Vol 2 Chapter 2154: unexpected result

2154. Unexpected rewards
"No need for passion, calm mind... Don't follow ignorance, obey the true knowledge... Don't fall in love with lust, calm and righteousness...Although there is chaos, tranquility still exists...There is no extinction, only the original force..." At the core engine, Jedi Master Ace-Cos reluctantly supported under the attack of hundreds of Destroyer robots while reciting the Jedi Knight's creed aloud.
Suddenly, a figure flashed, and a slender humanoid mecha appeared suddenly on the battlefield, emitting a dazzling light blue particle beam from the tip of its arm! Ace Coston, who had run out of lights, was hit, and his chest was burnt through a big hole! ! But even so, his body is still standing, facing the hyperspace engine of the Tooth, insisting on taking the last step!
Tang Yu stepped down from the AT-10 tank mech, and all the robots around him ceased fire immediately. He walked slowly to Ace-Cos and looked at him coldly.
"... nothing... perish... only... do... the force..." Ace-Cos still muttered in his mouth, but life had passed away unstoppably.
Tang Yu looked at his corpse, who was still on one knee, and waved his hand, said: "First pack his body, then put it in a crystal coffin and send it to Coruscant. This is what he deserves."
General Grieves, who had been watching the battle, stepped forward and said: "The fighters of the Republic have retreated and can now use the hyperspace engine." There was a touch of Tang Yu's feeling in his tone of speech!
Tang Yu nodded and said, "Go, retreat!"
"And... what should I do with this person?" General Griffith waved his hand, and a group of robots escorted a person next to him, and a robot came over. Awesomely Jedi Master Pro-Kong, and Anakin Skywalker's aerospace robot, R-2/D-2! !
"I'm still useful for robots. As for Master Pro-Kong, let Duc Earl handle it." Tang Yu answered.
"Your atrocities won't make me succumb." Pro-Kon looked at the body of Ace-Cos in front of him, but his tone did not fluctuate much, and his expression on his masked face showed no expression, just Said faintly.
He was hit by electromagnetic pulse artillery, and the fighter plane was directly paralyzed. The Pro-Kong cut into the cockpit of the flying coffin and escaped. Under the protection of the original force, the Jedi Knights can still survive in the cosmic vacuum for a while. Unfortunately, because of the lack of his command, the fighter group he led appeared in chaos. Some wanted to continue to attack the Tooth, some wanted to find Pro-Kong, and some wanted to support in other directions. The result of this was a separate battle, which was soon broken up by the vulture robot fighters that had eliminated the clusters of Kit Festo and Ice Cos.
The isolated Pro-Kong became a captive.
Tang Yu glanced at him and said with a smile: "I don't need your submission, in fact, we need the role you play, and you don't need your consent. As a member of the 12-member Jedi Knights Council, I look forward to it What kind of storm will be caused when Pro-Kon is captured and the news of the death of Ace-Cos is sent to the Republic."
After all, he nodded at General Griffiths, and then walked away.
With the order of Grievous, the Battleship Fangtooth fired electromagnetic pulse guns again towards the four Hunter-class cruisers who were chasing behind, paralyzing two of them again, and then starting hyperspace after pulling away from the distance. The engine disappeared directly into the universe.
Tang Yu and General Grievous were alone in the conference room for a long time, and no one knew what was said between them. But after they came out from inside, there was a tacit understanding between their eyes.
After the battleship Fangtooth escaped from birth, he first went to hide in a planet in the Hutt space that secretly supported the Confederation of Independent Galaxy, and completed the supply and preliminary maintenance. And here, Tang Yu will wait for further instructions from the Earl of Duku.
This time, the Republic’s operation to encircle the fangs completely failed, and the 20 hunter-class cruisers failed to retain this invincible battleship. During this siege, the Republic lost 18 hunter-class cruisers, but in fact it was not a loss. After replacing the electronic components, it could continue to fight immediately, but it also required a delay of several months, which reduced the maneuver of the Republic in disguise. troops. The loss of the transport fleet as a decoy is not too large, because the squadron arrived in time, and the Fangfang only had time to destroy one-third of the transport ships.
Among the more than 1,500 fighters before and after the battle, more than 500 pilots were rescued, and more than 300 fighters could be repaired. On the surface, the loss is slight compared to the record of hitting the fangs badly, but in fact it is not.
The two members of the Jedi Supreme Council, Ace-Cos died in battle, and Pro-Kon was captured. This news shocked the entire top of the Galactic Republic. Because of the four Jedi Warriors participating in the siege, not only are there two Jedi Council members, but also the peerless genius of Anakin Skywalker, Kit Festo is definitely not a mediocre, but the other party is actually capable Beat this combination!
After this battle, the Jedi Knights had to re-discuss the strength of the Independent Galaxy Confederation and the role the Jedi Knights should play in the war.
The Anakin Skywalker who returned to Coruscant returned to the battlefield for the first time after reporting the combat process to Speaker Palpatine and Jedi Knight Leader Mes Windu. He is going to use action to wash himself the shame of eating three times in front of the guardian planet!
On the other hand, Count Duku was very happy with the result of this battle. He secretly sent the battleship Fangfang to the maintenance of the Palmant dock built by the Kwarun people, and gave his next plan.
General Griffiths will return to the Lassac 4 ~EbookFREE.me~ to prepare for the next combat operation. In fact, it is really not necessary to use his commanding ability to spend all on the Fangfang. It is his job to direct the large army to fight. Tang Yu was directly appointed captain of the battleship Fangfang by Count Duku!
This was an appointment that surprised Tang Yu a little, because it was equivalent to giving him the fangs directly, he can freely decide the fangs' combat policy and plan! But then there was a burst of ecstasy. Although the current situation of the fang tooth number needs to be repaired for at least one year, since the fat is handed to the mouth, there is naturally no reason to spit it out!
And more importantly, the meaning behind this appointment! !
Judging from the communication at the last moment of Darth-Sidius, in order not to expose his hidden purpose, then he will definitely choose to dump the pot, and then push the responsibility of the poisonous tooth to hit Tang Yu or Griffon. General Sri Lanka. Judging from some of his performances on the Guardian Planet, the possibility of losing to Tang Yu is even greater.
However, Earl Ducuk directly characterized this battle as a victory, so since it is a victory, it is not the accusation and punishment that is needed, but the reward! The position of Captain Fangfang is the reward to Tang Yu! But this decision is contrary to the meaning of Das Sidious!
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