Vol 2 Chapter 2200: Long live peace

2200 Long live peace
When Lord Ecclesi was scrambling to find someone, Chen Gang excused himself and left here.
The matter calmed down strangely after this, even Lord Ecclesi did not look for him again, but Chen Gang started to be active. He used his identity and some of his acquaintances in Corella during this time. The relationship started.
Chen Gang's official identity is the Minister of Transport Management of the Galaxy Republic and the honorary consultant of the geological exploration industry, which is roughly equivalent to the deputy ministerial level. At the time when the war had not erupted, Palpatine and Count Dooku had already been laid out at the political level, and at that time, as the guardian planet that had secretly joined the Count of Dooku, it was naturally taken care of in this regard. . Svetlana, who has been conducting activities in Coruscant, has several available official positions, and these official positions are jointly released by the hands of Palpatine and Count Duku, no matter who comes to investigate Any flaws.
There are many such people in the Republic and the Independent Galaxy Confederation, just like Palpatine's recent use of Minna-Bontelli's peace storm, which was created by such people. And Palpatine and Count Duku also use these people to control each other's political wind, and monitor and arrange at any time.
What Chen Gang does is actually very simple. There are three main reasons why he is close to Lord Ecclesi. First, this person has always wanted to go further in politics, so he hopes to get to know more and get closer to officials from Coruscant . Secondly, although his family is not very conspicuous compared with those giants, it is also an old family of Corella, and the relationship in all aspects is intertwined. The last and most important point is that he has a huge mineral mining industry on the planet Besping on the edge of the Milky Way. In other words, his business spans the Confederation of Independent Galaxy and the Republic of the Galaxy.
The first two points mean that it will be convenient for Chen Gang to approach him, and he can also be used to get closer to the real giant of the Corella Star District. And the third point means that Lord Ecclesi belongs to the interest group that only wants to do business and does not want to fight, and this part of the group is what Chen Gang wants to win.
The news of the military victory of the Confederacy and the wave of peace that was launched immediately after has also been conveyed here. Svetlana and Bolivar-Trask, two conspirators under Tang Yu, also proposed actions Plan and inform Chen Gang. However, although Chen Gang was in Corella, a political entity that played a decisive role in the Republic, he did not proclaim the benefits of war everywhere, seeking to cancel peace talks and bankrupt the Republic’s deferred military plan. This is useless and contrary to the general trend.
However, Chen Gang knows better that following the trend can sometimes have the opposite effect! Real politicians will never go against the current, they will find their own opportunities in the direction of the trend, and even lead this trend! The current political trend and the current trend is peace, but when peace goes to the extreme, what is it?
There was a decent smile on the corner of Chen Gang’s mouth. He put a document on the table and slid it gently in front of a middle-aged man with a big beard. "There are some black market orders in my hand, but these orders still It’s not posted to the black market, and the order quantity is large, but I can’t eat these things. If you don’t dislike, I will transfer this order to you, and then I will share a little profit. What do you think? Mosia count."
The middle-aged man flipped through the document, his face changed a little, he put down the document calmly, leaned back on the sofa back, and slowly said: "5 million tons of concentrated nutrient solution...Jabim Planet...you are kidding What? Your Excellency Chen Gang. This is an order from separatism."
Chen Gang smiled and said: "But it is also an order worth 1 billion credits. The Republic will not offer this price. For the same goods, the Republic will give you up to 500 million credits?"
"Your idea is dangerous, Your Excellency Chen Gang."
"Hehehehe, I am an explorer, collector and archaeologist. My adventures and travels in the galaxy are not possible without a source of funds. Moreover, this is civilian material."
The Earl of Mosia thought about it, but shook his head and said: "No, freight of this size cannot cross the border."
"But now is an opportunity. Now the two sides are in peace negotiations. I can take this opportunity to arrange for your representatives to meet. The receiver will provide an absolutely safe channel and pay a down payment. As long as the transaction is completed during the peace talks, it will not Have any questions." Chen Gang said with a smile.
Then he took out a few more documents, "If you think it is dangerous, then I have a few orders from the Republic here. I don’t need to go to the official accounts so I don’t need to pay taxes, but the price..."
The Earl of Mosia took the orders of those republics, glanced at the numbers above with a scornful smile, and threw them into the trash can, then stared at Chen Gang and asked, "Then how do you prove that you are not a separatist spy What about?"
Chen Gang knocked on the order and said, "I don't need to prove this because money is the most important. Whether it is separatist money or republican money. Do you want separatist products? For example, I can get the most advanced combat robot on Guardian Planet. The key is... money."
The Earl of Mosia picked up the order of Jabim Planet and looked at it again. The long series of 0 shaking behind the transaction amount made his eyes a little hot. He took a deep breath and said: "According to the information I got, both sides The representative of has already started the first round of negotiations, but they almost started fighting on the venue. This peace talk is in my opinion a farce, a nonsense. There will be no results in a few months, and I think Nothing can be said, and the war will continue."
"In that case, we must seize this rare time of peace to make money." Chen Gang said.
"There are many things that can be done in a few months. Is this order ~EbookFREE.me~ still available?" asked the Earl of Mosias.
"Of course there are. I run everywhere in the Milky Way, and naturally there are many ways. Everywhere I go, in addition to exploration and archaeology, I make money. However, I am worried that you will not be able to eat these orders." Chen Gang said.
The Earl of Mosias glanced at him confidently and said with a smile: "Lord Ecclesi introduced you to me. Didn't I mention my strength? I really can't eat too much by myself, but my connections Once it’s rolled out, I’m just afraid that your order is not enough. Let’s just say, in the Corella galaxy, no one except the Big Three, who has never appeared, has a wider relationship than me.

When Chen Gang heard this, the smile on his face grew brighter. He picked up the glass on the coffee table and lifted it up and said, "So, I wish us a happy cooperation."
The Earl of Mosia also raised his glass and touched him gently, "Respect for the precious peace, ha ha ha ha."
After finishing this pleasant conversation, Chen Gang returned to his residence and took a short break to go to a private park behind the hotel. There were other people who needed to meet and talk.
Long live "peace"...
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