Vol 2 Chapter 2115: The Lost Fleet-Blade

2115, The Lost Fleet-Blade
Twenty days ago, in an unknown dead space.
Talon Calder, who was chased by Vigo Perry to nowhere, randomly entered a set of hyperspace coordinates and forced a jump to come here. And when he saw the window, he was stunned by the two huge figures, "What the hell, what..."
"This is destined..." Shi Mingdong walked out of the cabin. He looked down at Zirro, the Hutt, who was fainting beside him, and he took out a high-voltage stun gun and slammed him. On the belly.
"Guru Guru..." Qiluo jumped and yelled suddenly, fainted.
"Oh, you Hutts have thick skin and thick meat. I don't think this shock can really make you pass." Shi Mingdong said with a sneer.
"What do you mean... destined... what do you mean?" Taron Calder had already seen it clearly. The two huge figures outside the porthole were two giant space warships! ! And he keenly felt that Shi Mingdong, who was standing in front of him now, was completely different from before!
Now he is so calm, and he will always make people subconsciously ignore his existence. Only when he speaks occasionally, he will feel the forceful sharpness from him! Is this still the usual bohemian, hee hee ha ha, said the endless Shi Mingdong as soon as he opened his mouth?
Shi Mingdong put his index finger on his mouth and said, "This will explain to you later, we jump under Perry's eyelids, he will definitely catch up with the hyperspace fluctuations. We, we must solve him!"
Taron Calder frowned and asked, "Are you sure? He's on a hammerhead cruiser!"
Shi Mingdong suddenly took off his glasses and threw it up, and then pressed a button on his wrist, only to see a large number of armor and parts began to fly out of his personal space and assembled on him! From the mechanical skeleton that supports the limbs, to the nerve link device attached to his spine like a centipede, to the core engine on the back waist, to the energy system, the transmission system, and finally the sharp and spiky nails, Strong and flexible. Click, six batteries with purple energy flashed from the shoulder to the inside of the machine, followed by a snort, a condensed mist sprayed from the back.
The Wolverine special action mechanized exoskeleton, Shi Mingdong's special plane, deployment is complete! Snapped! The glasses dropped by him just now fell down and were firmly caught, and then two card slots were ejected from the sides of the fully covered helmet, and then Shi Mingdong Sao put the glasses on the card slot incomparably, so wear it Outside the full-cover helmet!
Looking at the mechanized exoskeleton with a height of two meters and a retro magical style, Taron Calder was shocked! After the Guardian Planet first put the mechanized exoskeleton on the market, he was familiar with this very expensive cargo, but he did not have much contact. Who would have thought that Shi Mingdong actually has such a set of mechanized exoskeletons, and it is very obvious that this set of exoskeletons is more advanced than those on the market. I don’t know how many times! !
"Who... who are you..." Talon Calder suddenly felt that Shi Mingdong was very strange, he could not help but take a few steps back. Then he slammed into a wall behind him! When he looked back, he realized that Krishna didn't know when to stand behind him. The mechanical mask covering his mouth and chin looked so scary, just like when he first met Krishna!
"Perry's Hammerhead Cruiser's partial shield has been penetrated by an asteroid and our turbo laser cannon, so I can just get up in advance." Shi Mingdong's voice was a little dull under the full-cover helmet, After talking, he walked straight to the hangar and flew out with the only Lambda-class shuttle they put inside.
After a while, there was a flicker in the universe, and Perry and his hammerhead cruiser were sent out of hyperspace! At this time, Shi Mingdong, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately increased the speed of the shuttle to the fastest speed, and they got into the entrance of the hangar of the Hammerhead Cruiser when they were completely caught off guard!
Taron-Kald froze for a long time without saying a word, and then he turned back to Krish: "What the is going on? What are these two warships... exactly?"
"It's not two battleships, it's two hundred." Clichy said slowly. He handed over a storage device. "Look for yourself."
Taron-Kard took the storage device suspiciously and opened it, projecting a figure from the inside. He said in the direction of Taron: [You can see this message, indicating that you have found the edge, just as destined That way. First introduce myself, my name is Tang Yu, the president of the guardian planet. 】
[The fleet you see, called the Blade Blade Fleet, is all made up of the fearless heavy cruiser built by Lundilly Star Dynamics, because all battleships are painted black, also known as Kuroshio. Two years after the Battle of Naboo, Speaker Palpatine proposed the first round of military expansion plan, but because the latest hunter-class cruiser has not yet begun mass production, the military has a batch of old and fearless judicial fleet The heavy cruiser was remodeled. 】
[Dreadnought-class heavy cruisers are very old-fashioned spaceships. The electronic systems and fire control systems are very poor. The firepower is also very general. The most fatal disadvantage is that in order to make these extremely inefficient spacecraft move, each battleship needs to be equipped with 16000. Famous officers and soldiers, this figure can't bear even the Republic. Therefore, Lundilli Interplanetary Power Company modernized 200 of these fearless classes, almost completely redone the electronic system and linkage lines of the warship, reducing the number of people required to control the warship to 2,200, and the firepower has also been greatly improved. It became the most reliable battleship of the Republican judicial fleet before the emergence of the hunter class. The Blade Fleet and Kuroshio have also become the first batch of 200 fearless class labels. 】
[But at that time, the planet Jabim was in trouble, and it once spread to other parts of the galaxy, and the impact was very bad. The Edge Blade Fleet, which is undergoing the first collective sea trial, does not know that brain plague has spread to the entire fleet. What happened in this process is not known, only the final result is that these crew members who have lost their minds because of brain plague, use their last will to start the hyperspace jump and banish the fleet in an unknown space. among. So far, 8 or 9 years have passed. 】
Speaker, Tang Yu’s holographic projection looked at this and said: [I know you may ask ~EbookFREE.me~ how this fleet has to do with you. I can only tell you that I spied on the corner of fate, and I can see that you were randomly inputting a set of coordinates when being chased once, and thus jumped to the vicinity of the Blade Fleet, thus making this lost fleet heavy Now every day. But that time, it should be ten years later, and then fifteen years later, this fleet was obtained by Marshal Soron. Well, you don't need to know who Marshal Soron is, it doesn't matter to him anyway. 】
[Of course, you will ask, this is just a randomly entered coordinate. I sent Shi Mingdong to follow you in vain. But it is not true, because everyone has habits and personality. Naturally, I would not bet on your random input, but I can construct your character profile, understand your habit of numbers, and explore your character. Take me as an example. If you want me to enter a number up and down on the keyboard, then the first number I choose must be 5. You see, people still have rules to follow. Therefore, it is possible for us to construct no array of coordinate numbers that you might enter under panic. 】
Speaking here, Tang Yu smiled and said: "But you can see this video, which shows that you are indeed selected by the fate of the Blade Fleet. My layout has not been completed, you actually found it randomly The positioning of the cutting edge... this is really, destined..."
... m.
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