Vol 2 Chapter 2103: Earth-shattering kidnapping

2103, shocking kidnapping
A riot ignited, and the attacked police force immediately opened fire on Zirro's men in front of him, and Zirro responded immediately. A shootout unfolded without warning.
Qiluo is also an old river and lake in the underworld, and immediately understands that he is overcast, he immediately turns around and wants to run, but a small-caliber entity sniper bullet accurately hit him! Although not fatal, he was left on the scene. At this time, the forces behind Ziro also immediately played a role, and more police troops quickly arrived on the levitating motorcycle to control the situation.
From the perspective of the senior officials behind, it is clear that the current situation is that someone wants to kill Qi Luo, plus the Padme-Emdala MP also personally accused Qi Luo of treason, the situation is urgent, the best The way is to first pick up Qi Luo and send it to the highest standard prison.
Only in this way, the Hutt Ziro can get the best protection, and then no matter what is behind the assassination, and no matter how Ziro and Padmé exchanged fire, it can be solved slowly. As for Padme’s crime of treason, those senior officials believe that as long as there is a price, everything can be solved. Even if Padme cannot be bought, the people around her are the same.
And while the police and Ziro and Padme-Emidala were arguing over there, a Nemoidia shuttle flew directly to the tarmac of the Galactic Parliament.
The guard of the parliament building immediately issued a warning: "This is the seat of the republic's parliament, please leave immediately! After 10 seconds, we will take force measures!"
At the same time, a team of parliament guards wearing blue armor surrounded them with explosive guns and raised their guns at the shuttle.
However, in the next second, a figure rushed out of the shuttle instantly, so fast that it was unimaginable. When the guards had not responded, they already crossed the distance of hundreds of meters and came to them! It was a woman! However, this was also the last thought of the guards. I only saw the woman's hair spreading in all directions as if there were life, and at the same time pierced the eyebrows of more than ten parliament guards present!
In the control center, the guard who saw this scene on the screen suddenly panicked, "Fuck... bastard! Someone attacked the parliament!!! Immediately send an alarm and ask the army for reinforcement!!"
"You're right! We need reinforcements!" The companion standing next to him said lightly, and suddenly took out the pistol and shot the guard headshot! Then I pressed a few times on the console, and immediately all the entrances to the parliament building were blocked by the lowered iron door!
At this time, Cade-Bain took his team off the shuttle and gently pressed the remote control in his hand. I only saw the whole parliament building suddenly fall into darkness! Energy supply is cut off! And a powerful disturbance came out, cutting off all communications in the entire parliament building area!
"Go! Our time is limited! We must set off within ten minutes! First of all, we must remove the residual resistance inside the building! Today is not a meeting day, there are few people in the Parliament!" Cade-Bain said while pulling out two The pistol rushed towards the parliament building.
In this operation, he brought a total of six partners, one of which was the IG-88 assassination robot that awakened the God code and had his own consciousness. Tang Jiu's speed was faster, and Cade-Bain rushed into the parliament building without saying anything. A spatter of gunshots came from inside, but calm was restored immediately.
Although the Cade-Bain group is not as powerful as Tang Jiu, they are also murderous and non-flicking characters. Those who are caught in the chaos and also have several traitors in the parliamentary guards are rushing around. It was killed without any action outside. These guards are not clone soldiers, and a long time ago, the guards of parliament became a symbolic existence, and because there are many opportunities to reach the parliamentarians of various planets, those who are powerful and powerful have sent their heirs. Work out and gilt among the guards.
Therefore, this parliamentary guard full of rich second generation and official second generation was actually defeated by Cade-Bain and Tang Jiu and a total of seven of them! !
The traitor who shot the surveillance guard and closed the gate just now saw Cade-Bain coming over and greeted with joy, "I have closed the entrance and exit, and the whole situation is under our control! I will Come with you, Count Duku promised me a large sum..."
Before he finished talking, Cade-Bain shot his head with a shot. He blew his muzzle and said lightly: "Thank you, but I'm sorry, my spaceship doesn't pull passengers."
Soon, the eight members of the parliament building that were still in the parliament building were captured by Cade-Bain and brought to an empty parlor. Councillor Onakonda-Far is also among them! He looked at these heavily armed thugs a little nervously, daring not to say a word.
Cade Bain walked in front of them and said with a smile: "I'm sorry to disturb your work, deputies. I need something for you, so you need to come with me."
At this time, in the largest ship carrying prisoners among the Ziro who was escorting the Hutts, Qiluo was tempting a police officer to follow suit: "You know, I am Hutt! I am very Money! Very rich! As long as you can let me out, I can give you 1 million credit points immediately!"
A police officer scoffed, "Come on, I dare not collect your Hutt money first, nor dare to spend the second! God knows when the bounty hunter will come to the door!"
The two policemen next to them also laughed, but the policeman who just spoke suddenly turned his muzzle and slammed two shots, and the two policemen were suddenly headshot! In Qi Luo's horrified look, the policeman suddenly turned into a metallic silver-gray outline, and then after a distortion, he became a stranger with a cold look! ! Awe-inspiring T-1000 Terminator! !
"You! You! What is this..." Ziro was terrified by this thing~EbookFREE.me~ shouted: "Help! Help!"
However, no one was destined to take care of him. The pilot of the spaceship suddenly raised his hand, and the liquid metal arm instantly turned into a spike, puncturing the heads of the two police officers in the co-pilot position! Then he steered the spaceship to make a sharp turn and flew in the direction of the parliament building!
The other police spaceships in the team immediately found out that they were wrong, but because the important prisoner Ziro was still on the spaceship, they did not dare to fire at all. They could only chase behind and keep moving toward the spaceship ahead. The wing shot, trying to unbalance the spacecraft.
There are more and more spaceships chasing behind, and just as they approach the parliament building, a golden beam of light suddenly comes over! This beam of light was so powerful that it swept over directly, and the three police ships were immediately blown into three fireballs and fell! !
The police saw that a Nemoidia shuttle was docked on the tarmac of the Parliament building. The whole building was dark. Obviously, the power was cut off. There were dozens of guards around the shuttle! !
... m.
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