Vol 2 Chapter 2099: Intertwined

"This is nonsense! The fleet of independent Confederacy is not as good as the Republic, and the army with B-1 combat robots as its main force is definitely not an opponent of the Clone Corps. And because the fleet is at a disadvantage, it is impossible to play the large number of B-1 robots. Isn't it normal to play the advantage?" Jane Conner said with a lip.
Peacock walked to the side of the sofa and sat down, lifting Erlang's legs casually. Since coming to the "Star Wars" world, she fell in love with cheongsam, and now with her movements, a pair of slender beautiful legs set under black stockings emerged from under the cheongsam. This random pose is all in one move with the allure of allure. She took a sip of a glass of cola, and until now she still likes to drink this kind of drink, and slowly said: "So I came to ask you, now our way of coping."
Jane Connor glanced at the peacock's beautiful legs that made people want to play for ten years, and said with a sigh: "The old lady is going to say, do you understand?"
A hint of teasing appeared on the face of the peacock, and the peacock fan appeared in the hand out of thin air, blocking half of the lips of the cherry tree and saying, "That is to say, you want to fight a little? This time I will let you use the lightsaber. it is good?"
Jane Conner snorted, lightsaber instantly unsheathed, hacked towards the peacock! While chopping, he said in his mouth: "Any behavior that wants to modify the long river of history is against the sky! However, we laid nails in several places in advance. Although each one is inconspicuous, but when we really start In action, these nails can become the basis for us to build a dam and lead the long river of history in another direction!"
"Do you think this can distract me? It's naive, Jane." The peacock took a leisurely form a four-dimensional space barrier in front of him, and then came behind Jane Conner, and the peacock fan made a cold light. Cut through.
With a bang, the two broke the wall and hit the outside.
Christina looked at the sword and sword outside through the big hole in the wall, and the two peacocks and Jane Conner, who were very lively, twisted their heads and said to themselves: "In this way of no practical meaning to pass the time , Human beings are really difficult to understand."
Planet Serenno, the residence of Count Dooku.
"War is spreading across the galaxy, as we planned, my lord." Count Ducq knelt on one knee, facing one of the holographic projections covered in a black cloak, only to see the surrounding chin Said the man with the nose like that eagle hook. This man is awesomely the Sith Lord, Darth Sidious, and also the speaker of the Galactic Republic, Palpatine!
"The Jedi Knights will devote themselves wholeheartedly to war as I planned, because they think war is the way to bring peace. But they will never understand that war is war, and killing is killing. When the hands of Jedi Knights touch When they are full of blood, the foundation of their survival will cease to exist! Hahahahaha!" Das Sidious laughed proudly, his voice very distorted.
"Yes." Count Duku bowed his head deeply, and then said: "Although some small defeats have been suffered recently, the battle of the battleship Vicious Tooth, or the battle of the planet Christophis, went very smoothly. .. I will further expand the influence of the Confederation of Independent Galaxies and allow more galaxies to join them."
However, Das Sidious said coldly: "But even so, the progress of the war is far from enough. I have to say that your ability to show me is a bit disappointing. If you follow this process, the war will be very fast. It will end! And if the Republic does not hurt, then I will not get what I want!!"
Count Duku replied: "Please rest assured, my lord. According to my next battle plan, the republic will only fall deeply into the mud of war. Now the Hutt declares neutrality, which allows us to mobilize the army The speed is much faster. I have long concealed a fleet, preparing to raid the planet Kola, to control the important transportation hub of the Chadzawa galaxy, and further cut off the channel of the Republic’s outer ring of reinforcements, so that the entire outer ring of stars Into the bag!!!"
"In this case, I will create a fighter for you. Not long ago, the planet of Rhodia encountered a crisis of food production reduction, and the Rodians are starving. I will throw out an abandoned child and let him embezzle it and give it to him. The support of the Rodians, and then let Newt Gunray go to the planet of Rodia, to ensure that the Rodians completely fall to the confederation of independent galaxies." Das-Sidious said.
"Yes! I will let Battleship Fangtooth continue to act, focusing on the transportation routes of Planet Rhodia." Duc-Count said.
"I will send you the timetable of that route to facilitate the operation of the fangs. But you have to remember that the fangs are my favorite toy, don't let it happen! Before the final weapon is completed, it is My ideal flagship!" Das Sidious said.
"As you wish, my lord."
