Vol 2 Chapter 2112: Kneel

2112 Kneel
Tang Yu followed the footsteps of General Griffiths and came to the conference room of the battleship Fangfang.
After waiting for a while, the holographic projection of Earl Ducuk appeared on the side of the meeting room, but left the center position, he said to Tang Yu: "Dear Tang Yu, in view of the guardian planet so far Our contribution to this great war, and the reality of the siege of the Republic now, our independent galaxy confederation must respond. But before that, I will introduce to you with respect, my mentor is also this great revolution Master planner-Lord Darth-Sidious!"
After he finished speaking, Count Ducq knelt on one knee, and he gave Tang Yu a glance, obviously also wanting Tang Yu to do the same. However, Tang Yu ignored him, just put his hands on his abdomen, and then maintained a bowing posture.
Soon, the holographic projector in the center of the meeting room flickered, and a figure covered with a cloak appeared, showing only the eagle-like nose and the wrinkled chin, and to show his respect, the size of the holographic projection He was placed very large, which made him look at least 3 or 4 meters tall. The eyes hidden under the cloak's shadow glimmered in a gleam, and they glowed with golden light, full of greed, desire and ambition.
"Now, we finally meet... The young guardian planet leader... Tang Yu." Das-Sidious's voice was very slow, and the twisted and greasy voice made people feel as if a piece of throat was blocked Like the silt, it feels very uncomfortable just to listen. At this time, General Grievous had retreated, and Count Ducout closed the communication, leaving Tang Yu alone to talk to Darth Sidious.
"I am Tang Yu, Lord Lord. Although I heard Earl Duku mentioned such a great person, now I am finally able to talk directly to you with honour." Tang Yu lowered his head and thought Telecommunications, began to think about various response plans and methods. After all, Das Sidious appeared in front of Tang Yu in his original capacity, which is definitely a significant thing.
Darth-Sidious suddenly became silent. He looked closely at Tang Yu. After a long time, he slowly asked: "How would you feel?...as a Emperor..."
Tang Yu lowered his head and frowned slightly, and he never thought that Sidious asked the question, which is such a headless brain. But his response was extremely fast, and he immediately realized what Sidious meant! He looked up and smiled slightly: "When you are admired by hundreds of millions of people, your every move will affect the lives and future of hundreds of millions of people. This feeling... is not the feeling of the emperor."
"Oh? How did the emperor feel?" Sidious was interested in Tang Yu's words and continued to ask.
Tang Yu's expression suddenly became extremely indifferent. He said: "Everything in the world is my private property, and all the people in the world are my slaves. As long as they want to win my favor, they must bear even if the corpses of millions of people are everywhere. Even if I consume the rations of hundreds of millions of people in one meal and make them starve, they must bear it. Because I am the emperor, the owner of everything. Those who dare to disobey me, kill! Those who dare to displease me , Kill! Because I am the emperor. Every word and every word I say is equivalent to the Constitution or even above the Constitution. Anyone dares to violate this, kill! Because I am the Emperor."
After he finished, he nodded again and said, "So, this is what it feels like to be an emperor."
I only saw the strange light in Darth Sidious's eyes, so greedy, so eager, he seemed to want to say something and ask something, but he was hiding this emotion well. After thinking about it, he asked slowly: "So, how do you feel from the emperor to the president?"
If it was not Tang Yu who knew what kind of person Sidius was in advance, this second question would be a good way to turn back the previous ambitious and ugly questions. Because in the eyes of ordinary people, the first problem is only for the preparation of the second problem, and all the language traps are on the second very conspicuous problem. But Tang Yu knew that, on the contrary, Sidious did not care about Tang Yu's answer to the second question, he just had to perfunctory.
Tang Yu made a somewhat panicked expression and lowered his head deeply, saying, "This has bathed me in the glory of democracy and republic."
Sidious's mouth twitched slightly and said slowly: "I can tell you the answer to this question. You lack one thing-power! No one can match the power! So, you can't be the emperor, you can only downgrade For... the president..."
Tang Yu said with a faint smile: "But after all I was an emperor, and the people of the guardian planet are now also emperors. I still want to have the glory of the emperor. The existence of the emperor should not be affected by the momentary loss of power. , Is the way of the emperor!" After understanding the meaning of Sidious, he has been using words to grill Sidious on the fire.
Sidious looked at Tang Yu and continued: "Now the Guardian Planet is under siege from the Thirteenth Army of the Republic. The situation is in jeopardy. And Master Yoda personally leads the team, and the Guardian Planet has little chance of winning. For this Things... what do you want?"
Normally, should Tang Yu not ask this question? Now it was asked by Darth Sidious, and the answer he wanted was self-evident. But Tang Yu did not accept the move, and said with a smile: "The empire will not die, the spirit will last forever, and the Republic will kill all the people on the guardian planet! But I believe that even if there is one person left on the guardian planet He will also pick up stones to fight the heavily armed Clone Corps. This is the power of an empire."
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha..." Das Sidious laughed and asked: "So if I were to send troops to rescue the guardian planet, what would you pay?"
"As a member of the Confederation of Independent Galaxy, I am willing to give everything to protect the planet and to defeat the Republic~EbookFREE.me~ Tang Yu said.
Sidious's weird laughter came to an abrupt end. He stared at Tang Yu, saying one by one: "So, now... kneel down."
Tang Yu's expression looked very respectful, but he only bowed slightly to Sidious.
"Kneel~~~~下下~~~~~" Sidious's voice seemed to roar in the ear of Tang Yu, even the whole conference room was shaking. With a click, a cup on the table suddenly shattered and tea was splashing around. Such a force could not help making Tang Yu a little horrified. You must know that Coruscant, where Sidious is sitting, is in the middle of the galaxy, and the area where the fang is located is in the remote outer ring of Hutt space, but it is tens of thousands of light years apart. Under the distance, his force can actually affect here! !
The Force, a wonderful existence. Maybe in the confrontation between the two armies and in the duel of the masters, there are not many comparable capabilities that are familiar, but what the Force can do, it is definitely unimaginable for many other capabilities.
"Kneel... down..." Sidious's voice still echoed in Tang Yu's ear.
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