Vol 2 Chapter 2302: The end of the Confederation of Independent Galaxy (Part 3)

2302. The end of the Confederation of Independent Galaxy (Part 3)
The chaos only lasted for less than 20 minutes in the fleet of independent galaxy confederations, and the robot had completely controlled the situation. In fact, in the army of the Independent Confederacy, except for senior officers, all other members are robots, so when these robots shut down to shut down the rebellious rebellion, those full-fledged senior officers have no more than killing them by pulling their necks. Any way.
In the Confederate fleet, about 50% of the robots are the "smart robots" developed by the trade union and the guardian planet, which is b-1 combat robots that have injected mechanical life. In fact, in actual use, mechanical life is really toxic, because they not only have all the advantages of robots, including infinite power, precision and efficiency, sleeplessness, etc., but also have the characteristics of being intelligent life. They can do the same thing, they can learn independently, they can invent, and such robots are simply perfect robots.
So although the trade union cannot crack the procedures of mechanical life, it can't help but be tempted to use them. After all, as long as the program of the guardian planet is injected, the price of the robot can be sold more than ten times, and no such merchants can refuse such huge profits.
Tang Yu has already begun to plan this point, and he has long seen that Newt Gunley cannot refuse the profits brought by mechanical life, and Newt Gunray absolutely cannot think of the magic of mechanical life and the Holy Mountain. All robots injected with mechanical life have been incorporated into the holy mountain's way of sublimation, plus he secretly reached an agreement with Ganzo-Dosso to allow the latter to develop an override jamming device.
Therefore, when Newt-Gan Lei entered the shutdown password, although he was smart enough to add peripheral equipment to those robots to clear all the robot programs, but he just deleted these robot programs, those mechanical lives were immediately sublimated Zhidao Network reinjected these blank robots and restarted.
The Sublimation Road network was developed based on Tang Yu's mechanical field. In fact, when he just awakened this ability, he could communicate with robots controlled by him at any distance. At that time, I didn't think how strong this ability was, but now when the Sublimation Road network is established, this network can almost ignore the distance, and the network that cannot be detected can be said to be extremely abnormal!
Mechanical life exists because of Tang Yu, and their growth also makes Tang Yu more powerful!
In the 20-minute chaos, the fleet of the Confederacy of Independent Galaxy was also hit hard, dozens of warships were destroyed, and the shutdown password of Newt-Ganlay also shut down many robots, so that the operation of these warships was also affected. influences. At this time, under the command of Tang Yu, who was commanded by the planet Terra Lus, the Five Star Alliance immediately took off a large number of transport ships. These ships were loaded with various robots. These robots will be added to those warships that lack manpower.
At the same time, the Independent Galaxy Confederate Fleet also began to reintegrate its own defenses, fighting again with the Republican Fleet rushing madly with the determination to die. However, after this confusion, the Confederacy's fleet showed signs of defeat.
The strength of the two sides was originally not small. The Republican fleet has 1100 large warships and the Confederate has 1500 large warships. However, the combat capability of the hunter-class cruiser is much stronger than that of the Confederate warships, not to mention that the Republic is close. 2000 small and medium warships! Among them, there is no shortage of medium-sized warships such as the Aquitaines-class light cruiser.
Among the Confederate fleets, the Generous-class frigate is responsible for assault, the Destroyer-class destroyer is responsible for long-range fire support, the Tianyi-class cruiser is the core of the fleet, and the Rukrijuk-class battleship is mainly responsible for carrying fighter planes and ground combat troops. However, this kind of cooperation is only reluctant to do so, because the generous frigate was originally a battleship collected by the Star Banking Association, the Tianyi class cruiser was the of the Trade Union, and the Rukrihuk class battleship was the cargo ship of the Trade Union. of. The Destroyer Destroyer is even more hilarious. It is a drawing stolen from the Quart Power Dock after the Battle of Naboo by the Technical Alliance’s commercial spy. This drawing was originally a battleship designed by the Quart Power Dock for the Moncalaris, so it has the ability to operate underwater, but in the space battlefield faced by the independent galaxy confederation, this function is useless.
However, Shu Mai, the president of the Commercial Guild, also treated the Destroyer-class destroyers as treasures and placed large-scale orders. Of course, with their strength, in the end, they could not buy many warships for combat. However, these poorly performing warships gave Shu Mai great confidence, making her feel that her group could already sit on par with a big man like the Trade Union, so she was so arrogant.
The fleet of the Independent Galaxy Confederation is such a miscellaneous army. In the final analysis, whether it is a trade union or an interstellar banking association, these business giants are essentially business giants, and they have no way to compete with Quart in terms of industrial strength. Compared with professional industrial giants such as Shipyard, Lundilli Interstellar Power Company and Corella Engineering Company.
In the command center of Planet Terras, the Iblis executive was sweating and watching the battle on the screen. Even his military layman can now see that the defeat of the Independent Confederacy of the Galaxy has been determined. The idea of ​​revoking the previous agreement to let the anti-gravity device fire again more than once emerged from his heart, but he was forced to suppress it. Iblis knew very well that he was only the chief executive, and the real power of the Five Star Alliance was still in the hands of the highest parliament composed of the three giants of Sarkoria and the Grand Duke of the five planets.
And the true rulers behind the scenes, their purpose of independence is for a broader trading environment, no longer subject to people, and the matter of independence has already offended the republic enough. For the sake of future, they are reluctant to continue to treat The Republic offended to death. In a word, the nature of the businessman is nothing more.
Thinking of this, Iblis never talked about anti-gravity devices, anyway, the problems that can be solved with money are not problems. In order to win the support of the Independent Galaxy Confederation, the Five-Star Alliance has already hit a large price, but now it is a big deal and no more. He looked at Tang Yu with his expectant eyes, pondering his words.
Tang Yu seemed to see through his mind and turned his head to smile slightly and said: "It looks like the battle is very difficult~EbookFREE.me~ If it is a full-scale war that has opened the front, our independent galaxy confederation can still follow The Republic is in a circle. But such a face-to-face decisive battle is hardly an opponent of the Republic with our strength."
"But... just like this..." Iblis said eagerly.
"There are ways to do it, but it is not our own strength...so..." Tang Yu said slowly with a long voice.
"We are willing to provide commission!!" Iblis said immediately.
"If this is the case, it's easy to say." Tang Yu smiled and pressed the communicator to send a message.
After a while, countless dazzling lights flashed again in the universe! I only saw countless warships jumping out of hyperspace and came to the battlefield of Corella Galaxy! ! The shape of these warships is strangely shaped, absolutely not belonging to the products of any well-known company, and looks very old. But the size of these warships is very huge, the smallest one is more than 800 meters in length, the largest one is even close to 2000 meters in length!
Iblis was stunned. He looked at the screen blankly and muttered, "What are these...who?"
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