Vol 2 Chapter 2287: Blatant attack

2287 Open attack
Under the night of Coruscant, an undercurrent was surging.
The dissolution of the Jedi Knights has not yet been publicly announced, but under the leadership of a group of masters, including Ke-Adi-Mundi, the Jedi Warriors, the Jedi Knights have all turned to nothing and left by spacecraft from everywhere Coruscant.
Originally participating directly in this war has made many Jedi warriors whisper, now with the collapse of faith, and knowing that the current Sith Lord is actually the speaker himself! This disappointed many Jedi warriors. Even if Master Yoda didn't say, they also planned to leave Coruscant's right and wrong, and then find a remote place to live in seclusion and think about the way forward.
There are also a lot of Jedi warriors who have fallen into the dark side because of this. They either secretly rejoined the Republic’s bureaucracy and became a new executioner; or they fled to the Independent Confederation of Galaxy to become a member of the Confederacy, but these are all few.
What's more, they went crazy and killed people everywhere, and they were soon beheaded by a group of Jedi Knights headed by Master Sass-Ting. And Master Saas-Ting also built a Jedi law enforcement team based on this, specifically secretly dealing with those who use the force to evil. Unwilling to intervene in the shadows, Sas-Ting's approach gave birth to an important organization in the future, of course, this is also a later story.
Even so, some confusion is gradually spreading. Many Jedi warriors who had already fallen into the dark side began to shoot one after another, and even assassinated members of Parliament and senior officials in public. Most of the assassinated objects were those who opposed Palpatine's claim to emperor. And some rumors began to spread that the Jedi had betrayed the Republic and wanted to abandon the country and the Republic at the most difficult time of the war.
For a time, Coruscant began to panic, coupled with the reorganization of the Republic, Palpatine's news that he was going to become an emperor made the Republic turbulent.
At this time, the residence of Congressman Padme-Emidala.
boom! boom! ! A violent explosion suddenly exploded, a building next to the mansion suddenly collapsed in the explosion, stones and rubble splashed around. But then, I only saw these stones floating in the air strangely, and then smashed their heads in front of a group of people!
At this time, one of the group suddenly raised his hand, his arm suddenly turned into a metallic silver-gray shield, blocking the stones, and at the same time, several people beside him raised their right that had transformed into ion cannons. Arm, start firing wildly in the direction of the stone flying!
boom! boom! boom! ! The ion cannon did not aim directly at the figure over there, but aimed at the surrounding walls, pillars, and even the ground. The explosion produced a large number of shock waves, gravel, and flames to block the pursuit.
Uh! ! Suddenly a blue lightsaber flashed through the exploding smoke! I only saw a strange smile on the face of Indian aunt Depa Bilaba, but the speed under her feet was extremely fast. She rushed directly to the front, the sword flashed, and a t-1000 Terminator was suddenly split in two. , Followed by the lightsaber's high temperature began to melt into a pool of useless liquid metal.
Then she lifted her hand, and the powerful force suddenly pushed the two t-xs in front of her suddenly. The lightsaber waved, bounced back an ion cannon and blasted another t-x! The spies on the next few t-x and the Guardian Planet threw themselves up, but her swordsmanship was extremely superb. The swordsmanship was almost to the point of pure fire. Between the flashes of the sword light, both humans and robots were cut off!
Now, there is only the short-haired woman with Padme-Emidala who is unconscious in front... Oh no, this is also a robot, but the energy response is stronger than other robots, and it is still faint. There is a breath of life. Depa Bilaba looked at Eliza lightly and thought to herself. Is this the clever robot of the guardian planet among rumors? In the perception of the original force, they can even be reflected like life. Although it is only as big as a worm, it is life after all! Things that can't appear in machinery! !
Depa Bilaba suddenly accelerated, and the lightsaber suddenly cut off! Eliza protects Padmé's body and carries the sword with her back! ! Bang! Numerous alarm sounds were immediately heard in her system, the shield system was overloaded, the heat dissipation system was overloaded, the liquid metal matrix could not be built, and the support skeleton was damaged by 20%...
However, in Depa Bilaba's view, her sword did not actually cut the robot in front of her! ! Although the layer of the robot used to disguise the surface seems to be a liquid coating, and the silver-white metal skeleton inside clearly showed a knife mark that was burned into a dark red, but it was not cut! ! Bilaba's eyes flicked, and her hands were cut with a sword. She was very sure that even if the robot was built with special materials, she could not resist this sword!
Snapped! ! At this very moment, Depa Bilaba suddenly felt that a cold hand grabbed her ankle, and then a terrible great force came from her feet, and she was almost unable to resist it. Just overturn! ! But she also reacted very quickly, and once a flip was back on her feet, she looked down, but it was a robot she had just cut in half! The liquid metal on the exterior of this robot has melted off, exposing the endoskeletons full of mechanical texture, eyes flashing blue light! Although only the upper body is left, the robot still climbs up recklessly, opening its sharp claws and trying to grab it! !
Woo~~~~~~ A police siren sounded in the distance, it was the Clone Troops who came to maintain the security. Depa Bilaba looked at the robot that took Padme away, sneered, and stepped forward, the lightsaber in his hand was very casually inserted directly from the back of the t-x crawling on the ground! With a snort, the robot stopped suddenly.
Then she came to the clone soldiers and said: "I am Depa Bilaba~EbookFREE.me~ There are robotic forces of separatism here, they kidnapped Congressman Padme-Emidala! Lausanne, find me out for her!!"
"Yes! General Bilaba!!" The clone soldier immediately stood up and saluted, because in the enemy identification device in his helmet, the ordinary middle-aged woman in front of him looked like a general! !
In a dark corner of the underground world of Coruscant, a fully enclosed suspension car parked in front of an obscure house, and then Eliza walked down, she picked Padme-Emida from the car Pull and feed into the house.
The room was unexpectedly very clean and tidy, and all were very expensive high-tech furniture, as well as very complete automatic medical equipment. A gray-haired woman in her 30s is standing in the middle of the room. Her body is hot and her charm is still there, but there is a hint of Yinzhu from time to time. It was Tang Yu who had arranged activities in the underground world of Coruscant from the beginning, Svetlana-Belikova!
Seeing Eliza put Padmé on the bed, Svetlana's eyes flashed with a little worry: "As Tang Yu expected, did they do Padmé..."
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