Darth-Sidious thought for a while and said, "Planet Rhodia alone is not enough to attract the attention of the Jedi Knights. Recently, Yoda transferred the 13th Army secretly back, preparing to attack the guardian directly. Planet, I will facilitate this combat operation and let Parliament give them enough support."
"Understood, I will immediately arrange the fleet to make the planet of the guardian become a meat grinder after the planet of Christophis!" said Earl Ducout decisively.
"No..." Darth-Sidious waved his hand, his voice was slow, distorted and greasy, and it was extremely uncomfortable to hear, "Don't send any reinforcements, and don't tell the guardian planet this information ."
"But Governor Bilul, the commander of the Thirteenth Army, is not a good player. This front directly invades the Guardian Planet. I am worried that Tang Yu will not be able to stop the offensive of the Republic. From the battlefield of Christophis, their T The battlefield performance of the -2 battle robot is far better than that of the B-1 battle robot of the Trade Union. I am preparing to place a military order with Tang Yu. At this time, if the war is burned to the planet of the guardian..." Count Duku frowned.
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha... There are more hidden things behind the guardian planet than you think. They will be the best fertilizer for my empire! Ha ha ha ha ha!" Das-Sidius laughed out loud Get up, and then cut off the communication.
The Earl of Duku stood up and pondered for a long time before he reached Emma Frost's communication. Emma’s hologram appeared in front of him, bowing to Count Ducuk and saying, "What do you have to say, Master."
"Ventries once again suffered a disgraceful failure in the Liana galaxy. You go to receive her remaining fleet and combat robots, join forces with the fleet you lead, and start attacking Korra planet a week later! As your men!" said Count Duku.
"Follow your orders, Master." Emma replied indifferently.
The Earl of Duku was in communication with the Governor of the Trade Union, Newt Gunley, and his expression became arrogant and contemptuous. This contempt and pride for the non-human race is from the heart. He looked at the Nemoidian who was cautious in the holographic projection, and slowly said: "Separate 5% of the orders of battle robots of the Confederacy of Independent Galaxy. To the guardian planet!"
Newt Gurley raised his head violently and said anxiously: "But Master Duku, this is not the same as our previous agreement... A 5% share alone means a huge sum of hundreds of millions of credit points. Money..."
Earl Duccus looked sharply and said sharply, "Shut up for me!!! If your robots can be a little more useful, I won't make such a decision!!! If we can't win this war, you should know as a result of!!"
"Yes...yes..." Under the pressure of Count Ducq, Newt Gunley suddenly flinched and bowed his head to answer tremblingly.
Seeing that the pressure was enough, Earl Ducuk said: "Next, there will be a famine in the planet of Rhodia, and the assistance of this planet will be given to you. Use Huairou means to ensure that the Rhodia Talk to our independent galaxy confederation completely!"
Newt-Gunley's eyes lit up suddenly, "The market of Narodiya...
The Earl of Duku waved impatiently and said, "I'll give it to you! This is the compensation that allows you to separate the robot orders!" After that, he closed the communication.
He stood there again and stared at the holographic star map of the Milky Way. After thinking for a while, this was followed by General Griffith’s newsletter and said: "The next stage of the Tooth Tooth~EbookFREE.me~ is to cut off Luo. The transportation line of Planet Dia. In addition, if Tang Yu wants to leave, you have to find a way to persuade him to stay on the fangs."
"Tang Yu didn't mean to leave." General Griffiths said, "He seems to be very interested in the Fangfang."
Earl Ducco nodded: "That's good, but if he must leave, you will force him to stay on the grounds that the whereabouts of the Tooth Fang need absolute confidentiality! You must remember that the battleship Fang Tooth is our most powerful Warship, you must not only let it exert its due strength, but also do its utmost to protect the fangs! After one month, end the combat mission of the first stage of the fangs, I want this warship to return to the Lasaxes 4 completely Trumpet!"
"Yes, my master." General Griffith bowed his salute.
Tang Yu, who was sleeping in his luxury cabin, suddenly shook his ears on the battleship fangs. Although he lived in a cabin more than one kilometer away from the bridge of fangs, he still heard Griff under the influence of the mechanical field. A call between General Sri Lanka and Earl Duc.
Don't I leave the fangs...? What is Earl Ducout planning? Tang Yu secretly said. Then he suddenly thought of something, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.
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