Vol 2 Chapter 2300: The End of the Independent Galaxy Confederation (Part 2)

2300. The End of the Independent Confederation of Galaxies (Part 2)
Next to Newt Gunray, Sang Hill, Shu Mai, Water Tambor, and Passel Aginte were also present. They were temporarily hiding here under the guards of their confidant guards, waiting Count Duku was forced into a dead end and bowed to them for mercy.
Walter Tambo and Pacel Argent seemed a little embarrassed. In fact, among these five business giants, San Hill is a dark chess that Das Preggs buried decades ago. He lifted the ambitious San Hill from the grassroots until he sat down. Governor's high position. The power struggle in the Star Banking Association is cruel and dark that ordinary people can't imagine. Even people like Darth Preggs almost died there after assassination, and even left a psychological shadow. .
So San Hill was actually loyal to Darth Sidious. It was also because of Sidious’s arrangement that he seemed to support the Confederation of Independent Galaxy wholeheartedly, but in fact he was pulling away at the bottom of the kettle at any time. the plan of.
The situation is similar for Newt Gunley, who was aided by Darth Sidious during his rise and succumbed to the power of the dark side very early. Although he is just an ordinary person, it doesn't mean that he can't feel the vast dark side of the force reaching Sidious.
As for the president of the business guild, Shu Mai, she is an insatiable and cruel person. She joined the Independent Galaxy Confederation to make money. As for how many people will die and how many sins she will make, she doesn't care. All the people who blocked her money are enemies. Now, it is Count Duku and Tang Yu.
However, Walter Tambo and Pacel Argent are different. They really feel that following the Earl Ducuk can do something and make a lot of money, and their home stars are in Outer Ring Star District. The pursuit results are the same, but the mentality is different, so their positions have undergone subtle changes. In addition, during the Star Wars of Murkana, Tang Yu defeated Admiral Tarkin’s forces and rescued the Kuriva’s mother star, which made Pacel-Agent against Tang Yu. The Confederation’s sense of identity is much stronger.
It's just that the situation is too confusing now, and Water-Tambor and Pacel-Argent didn't jump out to support Earl Ducout because they also felt that it was difficult for Earl Ducout to turn over. Since you can't turn the disk, let's get some money and leave. Businessmen, in the final analysis this is the case.
"Just looking at Earl Ducour just now, I don't seem to be worried..." Passel-Agent raised the question in his heart.
Newt Gunley sneered: "He's just bluffing! What else can he do now? The robots of the entire independent galaxy Confederacy have been shut down! You know that 99% of the Confederate combat troops are robots! Even Tang Yu's Smart robots are powerful and difficult to crack, but in the end all the robot parts are produced by our trade union! The shutdown of the robot does not pass their procedures, so Tang Yu can’t stop it!"
He said he was not worried, but actually said so much, that is, because he had no confidence in his heart, he just cheered himself up. Earlier, the attitude of Earl Ducuk really scared him.
"Nothing to say! Count Dooku must die! After the collapse of the independent galaxy confederation, we will occupy our agreed galaxy according to the agreement, and then everything is under control! By then, the confederation is gone, and the republic is also energetic. Seriously hurt, in our own galaxy, are we not getting what we want? What are you worried about now?" Shu-mai shouted loudly.
Hearing this, Passel-Agent and Water-Tambore looked at each other, bowing their heads and saying nothing.
In fact, their concerns are justified. As an experimenter who has known all kinds of secrets in the world of "Star Wars" through setting, it is natural to prepare in advance within his power.
Tang Yu told Earl Ducue in advance about the secret relationship between Sang Hill and Das Preggs. This relationship is known to no more than 5 people in the entire galaxy. And he also understands that Newt Gunley is a servant of Das Sidious. After all, it can be known from the movie that during the Battle of Naboo, Newt Gunley directly reported to Sidious.
And most importantly, Newt Gunray is indeed a key link in the Darth-Sidius project. His password can shut down all the robots of the sixth power of 1,000 in the Independent Galaxy Confederation. ! Therefore, Sidious will leave the dark side power on him, because under his control, the battle situation can be reversed instantly!
However, as an outside experimenter, Tang Yu also knows that the key engineer of another key figure, Geonosis, Ganzo Dosso is involved in the shutdown password of Newt-Gan Ray! !
In fact, most of the robots of the Trade Union were developed and built by the Geonosis, and the system that shut down all these robots in an instant was handed to the chief engineer of the Geonosis, Ganzo Dosso, who A signal override system has been developed to shut down all robots in the entire galaxy within a short time. In fact, this problem is not a big problem, but Newt-Gunley ignored it!
The Geonosians, from the very beginning, are the most loyal and supporters of the Independent Galaxy Confederation! Because there are obvious surprises with other races in the Milky Way, whether it is physical structure or culture, the Geonosians are closer to the Kiliks than the ordinary humans. Therefore, the status of the Geonosians in the Galactic Republic is very low. Although they have very developed industry and technology, the main races of the Milky Way react and see a group when they see the Geonosians. Pests are not much different.
Therefore, the Geonosians actually desire freedom and equality more than any race, and they want to have the status they deserve in the galaxy. Therefore, in the original plot, even after the Confederacy of Independent Galaxy was destroyed, the Geonosians still led the Confederacy's remaining forces to resist the Galactic Empire for 7 years, until it was finally wiped out by Das-Vida.
Of course, it is impossible for Newt-Ganlay to pay attention to it. His only concern is to hand over the construction of robots to cheap labor. The Giornos can greatly reduce the cost.~EbookFREE.me~ More money is enough. But... Tang Yu will not!
At the same time as Newt Gunley entered the shutdown password, an alarm on Ganzo-Duozo on the planet of Geonosis immediately sounded! His face changed, and he quickly fluttered his wings and flew towards his laboratory. In the laboratory, a harsh alarm sounded, he understood that this was the signal that the shutdown password was activated! And Ganzo-Dosso knows better that the main fleet of the independent Confederacy of galaxies is now standing in the core of the Corella galaxy and the main fleet of the Republic, and the shutdown password is activated at this time. The purpose is already very obvious! !
"Hmm...it really is the soft-hearted Newt-Gan Lei! Mr. Tang Yu is right, sooner or later." Gan Zuo-Duo Suo quickly operated on the computer, and then started a program. On the photon keyboard, tap hard, "Override the jamming device, start!!"
A huge interference signal was immediately transmitted along the signal override device, mixed with the shutdown password of Newt-Gan Ray, and immediately blocked some of the shutdown signals! At the same time, the signal that the shutdown failed was immediately fed back to Newt Gunray!
While Ganzo-Dosso was busy, the door of the laboratory was suddenly opened, only to see the Grand Duke of Geonosis Bogle-Inferior came in with a team of soldiers, watching him say loudly: " What the are you doing!!!"
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