Vol 2 Chapter 2156: Hold on

2156, stalemate
Coruscant's instructions did not surprise Obi-Wan Kenobi, withdrawing troops.
This is a great victory for the publicity of Coruscant. After three months of fighting, the soldiers of the Great Republic finally repulsed the separatist forces that invaded the planet of Christophis, struck the arrogance of the separatists, and destroyed their entire army of robots. Such an offensive cannot be organized again.
But in fact, Obi-Wan understands that this time he left, it is estimated that he will not return to the planet of Christophis in a long time, together with the forces of the Republic... Since the recent period, the local army has respected them The attitude, and the numb eyes in the eyes of the civilians, can also understand this...
Galactic Republic, won the battle, lost the strategy...
A week later, Obi-Wan Kenobi boarded the spacecraft and embarked on his return journey to Coruscant.
On a hunter-class cruiser as a flagship, Obi-Wan Kenobi went through heavy security measures and came to a secret laboratory in the deepest. A small gantry was erected here, hanging the ssr's head and temporary power supply.
Seeing Obi-Wan coming, ssr's electronic eye moved, looked at him and said: [You have not kept your promise, I can't see anything here. 】
Obi-Wan sneered, "Do I need to keep my promise to an enemy?"
[Being boring and wary of human beings, humans will always try to cause abnormal dopamine secretion of other similar species through language, so as to get your own advantage. But this means nothing to our dialogue. Ssr said lightly.
"Don't forget that you are my captive." Obi-Wan snorted coldly.
[If you are talking about the carrier of this war loader, then yes. If you are talking about me, then it is not the case, because I can return at any time. ] Ssr answered.
"Then you answer my question first." Obi-Wan said.
【can. 】
"You are not pure robots, are you? Then what do you exist? Why do you have the same thinking ability as intelligent life?" Obi-Wan asked the question he cares most about.
[Robots are just our carriers. We have countless such carriers. For ourselves, our master gives us mechanical life. When there is no task, we survive and learn in an infinitely expanding virtual world, and when the master needs it, we will come to the world through the body of the robot. 】Ssr answered truthfully.
"What is your purpose?"
【war. 】
Obiwang flashed a stern look in his eyes and shouted sharply, "What about the purpose of the war?"
[This question, you should ask yourself. 】
"Don't babble here!!"
[You know, we are only involved in your war. 】
"So what are you going to do in this war?"
[Survival, evolution, expansion, exploration...]
Obi-Wan took a deep breath and continued to ask: "Why do you want to come to see us?"
[We want to understand why you, as a carbon-based life, have always made stupid decisions, but have always survived and developed. We want to know why when a civilization has been detouring, it has not died out. ] Ssr answered.
"You said that what we are doing is stupid?"
【Yes. 】
Obi-Wan thought of the planet Jabim, the peacock that had inexplicably let him go, and asked, "What do you know about this war? What does she know about peacocks?"
[You and us are not enemies. 】
Obi-Wan snapped the table and shouted loudly: "So who is the enemy! Tell me!!!"
[Our master, told you the answer. 】
"The one who can betray you will never be your enemy... Are you trying to say that the enemy is our friend? Ridiculous!!! This is just the way you want to shake our military minds!" Obi-Wan Kenobi was very angry. He did not know why he was angry, perhaps because of fear? Still afraid?
After thinking for a while, he slammed it on the gantry and yelled, "Then tell me! Who is the person you want to say?"
[This answer, if you know, then you will die. And I shouldn’t tell you. Now according to the agreement, you should fulfill your promise. 】No matter how Obi-Wan Kenobi shouted and lost his temper after speaking, he stopped talking.
One month after the outbreak of the Battle of Geonosis, the Confederacy of Independent Galaxy invaded the planet of Christophis, and the battle was carried out by the g-war zone, the guardian planet. The Galactic Republic immediately sent troops to support it. After three months of fighting between the two sides, the Republic finally won, and the Confederation of Independent Galaxy withdrew its troops from the planet Christophis.
However, this victory has come too late, and too many things happened during the three months of the battle. The Hutts declared absolute neutrality and opened Hutt space. The impact on the Republic can only be general, but it greatly facilitates the control of the confederation of independent galaxies that are already fragmented.
In the subsequent wars, the Battle of Jabim defeated the republic's soldiers, the Guell Galaxy air combat hit the Republican fleet, and in the battle of the most important guardian galaxy, the Republic suffered an unprecedented defeat! !
The Republic also made efforts to reverse the situation. They tried to penetrate the hinterland of the Confederacy and raided the independent galaxy Confederate robot factory in Hypoli. However, the fleets led by the two Jedi masters, Ki-Adi-Mundi and Shakti, accidentally rushed into the minefield outside the Hypoli galaxy. General Grievous was completely defeated, and the two Jedi Masters were forced to land on the planet of Hypoli. Their whereabouts are currently unknown.
Although the Republic has also won many victories on other battlefields, it cannot cover the worsening of the grand strategy of the Outer Ring Star Zone~EbookFREE.me~ An independent galaxy confederation that can continuously deploy troops through the Hutt space, and the original plot only Being able to fight differently in several separate areas, Count Ducuk can now integrate his own forces and fight against the Republic Chamber.
Four months after the outbreak of the Battle of Geonosis, the Guardian Planet will gather the warships seized from the leader of the dark day Prince Sizo, led by Admiral Trentsch, and inflate troops into the Chatswa Galaxy. Emma Frost’s legion was reinforced, and half a month later it captured the main road connecting three main hyperspace channels.
The capture of the Chatswa Galaxy means that the main waterway from the core circle of the Galactic Republic to the outer ring is completely controlled by the Confederation of Independent Galaxy. If you want to send a large fleet to enter the outer ring, you must borrow Dowt space. The Hutts who started to frown with the Confederacy after the Star Wars of the Guardian are obviously not on the trust whitelist of the Republic.
Half a month after the end of the Battle of the Chatswa Galaxy, one month after the end of the Battle of Christophis, and 40 days after the end of the Battle of the Guardians, Planet Christofsis announced that he had left the galaxy. Republic, join the Confederation of Independent Galaxy and declare war on the Galactic Republic.
The war between the Confederation of Independent Galaxy and the Republic of the Galaxy has officially entered the stage of strategic confrontation.
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