Vol 2 Chapter 2235: 5 Star Alliance (Part 1)

2235, Five Star Alliance (Part 1)
Gam Bell Iblis continued to say in his low voice: "100,000 years. We don't know the purpose of the Turut ethnic group to build the midpoint station, but we know that they leave us a bright The legacy of the Kiliks collapsed in 100,000 years, the infinite empire collapsed, the Hutt empire fell apart, the Sith empire collapsed... 100,000 years, human civilization, the civilization of the Galactic Republic, started from us. 100,000 Years, let us, hardworking, brave and romantic Corellas stand in this land!"
He opened his hands and looked at everyone around him, "Gentlemen, we have received the legacy of a great race. The five-star Corella has made us a unique and unique civilization in the galaxy. For thousands of years, our The people live up to this legacy of Fukuzawa. We have completed industrialization, we have gone out of the planet, and we have come to the universe. Corella’s explorers have traveled everywhere in the galaxy, and Corella’s businessmen have brought us to the entire galaxy Products, and the spacecraft produced by Corella soars on every planet in the galaxy!"
"Some people say that it would be impossible for us to achieve what we have achieved today without Corella’s unique conditions. But I have to say that it is because of our hard work and our bravery that this legacy has no dust, and we should be proud of it, And the Turut ethnic group will also be proud of us! Here I want to say that we, Corella, are the starting point of the civilization of the Galactic Republic! We, are great!" Mr. Iblis finished. Looking around again, everyone's breathing became heavier and heavier, and they were all infected by the inflammatory words.
   Then, Iblis waved his hand, and a panoramic star appeared in the center of the meeting room, highlighting the location of the Corella galaxy. Then, the star map began to change, and the territory of the old Republic could be seen radiating little by little from the core area including Corella. Then several wars broke out and finally established a huge regime covering the entire galaxy. .
"With our support, the Republic has come along. We have defeated the Infinite Empire, the Hutt Empire, and the Sith Empire twice. For the Republic, we have exhausted our efforts and used the products of the goods we have created to serve the Republic. !We just want to have a peaceful and stable environment! Let us think, let us develop, let us study! But the Republic, let us down..."
"Since a long time ago, the Republic took our support for those lagging galaxies as they deserved! They took a huge sum of money from us, nominally to support the lagging galaxies, but we all know that the most money is only One-tenth can be truly delivered to the people who deserve it! In our hands, how many high-ranking Coruscant riches were born? Whenever praised by the aid galaxy, the Republic came to earn face, and whenever support was unfavorable When we scolded, we were put at the front desk!!!"
"How did separatism set off? Apart from those sounding grandeurs, the emergence of separatism was caused by the Republic! If our assistance can be in place, if our goods do not have to be deducted so much tariffs, the joining of the independent galaxy confederation will at least Reduced by half!!! But now, when the war broke out, the Republic once again asked us to bear the blame! They let us sell them to them at almost the cost price!!! They want us to work for the Republic for free!!" Iblis indignantly complained With.
Then the star in the middle suddenly became an enlarged image of the midpoint station, and Iblis said: "So long-term tolerance has made us fully understand the truth, destiny, to be controlled in our own hands. We Corelli Asians like exploration, trade, and peace, but it does not mean that we need to bow down without a bottom line! Ten thousand years ago, our ancestors believed in the promise of the Republic and dedicated everything to the Republic, but now, the Republic is far from them. The road is getting farther and farther! So, it's time to make our Corella's own voice!"
"What we want is simple, fair and just. But we didn't get the simplest request! Then, let's use our own way..." Iblis finished and took a deep breath. "So , Gentlemen, vote. Now is the most critical time for our Corella star zone, left or right, the result is completely different. Maybe we will become the enemy of the entire galaxy, so ashes, maybe we will really get it back Your own right becomes an existence that can truly influence the pattern of the galaxy!"
   No one was on the scene, they were still waiting, they didn't want to be the first bird. Iblis looked around and raised his hand, and beside him, Councillor Sheila Mericoup also raised her hand. But the presence of those who really have high weights has not changed. This decision is too heavy, even if Iblis talks about it again and again, even if the Republic really is so sorry for Corella, but these people are still vested interests. It is difficult for them to make this determination. gambling.
   Even if there were so many rhetoric before, but when the voting started, everyone was in deep contemplation.
  Iblis looked around, his face a little gloomy. He was a very determined isolationist. At the beginning of the war, he wanted to keep the Corella star zone outside the war and remain neutral, but under the strong suppression of Palpatine, he was still involved in the war. . After discovering the real function of the midpoint station, he is also the most determined to use this device to seek independent hawks.
   His gaze fell on Chen Gang, only to find that Chen Gang was just standing there with the old god, his expression relaxed, and he didn't mean to vote. Iblis snorted silently and suddenly said: "Mr. Chen Gang, because you discovered this great function of the midpoint station, you have officially become one of the high-level in the Corella Star District. But we also Everyone knows that you are still inextricably linked to the Confederation of Independent Galaxies. So, how will the Confederation react to this matter?"
Chen Gang smiled. He looked around and said in a loud voice: "The Independent Galaxy Confederation will guarantee the independence of the Corella Star Zone and will recognize the legitimacy of the Corella Star Zone regime as soon as possible. At the same time, the Confederacy will also be the first to engage in trade with the Corella star regime."
Grand Duke Dral said with a sneer: "What you say doesn't count."
   "Tang Yu, President of the Guardian Planet, and Earl Duku, the leader of the Confederation of Independent Galaxy, can prove this point. If you are not worried about the complexity of the matter, you can contact them now." Chen Gang said.
   "That is to say, you admitted that you are a spy of the Confederacy of Independent Galaxy?" the leader of the upper class questioned.
