Vol 2 Chapter 2081: The 5 largest Hutt families

?2081, five major Hutt families
The Hutt’s palace in Nasada is tall and gorgeous. It looks like a slender and sharp tower. The entire palace is constructed of golden metal and looks very gorgeous. This is also very consistent with the Hutt's grandiose style.
Tang Yu got into the spaceship of Gorga, the Hutt, and when he saw him coming up, a group of Weikwe guards on the spaceship were obviously nervous. They couldn't help but be nervous, because the person standing in front of them had just killed thousands of people on the street in the city of Wormströh a few hours ago by their own strength! ! And many of these people were killed by the Hutts, that is, their colleagues.
The Hutt Gorga is also in the spaceship. Unlike other high-weight Hutts, he does not have those exaggerated decorations around him. Instead, he wears a pair of monocles and looks very smart. And in Tang Yu's view, Gorga should also be a very young Hutt, at least his skin does not have the disgusting folds of Jabba. So, this guy is actually a handsome guy in Hutt? A handsome slug, Tang Yu gave Gore this definition in his heart.
Well, it's not true. After daring to show up in front of thousands of people, this Gorga is also very courageous. So, this should be a handsome and brave slug.
"No matter from what point of view, Mr. Tang Yu, what you have done in Nasada has already crossed the line." Gorga said straight away when Tang Yu arrived.
Tang Yu smiled faintly and asked, "I don't quite understand your definition of cross-border. You want to say that I am walking alone on the street, and suddenly hundreds of people rushed over with guns and wanted to face my head. Doesn't it cross the border at the first shot? Or, I just let them headshot so that they don't cross the border?"
"In Nasada, fighting is a common thing, but at least, every organization and gang here is following a bottom line. The bottom line of our Hutts is to not kill too many people and disturb here. Order," Gorga said quietly.
The smile on Tang Yu's face gradually disappeared, and his tone began to slow, asking again, word by word: "I just asked you, is it your Hutt bottom line, even if I am attacked and can't fight back and kill people?"
Seeing him, Gorga couldn't help but swallow and squirmed a few meters back. Then he said: "You killed thousands of people! Do they all want to attack you? Have you investigated?"
"If I say yes?" Tang Yu continued to ask back.
"You..." Gorga was immediately blocked by Tang Yu's words, and he shook his slender body compared to other Hutts, and did not speak anymore.
When the spacecraft landed, Gorga led Tang Yu directly into a meeting room in the Hutt Palace. Inside the meeting room, there are already four holographic projections appearing, and Jabba the Hutt is awesome. Counting the Hutt Gorga who brought Tang Yu in, as well as the Hutt Arok, the Hutt Marlow, and the Hutt Oruba, they are the five largest Hutt families and also constitute the Hutt power. The largest Hutt parliament.
This is also one of the most powerful organizations in the entire galaxy. At least commercial giants such as the Trade Union, the Interstellar Banking Association, etc., each of them can't be compared with the Hutt organization alone. The Hutts have accumulated tens of thousands of years of strength, which is reflected in their powerful fleet, the Hutt space mixed with fish and dragons, endless wealth, and the smuggling criminal networks all over the galaxy. Even the Galactic Republic and the Confederation of Independent Galaxies dare not easily provoke them.
However, in the face of these powerful Hutts, Tang Yu only glanced contemptuously and said lightly: "So, the magnificent Hutts have no courage to face me?"
"You are a dangerous man! We don't have any need to face you face to face!" said Marlow, a Hutt man, wearing a wig and chewing a frog in his mouth.
"Since you don't think it's necessary to meet me face-to-face, why invite me over? Bye." Tang Yu waved his hand and turned his head to leave, but the Weikui mercenaries at the door stepped forward to block his way. .
"Do you think that after killing so many people in our site, can you just go away?!" holding a cigar with pale blue skin and yellow spots, looking a little disgusting Arak Growled.
Tang Yu thought for a while and said, "You are right, I'm afraid I can't really go now."
A few contemptuous smiles suddenly appeared on the faces of several Hutts. The ugly slugs on the holographic projection clearly said, ‘it’s not what I expected’. However, in the next second, Kristina came to the back of those Weikui mercenaries, and she was so fast that she could barely see them! Uh! Uh! The knife flashed, and several mercenaries were suddenly cut into pieces! Poof! ! Endless blood spewed into the sky.
"I mean, I can't leave until you tell me what's happening here, you say, right?" Tang Yu opened his hands and smiled, looking around, the only Hutt Ge who was still on the scene Erga has been hiding in the corner.
"As the leader of a planet, do you know the consequences of provoking our Hutts?" said the unremarkable Hurd Oruba, wearing pale silk clothes and pale skin.
The smile on Tang Yu's face became a bit daunting, even distorted and terrifying. He said one by one: "If your Hutt fleet dares to step out of Hutt space and attack the guardian planet, then I will take it Shada and Narkht are buried together! Do you think I can do it?"
The atmosphere suddenly became extremely tense, and a lot of mucus had oozed out from Gorga's body. This was the expression of the Hutt's nervousness. He pressed a hidden button to call for reinforcements.
Tang Yu glanced at him and said, "Don't be called anymore, I really want to kill you. Can you live to the present? Calling more people to come has no other purpose other than letting me have more lives on my hands, but Don’t get more complicated by then. Also, let the ten gunboats that surround the palace let them roll, otherwise I can’t guarantee what will happen next.

