Vol 2 Chapter 2138: God of war

2138, God of War
"Your Excellency Tang Yu. Seeing you as a person who has stirred up the situation in the Milky Way recently is so young, it really makes me feel a little ashamed, and it is really awesome for later generations!" Young, he nodded friendly to Tang Yu.
Tang Yu looked at the holographic projection. The middle-aged man's face was wide-mouthed, and the skin on his cheeks had been pulled down. It should have been fat in his early years. His hair was dark, but he had some gratitude, but he was very neatly combed. He kept a neat bazi at the corner of his mouth, and his beard was slightly upturned, apparently carefully trimmed. And the clothes worn by this middle-aged person are also very elegant, woven from a very expensive silk fabric, with a high neckline, raised shoulders, and a long hem. This is a kind of clothing that is only popular in the galaxy. . The value of this dress alone is probably enough to buy a small warship directly!
And what made his eyelids jump wildly was a sign on the man's clothes. This sign is based on a red, very abstract spiral, which should be a symbol of the Milky Way, with three very abrupt black vertical bars in front of it, symbolizing the absolute industrialization above the Milky Way. Above the middle vertical bar, there is a narrow black spiral, symbolizing their home galaxy. Coupled with the name Bangira-Ulan, Tang Yu is very certain that the person standing in front of him is that person!
One of the most terrifying and powerful people in the galaxy! The reason for this is not because of how good he is and how good he can fight, nor because he can dispatch thousands of troops. But it was such a person, such a kind of existence, that even Count Duku had to speak three points short. Even Das Sidious, who became the emperor, and Snooker, the leader of the first order that rose later, had to be polite in front of them.
They are the real ones that can affect the entire galaxy!
Everyone has seen Nicholas Cage’s classic movie "King of War", so if he plays Yuri Olof, these superb arms dealers are the king of war that brings war to the world. This Bangira-Ulan can be said to be the of war! !
Because he is the highest director of Lundili Star Power Company-the current leader of the Ulan family, Bangila-Ulan! ! !
How powerful Lundell Star Dynamics is is actually very easy to explain. They have been established since the establishment of the Republic, and now have a history of 10,000 years! From the beginning, they built a variety of interstellar warships for the Galactic Republic. In the war between the Republic and the Infinite Empire ten thousand years ago, the war with the Hutt Empire, and the war with the Sith Empire, almost all the warships of the Republican Fleet were It was designed and built by Lundilli Star Power! !
Later, the Quart Power Dock began to rise and became a Big Mac that could compete with Lundilly Star Power Company. The two super industrial giants spent thousands of years in competition with each other until now. So far, of the Republican fleet, the Hunter-class cruiser and cheer-class assault landing ship are products of the Quart Power Dock, while the Victory class destroyer and the fearless class heavy cruiser, as well as the ancient and classic hammerhead class cruiser , These are the products of Lundi Interplanetary Power Company.
If you still cannot understand their power, then say one more word. The reason why the Galactic Empire was able to build a empire-class star destroyer like dumplings is because they have the support of Quart Power Dock. After the first order, even if it shrinks on the edge of the galaxy where the bird does not lay eggs, the Starkiller base can be built, and the huge resurrection-class star destroyer can be built, also because of the support of the Quart Power Dock.
In other words, whoever you are, Sith the Great or the Speaker of the Republic want to fight? Want to conquer the galaxy? Sorry, without the support of these super-industrial giants, you can only drive an egg in a small spaceship over a hundred meters.
Whether it is Quart Power Dock or Lundeely Star Power Company, they have opened super giant docks in many galaxies in the Milky Way. Their industrial capabilities can even start the construction of hundreds of giant battleships such as hunter-level cruisers at the same time! ! And they have mastered the core technology of the design and construction of giant battleships. Without their support, the Galactic Republic simply cannot build warships!
Perhaps commercial giants such as the Trade Union and the Interstellar Banking Association can also build warships such as the Tianyi-class cruisers and generous frigates, but the performance of these warships cannot meet the true military standards in all aspects. Cargo ship remodeled! And the building capacity of these commercial giants is far inferior to that of Quart and Lundilli.
So, now Bangla-Ulan has taken the initiative to contact Tang Yu. For example, when China and the United States are at war, the chairman of Lockheed Martin suddenly called the commander of the North China Military Region. Same as chat!
However, after Tang Yu recognized this person, he immediately understood the meaning behind it. He smiled faintly and nodded and said: "It turned out to be Lundili's leader, Mr. Ulan, who has long known his name. But if we remember correctly, should we be in a state of war? If you call me this way, you are not afraid of Pal Patin trouble you?"
But Bangla Ulan shook his head and said: "It's not the same situation. If I come to you at other times, it's mostly treasonous behavior, but now, I'm just serving my customers."
"Frontblade Fleet?" Tang Yu's thoughts turned, almost flashing countless thoughts. It's definitely an earth-shattering event for Bangira-Ulan to come to him, and his answer may also have a great impact on the future, and you can't wait for it!
Why is Bangila Ulan, or the Lundili Star Power behind him, coming to him? aftersale service provided? No, it's definitely not that simple! The intention of Lundili Interplanetary Power Company is actually known by Tang Yu. This reason is actually hidden in the content above. But he understands better now is definitely an immature opportunity!
So, do you want to be clear? To be clear, this process may be advanced, but the greater possibility is... Counterproductive! !
So Tang Yu decided to pretend to be stupid, "Now we have the only connection with Lundilli, which is the 200 fearless heavy cruisers of the Blade Blade fleet. Oh no, there are only 193 left now."
Bangira-Ulan nodded and said, "It is true. You know, the reason why our Lundili can stand forever is not only our reliable design, but also our perfect after-sales service is an important factor."
"So, you are the gold master that Count Ducuk found to help us maintain the fearless heavy cruiser for free?" Tang Yu asked.
Wulan waved his hand and said, "You can't talk nonsense, Your Excellency Tang Yu. I didn't find it from Count Duku, and I didn't have any contact with him. I just asked him how to contact you. ."
The words are dripping, old fritters. Tang Yu glanced at him and replied: "But I believe there is no free lunch in the world, although I really need to find a place to carry out a comprehensive overhaul and maintenance of these fearless heavy cruisers~EbookFREE.me~ But I have no reason to give the fleet to the enemy to help me maintain it?"
"I don’t care what you do with the Blade Blade Fleet, I’m just responsible for what we sell. The Blade Fleet disappeared for ten years, and since you found them, that’s what you deserve. , You will become our user. These warships have not been in operation for ten years, there must be many problems, so in accordance with the principle of being responsible to users, I am willing to provide maintenance services for the Blade Fleet for free."
Bangla Ulan paused and continued: "Of course, I have some, small requests... I hope that you will be able to share the background data of these warships with us when you use the Blade Blade fleet to fight. You are assured that these background data will not fall to the Republic in any way. What do you think of this transaction?"
Tang Yu's face also became serious. Having been in the "Star Wars" world for so long, as a mechanic, of course he is most interested in those giant warships. And what the background data of these warships mean, it is self-evident that through these data, the operation status, faults and weaknesses of the warships will be fully exposed! And no matter what kind of transformation they make to the warships is useless! !
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