Vol 2 Chapter 2125: Us, come for war

2125 We, come for war
"They are coming again!! Ready to fight!!" Behind the smoke-filled trenches, a clone officer holding an electronic telescope shouted down the telescope. His armor had blue lines and blue shoulders, which showed that He is the supreme chief of this unit.
In the trenches, the clone soldiers who were taking time to rest had a disgraced face, climbed up, took their helmets and put them on, then picked up the DC-15A explosive rifle, and threw their tired body in front of the trench. Gun aiming. Amidst the smoky smoke, there were sounds of tidy footsteps and the whine of the motor. Everyone began to leave cold sweat on the face under the helmet, but then they were cleaned by the automatic cleaning device inside the helmet.
The commander waved his hand and said to a soldier next to him: "Herring, you bring a squad to strengthen the defense of the highlands on the west side! They lost at least 3,000 robots over there in the last wave of attacks, and this time they will definitely focus on Attack here!"
Since the war, these clone soldiers have a clearer understanding of the enemies they face. These robots are very strong, quite strong, and have the ability to learn, which makes their combat power very terrible. But it is not without trace. For example, although they will learn and evolve, they will use it every time they learn something new or new lessons.
To put it in a small way, after the last attack failed, these robots will definitely attack this place in the next attack, as if they are eager to prove that they can fix this error. Clone soldiers often lay out their defenses against this point.
The called clone soldier immediately carried the six-barrel Z-6 explosive cannon from the tripod in front of him, and drove more than a dozen soldiers toward the small high ground.
After a while, I only heard the sound of the opponent's footsteps gradually decreasing, and more sounds of the motor turning started to be heard. The commander seemed more dignified, he said in a deep voice: "Attention, those robots began to switch the four-legged mode, ready to charge!"
Sure enough, the sound of footsteps from the end of the smoke began to become messy and very dense, not only that, but also through the smoke, some light began to shroud down.
"They unfolded their shields! Call the artillery!!" the commander said aloud.
Then I saw countless robots breaking through the smoke and rushing towards their position! The upper body of these robots is basically humanoid, with heavy armor on their chests, and a red light spot in the middle of the flat head flashes continuously. Their waists are relatively slender, they are gear-like, and their four legs run fast and alternately. They are also faster than cars!
"Fire! Fire! Kill these killing machines!!!" The clone commander ordered all the clone soldiers to fire immediately!
咻咻咻~~~~ Countless bursts of energy can be fired out of the head, the robot rushing across the opposite side does not dodge, just rely on its own armor to carry the firepower forward! A part of the blast energy beam is blocked by the shield released by the robot equipped with the iron curtain module, but the area that the iron curtain module can cover is limited after all. Many robots that break out of the shield are still knocked down by intensive fire.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." The clone soldiers screamed and opened fire. They almost didn't need to aim, just pull the trigger to hit the other robot. But most of these robots have thick skin and thick meat, and the armor on the chest is very thick. It often takes several or even more than ten explosive bombs to completely destroy them.
Da da da! Da da da! The opponent's robot also started firing. A clone soldier was suddenly hit by a bullet. His whole person was blasted by the impact of the bullet for several meters. Countless blood rushed out from the broken helmet, a physical bullet! !
"These beasts actually used live ammunition!!! Kill me! Kill!!!" The clone commander was even more angry. He recognized that this scene can only be done with physical bullets!
In fact, fighting for this part, there is no rule irregularity. And because of the massive loss of the Legion of Mechanical Life, and the constant destruction of factories everywhere, outer space has also been blocked, and the production of weapons and ammunition for the guardian planet has been unable to keep up. They had to take out their live ammunition weapons to fight.
In fact, after using explosive energy bombs for a period of time, including Tang Yu also learned why explosive energy weapons are so popular in the "Star Wars" world. Because the production of explosive energy ammunition-explosive energy gas is too convenient! The production of a rifle bullet requires materials and processes such as copper shells, primers, warheads, and stamping. Maybe it does not matter at ordinary times, but during the war, mining and production are restricted, and the production of bullets often becomes difficult. . For example, what the former Soviet Union lacked most during World War II was nothing other than bullets. The fact that a soldier sent five bullets on the battlefield in "Under the City" does indeed exist.
The explosion energy gas does not have these restrictions. Explosive energy gas is extracted from a mineral that has passed through Dealanite. Through chemical reaction, this ore can expand tens of thousands of times in a very short time and become a volatile gas. After high pressure and purification, the explosive energy gas is produced. And Dedranite is as common as coal in the "Star Wars" world.
Of course, the current guardian planet can't care about so many, as long as it can kill all the brains!
Dense gunshots also sounded on the small high ground next to it. It was the commander who arranged the past team to exchange fire with enemy robots, and it was obvious that the number of robots attacking there was very dense!
boom! boom! boom! ! A violent explosion exploded from the array of robots, and the artillery behind fired! The powerful firepower of the AV-7 self-propelled artillery is completely unsolvable in front of the robot army that has no air force and heavy equipment at all.
In the sky, LAAT gunboats also began to appear. The clone soldiers above controlled two spherical full-angle turrets to continuously fire laser beams across the ground, destroying these densely packed robots one by one!
However, at this moment, a terrible voice suddenly broke out on the opponent's front: "Kill the clones! Destroy the republic!!"
This sound is electronically processed and sounds terribly terrible and terribly distorted! Almost everyone was shocked on the battlefield! It sounds as if a demon from is roaring!
"Kill the clones! Destroy the republic!!" The sound continued to roar, and the clone soldiers only found out that the sound came from the speakers of these robots.
Millions of robots on the battlefield turned on the speakers and shouted this sentence at an amazing synchronization rate! Millions and tens of millions of voices converge into one, and even the world trembles! !
"Kill the clones! Destroy the republic!!"
"Kill the clones! Destroy the republic!!"
"Kill the clones! Destroy the republic!!"
The incomparably huge figure of the cheering-class assault landing ship flew over the battlefield, and the devastating turbo laser gun swept across the battlefield. This attack of the Mechanical Life Corps was quickly disintegrated, but according to the Air Force report, there are more Robots are gathering in this direction~EbookFREE.me~ During this rare break time, clone soldiers should have seized the time to rest and eat, but this time they did not do it, just watched dumbly In front of the battlefield!
"Kill the clones! Destroy the republic!!" This voice continues!
The Clone Commander walked forward and saw a T-2 combat robot that was exploded and half buried in the soil, constantly shaking its head, and synchronously said this from the speaker. Sentence slogan.
The commander lifted off his helmet and stared at the robot with great anger! But it still kept saying, "Kill the clones! Destroy the republic!!"
The commander raised the explosive gun in his hand and pointed at the robot's head! I only saw the robot's electronic eye movement, looked at the commander, and suddenly said flatly: "We, come for the war."
Then, the red light on the robot's electronic eyes extinguished, and mechanical life returned to the Holy Mountain at this instant. At the same time, the clone commander pulled the trigger and smashed the robot's head! !
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