Vol 2 Chapter 2149: Endgame

2149 Endgame
The extremely huge electromagnetic cloud fired by the electromagnetic pulse gun instantly covered a range of more than 100 kilometers. The 5 hunter-class cruisers on the front were undoubtedly shot right, and all 5 warships were paralyzed!
Not only that, in the two launches of the electromagnetic pulse gun, the Anakin fleet and the Pro-Kong fleet attacking the side of the Tooth were also paralyzed by hundreds of fighters! It even includes Pro-Kong's own landline! !
The current situation has finally entered the cruelest endgame stage! The two sides have exhausted their cards, and there are no more tricks. The rest is only battle! Fight hard!
Of all the 20 hunter-class cruisers coming, only 4 are left intact, and they are still firing on the side and back of the Fangfang. In the direction of the bottom of the poison tooth, the battle is even more fierce! Tang Yu completely gave up the defense in the other direction of the Tooth, and used all the fighters in the air battle field at the bottom, in order to contain the two Jedi Masters and the more than 600 fighters they led!
The combat power and performance of vulture robot fighters are not as good as the V-wing fighters driven by clones. In this case, if they still divide their troops to meet the enemy, the result can only be disgrace, the whole army is annihilated! In addition, if an air battle is launched on both sides of the Tooth, the fighter jet will also be affected when the electromagnetic pulse gun is launched. There are always gains and losses, and there has never been a perfect battle! Even if Tang Yu doesn't understand the military strategy anymore, he has enough experience after playing in the field. He decisively abandons the defense on both sides, concentrates all the aircraft to attack the bottom position of the aircraft group, and reduces the life force led by the Jedi Knights!
Under the attack of 1,000 vulture robotic fighters and the dense turrets on the bottom of the battleship Fang Tooth, the fighter group led by the masters of Kit Festo and Ace Cos was hit hard. The fighting continues to the present. Although they destroyed a large number of turrets on the Fangfang and shot down more than 400 vulture fighters, only 200 fighters left on their side!
And at this moment, the hangar hatch of the Tooth was opened again, and a humanoid mecha with a slender limb and a flat body like a round olive flew out at high speed. A terrible mechanical dragon over 30 meters long! ! !
I only saw the mechanical dragon first, and its mechanical wings and armpits were equipped with four sets of engines! This is a modification made by Tang Yu to consider space operations! With the ability to withstand the sky in the mechanical field, the machinery under the control of Tang Yu can be modified at any time and any place according to the situation! ! The mechanical dragon is extremely fast, and directly hits the fighters of the Republic! The pilots of the V-wing fighters opened fire, but the firepower of the fighter was blocked by the shield, and then the mechanical dragon slammed into two of them! !
Fragmented and torn apart, this can describe the state of these two fighters, as well as the two pilots... Then the mechanical dragon opened his mouth and spouted a huge sea of ​​fire! The sea of ​​flames did not last long in the cosmic vacuum, but there was also a V-wing fighter that was rushed into it and was burned into a scrap of scrap iron because it could not turn! ! Then it changed the method of combat and began to compress the flame into a fireball. At the same time, the two laser guns installed on the back also started to fire!
At the same time, the deafening roar of the mechanical dragon came from the public communication channels of everyone around! ! Isn’t the cosmic vacuum unable to transmit sound? It does not matter, Tang Yu installed the communicator to the mechanical dragon, and directly made noise through the public channel. More importantly, deterrence! ! !
"Master Festo! Let's go! Get rid of this mechanical monster!!" Ace-Cos yelled, and controlled the Delta-7 fighter to fly straight over. The four blasting laser cannons on both sides continued to fire. Flames exploded on the dragon's shield.
Kit Festo is not much talk, immediately command the remaining fighters to welcome him!
But at this moment, the two Jedi Masters suddenly foresee a terrible threat! Immediately afterwards, they saw the strange humanoid mecha that had fallen behind suddenly disappearing from the place, and then suddenly appeared in front of them! Awesome space transmission! This is not enough. A terrifying force erupted from the humanoid mecha, and almost all the fighters around him lost control! !
"What is this!!" Kit Festo exclaimed.
"Isn't that the one Anakin just said can control the fighters! Be careful!!!" Ace-Cos said loudly while transporting his original force to the extreme to resist Tang Yu's mechanical field!
And at this time, horrible things happened! I only saw all the V-wing fighters controlled by the mechanical field suddenly disintegrate, and the clone driver inside was suddenly exposed to the universe! They were instantly killed by the extreme cold and vacuum! And at the next moment, the V-wing fighters in the disintegrated state were reassembled again! !
Among the at-10 mechs, Tang Yu's eyes flashed with anger. In fact, he does not need to do this at all, because the clone drivers are ordinary people and it is impossible to resist his mechanical field, but now he just wants to kill! really want! ! Then under his control, the more than 100 V-wing fighters under his control began to turn their direction and flew towards the two Delta-7 fighters that stood out in the vicinity, and opened fire! !
While resisting Tang Yu's mechanical domain, the pressure of the two Jedi masters who forcibly controlled the fighter jet suddenly increased suddenly! They still don't forget to let other fighter pilots distance, don't come over! At this time, the vulture robot fighters that were raging around were becoming more and more crazy when the number of V-wing fighters decreased sharply, and they rushed towards those Republican fighters who were somewhat helpless in the mechanical field!
"Master Festo! Can't continue this way! We need to retreat!" Ace-Cos said loudly.
"Where can we go now?" Kit Festo, while resisting the mechanical field, controlled the fighter to dodge left and right, avoiding the particle beam emitted by at-10.
Ice-Cos looked up at the slowly closing hangar door at the bottom of the battleship Fang Tooth and said aloud, "Go here!!!"
Without thinking about it, the two immediately flew in the direction of the hangar! Kit Festo did not forget to give instructions to the surviving fighters on his side: "All fighters will retreat immediately! Join the flight formation of Anakin and Master Pro-Kong nearby!!"
The two Delta-7 fighters are lightning fast~EbookFREE.me~ and the two Jedi masters also joined forces to resist Tang Yu's mechanical field, and finally flew in at the last moment when the hatch closed! !
Tang Yu coldly watched the doors of the 1000-meter-long mega-hangar platform slowly close, but did not pursue, but just connected to the communication and said: "Two Jedi masters came in from the hangar and they handed you over Now."
"Leave it to me! Tang Yu!" General Griffiths replied murderously. He flicked his cloak and walked out of the bridge with four guard robots holding high-voltage electric poles. On both sides of the corridor outside the bridge, a large number of mechanical with a diameter of more than one meter rolled out, and these became more and more, and finally gathered hundreds! ! Impressively, Destroyer Robot! !
Tang Yu turned his head to look in the other direction. He understood that his opponent was not the two Jedi Masters here, but... Anakin Skywalker! ! His eyes flashed, only to see at-10 turned and flew in the other direction, followed by the mechanical dragon! Not only that, the hundreds of V-wing fighters controlled by Tang Yu also flew over!
Anakin Skywalker and Asoka Tano are fighting the last anti-aircraft firepower of Battleship Fang Tooth! At this time, he turned back sharply, looking at the light spot flying high in the distance, a fierce flash in his eyes.
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