   "I'm not afraid to tell you that Earl Ducuk was still Palpatine's strongest ally a few months ago." Chen Gang directly threw a bombshell.
   "What are you talking about?" the Dral among the three giants of Sarkoria exclaimed in silence. Everyone in the conference room stared at Chen Gang with horror.
   Count Duku was an ally of Palpatine a few months ago? ? Under such circumstances, Chen Gang could not use the wrong vocabulary, that is to say, he wanted to express this literal meaning. Months ago? A few months ago, the Republic and the Confederacy were fighting to death, but now they say that the top leaders of the two sides are allies? ! ? !
Chen Gang smiled and said, "Is it unbelievable? Ha ha. Palpatine wanted to be the emperor of the galaxy, so he asked Count Duku for help, and they planned a terrifying layout to play the entire galaxy. As for why This is because Palpatine's true identity is a Sith Lord, named Das Sidious, and Count Duku is his apprentice."
   "So why did Count Dooku break with Palpatine?" asked the humans among the three giants of Sarkoria.
"Because Palpatine only wants to be an emperor, the answer is so simple. So, I will come to you and give you this gift. Because this gift will help the Confederacy to really defeat Palpatine's conspiracy. It is also because This gift is also very important to you." Chen Gang looks in a very good mood. His expression is in sharp contrast with the dignified faces of those around him.
Then he added another sentence, "As a spy, my task is only one to get Corella out of the Republic. And what I will get in the course of the task is my reward. It seems that I have got this Pay, you can retire."
   "Hehe!" Grand Duke Dall sneered: "It may also sit in prison until retirement!"
  Chen Gang extended his hands directly and said: "In this matter, if I have any behavior that damages the Corella Star Zone, you are welcome to send me to prison, I will never resist."
  Shi Mingdong held a pair of glasses behind him and smiled secretly in his heart, it was strange not to resist! The personal spaces of the two are filled with t-x terminators and t-1000 terminators, and also contain several nuclear bombs. Once Corella’s high-level wanted to hand over the midpoint station to the Republic, he would shoot the Terminator army and occupy the entire midpoint station. If the Terminator can't fight, then detonate the nuclear bomb directly! See who hates!
"Enough! We already knew the origin of Chen Gang, but what he did was glorious, otherwise we would not directly appoint him as the hereditary Count Corella, right? Don’t say it, I support Corella is independent.
The Duke of Selonia finished speaking and raised his hand to agree to the issue.
   has the assurance of an independent galaxy confederation, and at the same time, those horrible secrets about Palpatine have also caused the people present to lose the last illusion of the republic, so the people present agreed.
Grand Duke Dral raised his hand without hesitation. He looked at Chen Gang and snorted, "I am definitely on the side of Corella, but I don't believe this person."
   The Big Three of Sakoria looked at everyone present and raised their hands to agree. They also raised their hands to seal the decision to shake the galaxy.
"All votes passed!" Congressman Iblis smiled comfortably, and he said aloud: "Then I declare here that the five-star alliance is formed! We will be independent from the Galactic Republic and remain neutral in any war and dispute! ! Starting today, there is no longer any difference between humans, Drals, and Selonias! Our only title is Correlians!!"
   "For the five-star alliance!!"
   "For the Correlia!!" Everyone present swore loudly.
  Iblis pressed the remote control, only to see a holographic projection of a huge blue flag spread across the meeting room. This flag has a blue background and white outlines of five planets and orbits, corresponding to the five habitable planets in the Corella galaxy. This will be the national flag of the Five Star Alliance. Then he said to Chen Gang: "According to our unanimous agreement before, in view of the outstanding contribution made by Mr. Chen Gang to the development of the midpoint station, now, please press this button to start the midpoint station!!"
   said, rising from the center a small platform with a big red spherical button on the palm.
Chen Gang was not allowed to come to the center of the meeting room and bowed deeply to all the people around him: "This is my greatest honor in my life!" It was a great honor to complete this great cause and remove the Corella Star District from the Galactic Republic Strip away to lay a solid foundation for the guardian planet and the final victory of the Lanxiang team!
  Thinking so in his mind, he put his hand on the button and exerted a light pressure.
  Om~~~~~~~Everyone felt that everything around them started to vibrate gently, and all the equipment on the midpoint station started to run! The faces of everyone in the meeting room showed a look of surprise. You must know that no matter what they did before, the midpoint station could not be started. At most, it is a part of the life-support system in the middle, and now ~www .EbookFREE.me~ This behemoth has really started! !
  Chen Gang and Shi Mingdong are also very excited, know that the huge volume of the midpoint station is even equivalent to three dead stars! ! In other words, they have witnessed the launch of this galaxy ever, and probably the largest weapon in the next 50 years!
  The communication from the control center came from the communicator, "Planet Corella, normal!"
   "Planet Selonia, normal!"
   "Planet of Talus, normal!"
   "Platarus, normal!"
   "Planet Della...normal!!"
   "Reporter! This is Colonel Gillard Perrin! The midpoint station is fully up and running!" A thick voice came from the communicator.
   Hearing this name, Chen Gang and Shi Mingdong were slightly moved. I didn’t expect that the commander at the midpoint station was Girard Perrin! However, they were only a little surprised. At this time, the famous legendary general in Star Wars was now just a 30-year-old young talented officer with outstanding talent.
Congressman Gam Bell-Iblis stepped forward and said aloud: "Good job, Colonel Perrine. Now I, in the name of the first CEO of the Five Star League, order you to start the blockade through the midpoint station, Cut off any hyperspace jump in the Corella Galaxy!!!"
   "Understand, start the blockade! Long live the five-star alliance!" Colonel Perrin responded loudly, he has a very outstanding feature, that is unmatched loyalty.
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