Vol 2 Chapter 2196: Fan

2196, fans
The shuttle landed on the hangar platform of one of the Rookley Hook-class battleships, which had just stopped, and a burst of flames suddenly appeared on the heads of the black B-1 robots driving the shuttle, which was actually destroyed by itself. !
Tang Yu walked down the shuttle and looked outside through the passage of the hangar platform, while asking: "Is the support structure yet to be completed?"
"This is the structure that supports the north and south poles, and it has been completed. And the Antarctic part has begun further construction due to the installation of artificial gravity adjustment devices. However, the support of the equatorial part has only completed one set, and the remaining 4 sets are still It takes at least 6 months of construction time." Pogel replied.
"But your design has not been completed, and the weapon system does not have a mature plan at all! Didn't the design plan of the "decision maker" be handed over to you before?" Tang Yu said coldly, full of ideas. He knew very well that the design of the Death Star had not been completed at this time, because the Geonosians walked into the dead end and then went to the Republic to complete the design.
Hearing Tang Yu telling the design and construction of the Death Star so accurately, Grand Duke Bogle no longer doubted Tang Yu’s identity, he quickly said: "After our research, the weapon system of the decider has to be used directly in DS-1 is still not enough, the power is too small to meet the design requirements, so the energy system must be redesigned."
"Is there any plan?" Tang Yu asked.
"It was Major Orson-Krennik who was responsible for the design of the weapon system for the DS-1 project. He recommended a person named Galen-Esso to participate in the design of the energy system. He vowed to ensure that Galen-Esso can definitely complete the design. But Galen didn't work in any engineering department..." said Grand Duke Pogel
Galen-Esso... Tang Yu thought about it and asked, "Where is this person now? Orson-Krennik."
"This is a great plan for Lord Sidious. Krennick and their research team are in a secret research center in Coruscant, but he has just been here to investigate in recent days." Pogel said.
An unnoticeable smile appeared in the corner of Tang Yu's mouth, "That would just take me to meet him."
"This should be no problem." Bogle agreed directly.
They took a shuttle to one of the Rookley Hook-class battleships, and part of the hangar platform of this battleship was converted into a very large laboratory, and a large number of engineering and technical personnel were busy in the shuttle. Among them are humans, Geonosians, Phariens, Semills...If you just see this laboratory, you might even feel that the Milky Way's civil war has not erupted at all.
According to Tang Yu's understanding, the initial design of the Death Star was handed over to Das Sidious by the Earl of Dukou during the last Star Wars of Geonosis, and they began the construction of the Death Star. The construction was originally undertaken by the Giornosians, but the Republic also provided a large amount of funds and scientific research personnel. All of them signed a very strict confidentiality agreement. Once the leak is leaked, not only themselves, but also relatives will suffer. 1】.
This has become a very rare spectacle-while the Republic and the Confederacy are fighting fiercely, they are secretly co-creating a super powerful weapon, and both have invested huge amounts of money and top talent. As a result, the war actually became a tool for money laundering in a sense, because the super-terrorist cost of building the Death Star was so unclearly wiped out of the war’s military expenses. Now...
Grand Duke Pogel took Tang Yu to a semi-circular room. The whole area was transformed into transparent tempered glass. Through this, you can see the whole picture of the Death Star under construction. Of course, the current Death Star is just a supporting structure that can't even count the skeleton.
A young officer wearing a white military uniform was standing in front of the window, looking at the Death Star with an intoxicated look, and said to himself: "It's so beautiful... this is the ultimate artwork brought by the extreme industrialization, this is the Symbol of power! Symbol of power!!!"
Grand Duke Pogel just wanted to talk, but was interrupted by Tang Yu waving his hand. Tang Yu stepped forward and stood behind the officer and suddenly said: "It looks like you have a soft spot for DS-1, Orson. -Major Krennick."
Krennick turned back suddenly, but saw a stranger. He frowned and asked, "Who are you?" Then he shuddered and looked at Tang Yu, his eyes started to light up. "You are Tang Yu!"
"Do you know me?" Tang Yu looked at him with interest.
"Of course I know you! The emperor of the guardian planet commands a very powerful legion! Even the clone legion of the Republic is not your opponent! I have imagined more than once where I met you, but I did not expect to be able to see you at the DS-1 project site! No, this is not surprising. A person as powerful as you, such a pure person, is naturally eligible to participate in this great project!!" Krennick Said loudly.
So, this guy is my fan? What else? Emperor? Ha ha, Tang Yu seemed to understand something. He smiled and asked, "So what do you think of the DS-1 project?"
"This is the beginning of a new era! Lord Speaker told me that only the most powerful, authoritative and purest talents in the galaxy are eligible to enter this project! Now both the Republic and the separatists are corrupt and must be established For a truly powerful regime, the best way is to gather the real elites and let those inferior races always give us these elites as slaves, so as to avoid the waste of resources and maximize the power of the elite class! To achieve such a new order, we need the most powerful force, so that those inferior races will not even have the idea of ​​resistance!!" Orson-Krennik pointed to the death star outside the window with some excitement.
"That being said, but the research and development of the weapon system you are responsible for has been stagnant. Does that mean that your ability is not enough to be called an elite?" Tang Yu sneered.
Krennick hurriedly said: "No, you misunderstood, sir. I am mainly responsible for the system design of the weapon system, and regarding the energy supply design of this weapon, I think that only the most suitable person can exert the greatest effect. I have submitted a report and recommended my former classmates, the true genius in energy-Galen-Esso!"
"So, what do you recommend is a small businessman who is not doing any public office and is doing business?" Tang Yu asked sarcastically.
"Trust me~EbookFREE.me~, Galen-Esso is definitely the best person in the entire galaxy on energy research! The reason why he did not hold public office is because he hates war, but please rest assured, I will definitely convince him to join the team!" Klenick said.
"Well, I will let him pass your application." Tang Yu nodded and said.
[Note 1]: Incidentally, the description of Galen-Esso and Orson-Kronick in the official "Catalyst" of "Grand Theft One" also involves some insider construction of Death Star, but in fact, this The timeline inside is also contradictory. In other words, Disney eats books without suspense. According to official accounts, the Republic captured the Grand Duke Pogel during the second Battle of Geonosis before discovering that the Confederacy was building a super space station weapon, but actually according to "Star Wars: Prequel, Attack of the Clone" According to a movie, after the first Battle of Geonosis and the full outbreak of the Clone Wars, Count Ducuk has handed the design of the Death Star to Palpatine.
Therefore, the plot about the Death Star described here may not be completely consistent with that in "Grand Theft Squadron", which is mainly the conclusion that Xiao Jing obtained after consulting the information.
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