, this time my partner was also seriously injured by the Jedi Knight..."
There was a fierce flash of light in the eight small red eyes of Tranche, "Jedi... I must admit that even with your reminder, I still underestimated their ability. After I defeated Woolf- After Yularen’s fleet, the Jedi Knights sent the Jedi Master Cap-Xie to help. In the beginning, he did not have the ability to break through my defense line, but later, he actually chose the same tactics, and drove into the plane. Inside the flagship engine. If it weren’t for the shield generator you provided that helped me withstand several explosions, I’m now a cold corpse in space.

Tang Yu nodded and cut back to the question and asked: "So what is the highest command of the Confederacy for our theater?"
"Actually, the combat objectives have been ordered, and the words are tweeted." Trinch picked up the teaching pointer and marked the two planets on the holographic star map. "Two goals, Christophis planet, and Jabim. Planet. According to the arrangement of Count Ducuk, I will be responsible for commanding this military operation. This is a military order, so please forgive me."
Tang Yu looked at the target on the star map, turned his head and exchanged glances with Fox Immortal, and then asked: "What is the current Confederate's combat goal?"
Trench is very patient in front of Tang Yu, because Tang Yu can be regarded as his life-saving benefactor. At the same time, the current Guardian Planet is also among the top five galaxies with military strength among the joined galaxies of the Independent Confederacy. He used his pointer to draw a few circles on the star map, and marked more than a dozen marching routes. "The current first strategy of Earl Ducuk is to control the outer ring star zone. The key is to cut off these hyperspace channels. , Consolidate our power in the outer ring. Among them, General Grievous and General Emma Frost launched a surprise attack on the Farin planet in the Central Star District, involving the troops of the Republic. General Jane Connor’s mission is to lead one The fleet cut off the supply line to the Devalon galaxy and prevented the Republic from invading Devalon..."
Tang Yu nodded. Although he didn’t know what the overall situation was in the original plot, at least the arrows representing the offensive situation were drawn from the star chart now. It can be seen that the Independent Galaxy Confederation was completely stormy after the war. Offensive. And what is certain is that the Rukrijuk-class battleships that Emma saved for the Confederacy during the Battle of Geonosis also played a key role.
"So what is the situation of Christophis planet and Jabim planet for our offensive targets?" Fox Fairy asked on the side.
"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." Admiral Trench made a sound of sarcasm, which made Tang Yu wonder how he made so many changes in the sound of smashing his mouth. The group of hypocritical republican capitalists, while collecting high taxes in Jabim, did not ask when they were invaded by star robbers, and then the Trandosas invaded the planet Jabim, and the Republic did not. Bim broke out with a brain blast and killed tens of millions of people. The Republic did not even give a penny of aid."
"Then half a year ago, a huge mine was discovered in Jabim, which is a key mineral used to manufacture hyperspace engines. The Republic immediately sent troops to the planet Jabim, called to help them maintain order, but actually It is predatory mining on their planet, by the way, to suppress all the rebellious voices by force. Gee Gee..."
Tang Yu's eyes narrowed. Although there were only a few words, even he felt sympathy and anger at the encounter with Planet Jabim. For the indigenous people of Planet Jabim, this anger might have already become a prairie. Fire it! This war, whether it is a republic that has been corrupted to the root, or an independent galaxy confederation willing to become a puppet of commercial giants, does not have any justice.
Of course, if you have to compete, then the Republican Army will still have some bottom line under the leadership of the Jedi Knights, and some of the practices of the independent Confederate Confederation of the Robot Corps, which is completely controlled by the merchant group, will be huh. The Confederation will eventually be suppressed by the Republic, in fact, this reason is also one of the factors.
Admiral Tranche continued: "Then the leader of the Jabim Nationalist Front Alto Stratos launched a coup, killing pro-Republic officials and establishing his own regime. The Jabim government was in the original The commander of the armed forces, Oris Gilman, assembled the army and launched a fierce attack on the regime of Alto Stratus."
"This is the civil war." Tang Yu said lightly.
"Now Alto Stratus has repeatedly asked for help from the Confederacy. Count Duku has sent Assagi Ventris to lead an army to the rescue. But Oris Gilman has also received reinforcements from the Republic and the Jedi Knights Dispatching Obi-Wan Kenobi and Noku, the two Jedi Masters, led more than 20 Jedi Warriors to the battle. Ventrice has lost many battles and has been difficult to persevere. Gee Gee..." Trinch said.
"So what about Christophis Planet?" Fox Fairy asked.
"The situation on this planet is very simple. The planet Christophis is one of the places where Kabel crystal is controlled by the Republic and is the most remote. So, capture this place. After controlling this planet, we can Get more Kappa crystals to make powerful weapons, including lightsabers. Gee hum... So, at Christophis, we need to invest in the main force." Tronci replied.
"So do you have any plans? Admiral Trench." Tang Yu asked.
Trinch nodded and nodded on the planet Jabim with a pointer: "Of course there is a plan, it's awk." The first is Planet Jabim. This planet is mostly rainy season, so it is very unfavorable for armored forces. The air force is also difficult to play. Therefore, for the planet Jabim, our robot corps will be very disadvantaged. The engineers of the trade union said they are developing a combat robot for the local rainy season and muddy areas, but it will take time. So I suggest sending elite soldiers to lead a Tianyi-class cruiser and two generous-class frigates to support, what do you think? Your Excellency Tang Yu."
Admiral Trench's tone is very polite, although according to the logic he is the commander of the G battle zone where the guardian planet is located, he has the power to mobilize all the spaceships of the guardian planet and at least one-third of the ground forces, but he Still talking to Tang Yu in a negotiated tone~EbookFREE.me~ This made Tang Yu feel comfortable.
So he exchanged glances with Fox Immortal, and then nodded slightly: "So then, I will send my wife, the queen of the guardian planet, and Peacock to lead troops. Take a Tianyi-class cruiser as the flagship and lead two A generous frigate, considering that our forces already exist locally, the airspace is relatively safe, and you can take three AA-9 transport ships to carry additional soldiers and armored units. A total of 10,000 fanatic soldiers and 20,000 T -2 Combat robots come to support."
After talking, Tang Yu turned back and smiled as he watched the peacock sitting on the sofa armrest. I only saw that she was wearing a red cheongsam and her legs were very elegantly curled up, and her white and slender beautiful legs were undoubtedly revealed.
Peacock fanned out the peacock fan, and Yun Danfeng said softly: "Then the first victory of the guardian planet, let me take it!"
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