Vol 2 Chapter 2204: Political turmoil

2204 Political turmoil
Tang Yu is still hanging around on the planet of Geonosis, and it's okay to go to the relationship with Ganzo-Dosolara. There has been news from Chen Gang. It seems that everything is going well, so he is even more carefree. Now that the construction of Death Star is over, he has also used the mechanical field to control the mainframes of those computers. In this way, the construction of Death Star is under his own supervision. But for now, it's just monitoring, and it can affect the deadline of the Death Star to a certain extent. According to the development of the specific situation, the completion date of the Death Star can be advanced or delayed. As for whether it can be done more in the future, there is only destiny for the time being.
Grand Duke Pogel also applied, wanting the Giornosians to join the next phase of the construction of the Death Star, but also need to replace those rigid B-1 robots with smarter intelligent robots-this It is the name of Tang Yu's mechanical life within Confederation. However, at the same time as the application was filed, Count Duku would also know that Tang Yu had ran around the Death Star in private and said that it must not be another showdown.
Tang Yu smiled shallowly. He and Earl Ducout now played as if they were playing cards. They both throw their hands out one by one, but the difference is that the count of Ducout is in him. The front is transparent.
The peace talks between the Confederation of Independent Galaxy and the Republic of the Galaxy are still in progress. The negotiator sent by the Confederation is Minna-Bontelli. It seems that Earl Ducuk also wants this congressman to understand the nature of the war. However, Ming Na did indeed do her best to sit and work for peace. She reasonedly struggled at the negotiating table. She was neither humble nor overbearing. She had no intention of sacrificing the interests of the Confederacy because she wanted peace. The representatives sent over by the Republic were full of arrogance. In his words, he completely looked down on the mud legs of the outer ring of the Confederacy. When he was robbed by Mingna in the first day of negotiations, he even thought of nothing. To jump up and beat people.
This negotiation was destined to be farce, because the Republic did not stop the pace of the war during this period. The countless huge manufacturing plants of the Quart Power Dock started day and night, and hundreds of battleships gradually formed in the Star Dock. A large number of tanks, walking planes, and fighter planes kept going down the production line, and batches of clone soldiers stepped out of the planet Camino and joined the ranks of the Grand Republic Army.
Moreover, the Republic also invested heavily and began to produce a large number of mechanized exoskeletons, gradually equipping the clone army. Various new types of equipment and battleships are also under intense design. The Sina Fleet System (Company) proposed a plan called "Titanium Engineering", which includes the production of a brand new series of interplanetary fighters, and to reduce production costs while maintaining the performance of this new fighter as much as possible. Increase production. This new fighter plan will gradually replace the higher-cost V-wing fighters and expand the air force of the Grand Republic Army at a lower cost. The'Titanium Project' plan is still in the design stage, and preliminary prototype manufacturing is expected to be completed within 5 years.
The industrial capacity of the Republic is naturally very strong. Just after the defeat of the Battle of Murkana, the Republic could not even pull out a complete mobile fleet, and now they can gradually increase the number of warships they can mobilize.
Politically, the impact of this peace talk is also very far-reaching, first because of the tacit agreement between Palpatine and Count Duku, and finally the first request for peace talks by the Republic. In this way, the Republic that has taken the initiative to make a peaceful gesture has diluted many of the negative effects of the orbital bombing on the planet Murkana. Although the news of the orbital bombing has been strictly blocked, there are still some forces that can learn through their own channels. At least this peace talk will not let those forces completely despair of the Republic.
And this peace talk also deterred the Hutts who had been relying on the independent galaxy confederation before. The peace talks would make the Hutts unable to grasp the true intentions of the warring parties, and the cautious Hutts would naturally not be Will bet hurriedly to the independent galaxy confederation.
It can be said that this peace talk gave the Republic a very rare breathing opportunity. As Tang Yu was annoyed before, the results of their fighting were offset by more than half of this peace talk. The politicians of Minna-Bontelli consider their own political ideals, but they have never thought of the fighters who fought for it. In the eyes of these politicians, war is just a digital game. So since ancient times, the sharp contradiction between literary ministers and military commanders is really not unreasonable.
Of course, the Confederation of Independent Galaxy is not idle here, the preparation of the whole army is necessary, but the larger movements appear inside. The cause of the incident was a massacre that took place on the planet Asmeru. The business guild imposed an additional tax on the planet and occupied a large number of indigenous companies and factories, which eventually triggered a riot. . In the face of this riot, the business guild dispatched the robot troops to suppress it without hesitation. Countless B-1 robots took a step at a regular pace and crushed the crowd with wooden sticks and shovel. Countless casualties!
In fact, this kind of situation often occurs on the planets occupied by the Confederation of Independent Galaxies, but this time it is a big deal. The Confederate Sheriff of Planet Asmeru did not know which was wrong. After the massacre, he immediately asked the business association to stop the massacre, and then carefully investigated the illegal taxation and forcible occupation of residents’ property. The commercial guild naturally rejected this request, but then, the sheriff actually pulled up the local troops and the commercial guild to fight!
So this battle of B-1 robots against B-1 robots has been fighting for a whole day, and the entire Asmeru planet has become a mess. Earl Ducú was so thrilled when he heard about this matter ~ EbookFREE.me ~ immediately summoned the president of the business guild Shu Mai, and asked her to give an explanation immediately.
But what can you explain? These commercial giants have long been arrogant in the land of the Confederacy of Independent Galaxy. In Shu-Mai's view, it should be the abhorrent sheriff who should give her an explanation, preferably shot directly! But what is surprising is that Earl Ducuk, who used to keep his eyes closed on these things, was more true this time. He announced on the spot that he would deprive Shu-Mai and all the commercial positions of the commercial guild and prohibit the management of the commercial guild. And command any Confederate army. At the same time, those planets that were handed over to the management of the business guild were also deprived and handed over to several other business giants to share and manage.
Shu-McDang indicated that the business guild would withdraw funds and withdraw from the Independent Galaxy Confederation, but Earl Ducuk simply told her that she wanted to withdraw funds, whatever you wanted, but the war dividends did not pay a penny, and you also received the previous investment. Don’t come back, then go to the Republic to make money yourself. At this time, Shu Mai realized that he was already sitting on a boat with the Independent Galaxy Confederation, and it was impossible to get off the boat unless he drowned himself.
Will the Republic accept Shu Mai’s refuge? Of course it will, but it will definitely wipe her property to the end, and then kick it to a casual job.
This is war, and betting on both ends is never a pseudo-proposition.
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