Vol 2 Chapter 2247: Direct engagement

   2247, direct engagement
"The Republic’s support for the restoration of the Soro family is definitely a step back in the galaxy’s democracy! What is the crime of the Corella galaxy? The Republic actually supports a force without warning, then they take the existing science and technology. Where is the government of Leiria?" On the huge screen, Count Ducú was giving a fervent speech, he was very excited, and he was waving his arms with awe.
"All the citizens of the Milky Way who can hear me, wipe your eyes and see! This is the Republic, this is the true face of Palpatine! They are advocating democracy, but they are supporting the king, they are advocating equality, but they are constantly Exploiting backward galaxies, they advertised freedom, but the Great Republic spread the fear of war to every corner of the galaxy!!"
"Today Palpatine can support the restoration of the royal power, and tomorrow he can do the same on any planet! What’s more, he may also overthrow the apparent democracy of the Republic, dissolve the Parliament, and then ascend to the throne himself! !!!Look at Palpatine, who is gaining more and more power in Parliament now! Do you not realize his ambition for power? Do you not see the greed in his eyes?"
"Our independent galaxy Confederation solemnly declares that we will fight against kingship, feudalism, and totalitarianism! We will never allow the regression of the galaxy's democracy!!!! The restoration of the Soro family is a blasphemy of civilization! Do not recognize this so-called king!!! And all those who are willing to fight against totalitarianism are friends of our independent galaxy confederation! And we will use our lives to safeguard the power in your hands!!! Long live democracy!!!" Count Duku Raised his hands loudly.
Schiff Palpatine sat in his office, looked at the screen in front of him, and burst into a terrible twisted laugh, "Hahahahaha...hahahahahaha...My lovely apprentice seems to be growing That’s it!! Putting yourself in a place that opposes totalitarianism has successfully restored yourself to orthodoxy, and..."
His eyes suddenly turned into a horrible golden color, and he was murderous for a while, "and said that I want to be an emperor... the emperor... hehehehehe... Ducu~ Earl, do you think that I said Don’t you dare to call the emperor? It seems that you have made up your mind!!! Then let me see if you can get the midpoint station or me..."
  After Earl Ducku’s public statement, the representative of the Corella Galaxy, Gam Bell-Iblis, also issued a public statement, splashing all the dirty water on the Republic. He said that the people of Corella have no place to be sorry for the Republic, but the Republic inexplicably supports the restoration of the Soro family, which is equivalent to publicly sentenced the death penalty of the current government.
  Under such circumstances, the Corella galaxy, which has suffered an indiscriminate disaster, will rise up to resist, resolutely stop the restoration of the Soro family, and safeguard the democratic achievements of the Corella people for 300 years. And he emphasized that the Corella galaxy will be separated from the Milky Way, and will not join the Confederation of Independent Galaxies.
   But Iblis also showed that the Corella galaxy is very supportive of the proposal of the Confederation of Independent Galaxies to eliminate the kingship and build democracy. I believe that after Corella's independence, the two sides will establish a very friendly bilateral relationship.
At the same time as the statement was issued, a powerful gravitational wave suddenly erupted from the planet Dellar. The Republican Fleet, which was gathering near the Corella galaxy, immediately hit 4 hunter-class cruisers by this gravitational wave. All the abilities are disintegrated, and the members inside are decomposed into the largest fragments that are not slap-sized! !
Seeing this, the Republican Fleet quickly retreated to a place 10 light-years away from the planet of Corella, and no longer dared to approach.
This is another function of the midpoint station. After the midpoint station was activated, the anti-gravity device on the five habitable planets of the Corella galaxy and the midpoint station itself formed a gravitational system. This system is combined to act on At the midpoint station, you can emit powerful gravitational waves that can affect any part of the galaxy. And this system is isolated, and each individual has the ability to make small gravitational waves, but the impact of this small gravitational wave is only around the Corella galaxy.
  In other words, Corella’s five livable planets, each of which is a powerful weapon! ! After learning this, Dan Soro, who occupied the planet of Selonia, immediately organized scientists to study the anti-gravity device of the planet of Selonia, trying to find a method for using the device as soon as possible.
At the same time, the KSA that had already installed the super-wave inertial momentum maintainer immediately started a short-range hyperspace jump, and 60 small warships came to the planet of Selonia to surround them and the KSA ground The troops also started a resolute attack on the anti-gravity device occupied by the king.
   It’s just that now the Corella government will pay for the bitter fruits that they planted before, because they too easily lost control of the anti-gravity device before! ! The anti-gravity device is hundreds of kilometers deep underground. In such a place, the Air Force, which has an absolute advantage of the Corella government army, cannot play at all, and can only send ground troops into narrow underground tunnels to fight those fierce pirates. How could the slack-trained soldiers of the KSA be the opponents of these ferocious pirates, still unable to make a breakthrough after paying heavy losses.
In the space battlefield, more than 50 other KSA small warships also went directly to the midpoint station~EbookFREE.me~ They began to exchange fire with the pirate spaceship near the midpoint station, and cover the transport ship that took off from the planet of Talus Ready to land on the midpoint station, want to put the midpoint station under control again.
   The airspace near the midpoint station, although small in scale, but an extremely tragic air battle began. Pirates flying small interplanetary fighters used their skillful flying skills and fierce combat style to fight the KSA fleet, but space combat was no better than ground operations. The KSA fleet was no matter how bad it was. It was also equipped with a cr-90 support ship and dp-20 anti-aircraft gunboats, these are the warships produced by Corella Engineering Company, the performance is very outstanding. The long 0 support ship is widely used by the Republic, and the dp-20 air defense gunboat, 120 meters in length, has installed a large number of point defense systems, specially designed for combating small interplanetary fighters! !
And no matter how lack of training Correlia’s army is, no matter how timid and cowardly, but it’s okay to drive a spacecraft and fire a gun. The gap in performance and scale offsets the gap in personnel between the two sides. After many planes, they began to escape.
   However, when the victory ticket of the Ke'an Bureau was in its grip, the change was abrupt! Suddenly two large warships jumped out of hyperspace and came directly to the midpoint station! ! After these two large warships escaped jumping, countless light spots still flashed on their bodies. This is the energy response formed after the forcible breakthrough of the blocking field!
   These two battleships are not very familiar styles. The length is about 600 meters. The lines are relatively round and look section by section. However, the above mark clearly shows that this is the battleship of the Galaxy Republic! !
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