Vol 2 Chapter 2269: Bloody rebellion

2269 Bloody Rebellion
Seeing those several ensuing divine powers, Jace Darling's face changed dramatically. This is obviously not the power that humans should have! He crawled out from under the table and shouted loudly: "Quickly block him! Quick!!!"
His men rushed up bravely, pulled out their pistols and opened fire. However, those explosive energy beams hit the other party, but only a large amount of silver-gray metallic liquid splashed out, which could not cause any harm! Several of Melo Young’s entourages dropped their pistols, only to see their right hand begin to deform, and a black barrel protruded from it. It was a t-x terminator!
Because of the narrow terrain, these t-x did not deform the particle cannon, but the nail gun used! ! A large amount of liquid metal condensed spikes were launched silently, instantly shooting Jess Dallin's men into a sieve. Jess Darling ran around in a panic and was caught by one of the t-xs. He fell to the ground with a loud bang!
He watched with horror as one of the t-x came over and stepped on his chest, and then the liquid metal on his body surged into a look like himself! !
Merlo Young said coldly next to him: "It's over, Jess Darling. You betrayed the interest of Lundilli and moved closer to the Republic. This approach has touched our bottom line! You forgot to boast Did Teddy Dock do anything to us under the connivance of the Republic?! Did you forget those helpless workers who were forced to lay off their homes and watched the wailing children?! Now, it’s all over! Lundilly, will Join the Confederacy of Independent Galaxy!!! Become the enemy of the Republic!!! We, fight for our own future!!!"
"Traitor! You are the real traitor! You will take our Lundili to extinction!! The Republic has been operating here for thousands of years. Do you think you can get rid of the Republic's control in a simple sentence? No matter how Quart To do, our hope can only be the republic!! As long as we can bribe to convince those high-ranking officials, we still have the hope of a comeback!!! But now, you have ruined this last hope!!!" Jess Dallin shouted loudly .
Young sneered out loud, "Hehehehe, hand over your destiny to the repressive republic of us? I think you are crazy!! We are at least fighting for Lundilli, are you? Fight for the Republic! Don’t say it, you hide behind cowardly and watch our Lundelli shine a new light!!!"
Then he turned to the other chilling captains and said lightly: "Our colleagues, I know most of your thoughts. Rose, Matt, Wilhelm, Lindelf... you hurried back to your warship In order to stabilize the situation, we launched a surprise attack on the Republican Fleet 1 hour later! As for the rest of you, you have to trouble these tx terminators!"
The captains who only saw his name lit up and said loudly with a fanatical voice: "So, are we sure we can kill the Republic?"
Merlo-Yago proudly said: "Ten percent control!!"
"Ha ha ha ha!!! Good!! We did it!!!" The captains laughed a lot. They were usually firm and nationalists. How can it not be desperate now that the opportunity is here.
Several other pro-Republic factions, known to Younger for a long time, are naturally imprisoned here, turning t-x back to their warships.
While a coup was breaking out in the conference room of the Victory, a cleansing was beginning in the entire Lundili defense fleet! All the Lundili soldiers who opposed the Republic launched a riot almost at the same time. They killed those companions and comrades who usually revealed their hopes for the Republic. They arrested all the others and asked one after another if they would like to open fire on the Republican fleet! !
And even more incredible is that the soldiers of these countries have been helped by a large number of robots! ! Those t-1000 and t-x terminators are hiding in every warship, killing those who dare to resist with their terrible fighting power! These Terminators all turned into Merlo-Yago's confidant soldiers before, and then went to other warships under various excuses and lurked secretly.
In front of these terminators, those panicked Lundili soldiers had no chance of resistance! Moreover, the warships produced by Lundili Star Power Company are more inclined to artillery-type warships. To put it bluntly, they are giant ship artillery. The number of marines equipped on each battleship is very small, and there is no way to fight it!
"Join us and fight the Republic! Otherwise, don't talk about killing!!"
"Destroy the Republic!! Destroy the Quart!!"
"Imagine those unemployed relatives at home! That is all the harm of the republic! Join us and take revenge!!" The soldiers who opposed the republic inquired one by one in front of the soldiers who were tied up, and those who agreed released immediately, and disagreed Execution in place! And let the soldiers who are willing to join to do it, this is the vote!
The Republic has been on the planet Lundilli for tens of thousands of years, and naturally many soldiers are reluctant to participate in this rebellion. However, the Terminator will never be merciless. For a time, the blood of the Lundilly defense fleet bleeds into the river, the corpses run wild, and tens of thousands of soldiers are executed!
The blood and the killing made these Lundilli soldiers crazy. They looked at the fleet of the Special Envoy of the Republic with red eyes. They have put all the blame on the republic. Yes, those soldiers who were killed are brainwashed by the republic! ! If it were not for the Republic, they would not die! ! Yes, destroy the fleet of the Republic! Everything is done by them! !
Because the communication was blocked, the mutiny in the Lundelli defense fleet did not affect the outside world, and the entire Lundelli galaxy showed a strange calm state.
Lundilli at 9 pm local time, 30 hours before the arrival of the fleet of independent galaxy confederations.
At this time Obi-Wan Kenobi was with Shaq-Ti and Coleman-Truber, and their three masters sat cross-legged on the ground with a dozen other Jedi Knights, meditating quietly. Obi-Wan Kenobi has already disbanded the Jedi Knights, and the speaker of the Republic, Palpatine, told them that the current Sith Lord, not surprisingly, all Jedi Knights firmly stated that they wanted to be dark Face to face to the end, and Lundelli’s conspiracy is absolutely not allowed to succeed!
Their mode of thinking is very simple~EbookFREE.me~The Jedi Warriors are loyal to the Republic, but even if Palpatine is Lord Sith, he cannot represent the Republic. Even if Palpatine cannot be cleaned up for now, at least the rebellion that is about to happen will be stopped! Because the rebellion hurt the republic itself! !
Obi-Wan Kenobi suddenly opened his eyes and stood up from the state of meditation. He pulled out the lightsaber in his hand, and the plasma blade of the green lightsaber reflected his firm expression. After this period of meditation, he has adjusted his state to the best. At this time, Shakti, Coleman Truber, and other Jedi Knights were also out of meditation, uh! Uh! Uh! ! Various colors of lightsabers appeared in their hands, mainly yellow, green and blue.
Boom! ! Obiwang raised his hand and pushed, the heavy gate was suddenly lifted out by the strong force, and the party immediately went out. Outside the door is a luxuriously decorated open-air corridor. At this time, the sky was overcast with heavy rain, and from time to time there was lightning. They carelessly walked forward in the rain, aiming for the headquarters of Lundee Interplanetary Power Company! ! There is their ultimate goal there, all the top executives of Lundilly Star Dynamics!
Obi-Wan looked at the building shrouded in darkness, click! ! A flash of lightning struck, and after the dazzling lightning disappeared, there were more than ten red lightsabers and dark Jedi warriors in front of the building! !
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