"You! You're just relying on Earl Ducku! You know, even if he is, we have to nod in front of us and talk politely!! Set yourself up!!" The Aruba of the Hutts screamed Said.
"We don't think you and your men are suitable to stay in Nasada anymore! Leave now! We will no longer pursue the matter here!" The Hutt Arok smoked a cigar fiercely, waving his vigorously. Stubby hands.
"I just want to ask you, if I don't leave, how are you going to chase me away? Take out your fleet that has been holding you back for thousands of years and bomb it?" Tang Yu is now a rogue.
"Do you think your men can block the attack of our mercenaries? Do you think your people may receive any single business in Nashada? Do you think your fleet can still dock in Nashada?" Hutt Marlowe dropped a series of questions.
"Business? My guardian planet is self-sufficient in both agriculture and industry. We don't lack money. It's just that if my men are too bored, they have to kill and play. As for your mercenaries...you think I How many people can kill?" Tang Yubao said with a smile.
Several Hutt bosses looked at each other, and they all felt that Tang Yu was completely a hob meat, undercooked and chopped constantly, it was just a rogue. If Tang Yu and his men really depend on Nasada, then they really can't help it.
Use mercenaries to attack? Just before Tang Yu showed the ability to kill thousands of people with moving fingers, how many lives would they have to fill? Get the Hutt Fleet bombing? Please, it's their own territory that was fried! And Nasada is the legacy of the ancient Hutt Empire. The Hutts now have no ability to build such a prosperous city with satellites throughout. And there are hundreds of billions of residents in Nasada. Once these residents are broken up, how many teenagers can recover?
As for the attack on the guardian planet, it is just talking. Now Tang Yu is here, is it hard to tell if Count Duku's advice is true, but what if it is true? Although the Hutt's fleet is powerful, they are absolutely not sure to leave Hutt's space to confront the fleet of the Independent Galaxy Confederacy, and the Hutt's shipbuilding ability cannot compare with the ancient Hutt Empire. Those battleships really lost one. One less ship. Really want to fight like this, Tang Yu and the Confederacy will not know how, anyway, the Hutt people accumulated tens of thousands of years of possessions really gone.
"Jabba! You haven't talked! How do you think about this thing!" The Ark of the Hutt turned his head to look at Jabba who had never spoken.
"Your own affairs in Nasada, you solve it yourself." Jabba directly stayed out of the sentence. Anyway, he is the boss of Tatooine and has nothing to do with Nasada.
Arock's small eyes suddenly narrowed and said slowly: "You weren't like this before, but if you have a little chance to intervene in Nasada's affairs, you will never let it go... What the are you thinking about? "
On the side of Tatooine, the Hutt Jabba glanced at Zhou Qing, who was sitting opposite him, eating and drinking, and the body of the guard who was almost covered with the entire palace, slowly said to the communicator: "Before we Didn’t you cooperate with Tang Yu to deal with the dark day and hunt down Qi Luo? It’s not good for me to turn your face like this. So, you solve it yourself.

Arock stared at Jabba’s holographic image for a long time. After a long time, he seemed to notice something. He turned to Tang Yu and said,
What do you want?

Tang Yu smiled, the scary expression before disappeared instantly, and his appearance became harmless again. I only saw him find a circle in the conference room by himself, took a bottle of beverage from a refrigerator and took a few sips. Then he just found a place to sit down and said: "Yes, this is negotiation. It looks like you are right?"
"Since we are negotiating, draw down the road!" Arak, the Hutt, said sharply. The other few did not speak, but just nodded. Among the Hutt parliaments, Arock is the oldest. Although these five big families fight incessantly for a while, they still take the lead in some matters involving the interests of the entire Hutt.
Tang Yuzheng said: "You will send someone to attack me, I will not care about you, write off. If you talk about my murder here, I will tell you by action, this time I killed Thousands of people, it’s just a trifle."
"Negotiation relies on the exchange of interests, not threats. So, if you agree to this, it depends on what you can come up with!" Arock lit another cigar. The Hutt smoked a cigar very strangely. The flame is pink.
"I will help you catch Qiluo, and continue to help you deal with the black day. Correspondingly, you need to open your channel to the Confederation of Independent Galaxy, and refuse to enter the fleet of the Republic." Tang Yu said his conditions.
The Hutt Oruba yelled: "It is impossible for you to get us into this war!!"
"It is impossible for us to fight the Republic." Seeing the atmosphere that finally couldn't fight, the Hutt Gorga, who was on the scene, finally spoke.
"Then you detained my fleet and sent people to attack me. Isn't it a war? You don't dare to fight the Republic, then do you dare to fight the Confederation of Independent Galaxy?" Tang Yu asked back.
"If we block the hyperspace channel to the Republic, then the Republic will almost certainly step in! Then our Hutts will be immediately involved in the war! And, I don’t think you separatists are capable of winning this war. "Aroque said loudly.
"Negotiation relies on the exchange of interests, not threats. So, if you agree to this, it depends on what you can come up with!" Arock lit another cigar. The Hutt smoked a cigar very strangely. The flame is pink.
"I will help you catch Qiluo, and continue to help you deal with the black day. Correspondingly, you need to open your channel to the Confederation of Independent Galaxy, and refuse to enter the fleet of the Republic." Tang Yu said his conditions.
The Hutt Oruba shouted: "You want us to get involved in this war~EbookFREE.me~ Impossible!!"
"It is impossible for us to fight the Republic." Seeing the atmosphere that finally couldn't fight, the Hutt Gorga, who was on the scene, finally spoke.
"Then you detained my fleet and sent people to attack me. Isn't it a war? You don't dare to fight the Republic, then do you dare to fight the Confederation of Independent Galaxy?" Tang Yu asked back.
"If we block the hyperspace channel to the Republic, then the Republic will almost certainly step in! Then our Hutts will be immediately involved in the war! And, I don’t think you separatists are capable of winning this war. "Aroque said loudly. [Hundreds of words are repeated, and they will be revised after a while. 】
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