Vol 2 Chapter 2122: Feeling of despair

2122. Feeling of despair
Prince Sizo bit his teeth tightly and punched the console in front of him, his face full of anger and humiliation! The leader of the dark day was actually put up like this!
And what does it mean that these stealth battleships are posted like this! Don't look down on people, okay! ! I still have 18 battleships in my hand, all of which are on the level of kilometers! ! These three 500-meter-long battleships and 20 small 120-meter-long battleships are not at the same level! !
"Fire! Break them up for me!!!" Prince Nizaku shouted and gave orders.
The Tianyi-class cruiser where he was located immediately began to adjust the direction to fire, but these stealth battleships seemed to know their plans. At the moment when the fire control radar was just turned on, they activated the stealth device again, just in front of everyone. Gone! Together with the radar signal also completely disappeared, the fire control radar instantly missed and could not lock the target at all! !
If it is a clone army of the Republic, they will definitely choose optical sighting at the first time, which is commonly known as visual sighting, and then a mess, even if it can’t be hit, it will have a little effect. But the gang members of the black day chose the worst and most suitable way for them-dumb.
They didn't react until their warship was attacked, and yelled to control the turret to counterattack.
At this time, the Fleet of Blood-Blood Warriors had been scattered. They bitten the tails of the warships of the Black Sun Fleet, and then used the ion cannon to attack fiercely!
The iron-blooded soldiers walked far and deep on the technology tree of the ion cannon. The ion cannon launched by the iron-blooded cruiser would form a sphere of about 2 meters in diameter with a temperature of more than one million degrees of high-temperature particles. Launched at a speed of many kilometers. Although the single-shot power of this large ion cannon is not comparable to the turbo laser cannon commonly used in the "Star Wars" world, the rate of fire is extremely fast, and several high-temperature particles can be fired in a single fire, causing huge damage. Of course, the shortcomings of the two are also very similar, that is, the quasi-head is not good, and the range of the iron-blooded ion gun is only about half of the turbo laser gun.
However, no matter how bad the quasi-head is, it is not so bad that it can still distort the monster that is more than 1,000 meters long. The warships of the Jagged Warriors use their invisible devices and their unique high-speed, flexible and continuous walk around the warships of the Black Sun Fleet to carry out uninterrupted attacks!
Different from what Prince Sizo envisioned, the Jagged Warrior has always been the most efficient hunter, and they will not play the trick of catching a mouse with a cat. They cut the battleship to a few kilometers away from the Black Sun Fleet, with a purpose! After the beginning of the war, data about the various main battleships used by the Republic and the Confederacy were sent to Tang Yu’s desk with no details, and Tang Yu naturally discussed and simulated with Longya, the commander of the Jagged Warrior Squadron Over-blooded clan fighting against these main battleships.
Longya came to the conclusion that in the long-range artillery battle with such battleships as the Hunter, Generous, and Tianyi, the Iron-Blood Warship did not have an advantage, and it could even be said to be suspended. So after the war, Tang Yu never allowed the Jagged Fleet to participate in any head-to-head battles because it was not suitable for them on this occasion. The advantages of the iron-blooded warship are fast speed, flexible steering, fierce firepower, and extremely fast firing rate. The most important thing is that it can be invisible! ! In order to take advantage of this advantage, the best way is for both parties to approach battle!
To know that in the case of the Hunter-class cruiser, each 180-degree turn takes about 5 to 8 minutes, while the Jagged Warrior cruiser only takes 40 seconds! This is the most essential gap between the two sides in mobility!
Now the three iron-blooded cruisers and 20 iron-blooded frigates are like sharks smelling smells, cruising around the main battleships of the Black Sun Fleet, but the battleships of Prince Sizo are like a bulky whale, only Able to follow the Jagged Battleship in circles in vain.
On those warships in the dark day, the high-temperature particles exploded in a blue-and-white explosion, and their partial shields became weaker and weaker. It’s important to know that partial shields are also very inflexible. The shields in this area are strengthened and weakened in other places. The iron-blooded warships use their speed advantages to stare at the weak areas of their shields, and almost don’t arrive after the war. In three minutes, three of the five battleships around Prince Nizao were already broken down! !
"Retreat immediately! Merging with other warships!!! Cannot be broken by each!!" Prince Nisa awakened as soon as he dreamed, and said loudly.
But it was too late, and a sudden violent shock made Prince Sizo almost unsteady. He climbed up from the ground and looked, and found that a violent explosion was happening behind the side of the generous frigate of the "Hero". , That position happens to be the energy warehouse of the generous frigate! What's even worse is that the ruthlessness has obviously completely lost its fighting power in this explosion, and it is just in front of the flagship of Prince Sizuo!
"Bump it to me!! Close to the battleship behind!!" Prince Nizuo flashed fiercely in the corner of his eyes and said aloud.
I only saw that the Tianyi-class cruiser was full of horsepower, and I rushed towards the ruthlessness without stopping! There was a terrified cry and cry for mercy from the captain of the Ruthlessness on the communication channel, but Prince Sizo did not waver at all, but shouted loudly: "Continue to accelerate!!"
Boom~~~~~ There was a violent impact, and the Tianyi-class cruiser directly hit the slender waist of the generous frigate of the ruthless ship! Crash this battleship directly into two pieces! Then fly toward the rear fleet at high speed, there are 12 main battleships there, this is the basic of Prince Sizo's turnaround!
After all, the dark and gritty stealth battleships are not many~EbookFREE.me~ There are only three 500-meter-long battleships, and the remaining 20 120-meter-long frigates have the firepower of the hunter class and the generous class in a short time. These main battleships have no choice. As long as they meet, they can break out of the encirclement and make a comeback!
Black days are different from those planets and political entities. Black days cannot be killed. It is said that the monk can't run the temple, but the black sun doesn't even have a temple. I really want to uproot the black sun. I'm afraid that it will have to set off a storm of blood among hundreds of galaxies.
Even in the future development of the plot, the black sun was eventually destroyed. The key is not that the black sun provokes to Das-Vida and has not pleased Luke Skywalker, so that the two largest forces at the time-the uprising The army and the Galactic Empire offended all over. The most important reason is that after Prince Nishiko, several consecutive top leaders of Hei Ri were stupid people with high eyes and low hands.
So Prince Siza has this confidence, as long as he can go out alive today, not to mention the 18 battleships, even the 28 battleships, he can also come over again! Then, it is crazy revenge on the guardian planet!
However, when Prince Sizo's flagship passed through the hull of the ruthless ship that had been crashed into two pieces, the scene he saw shocked him. This supreme leader of the dark day felt for the first time, despair!
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