Vol 2 Chapter 2345: The world of expectations

2345. The World of Expectations
"Terminator" world, Sky Island, Yucheng.
Sky Island is the strong rise of the former Guardian Group, and after the battle of promotion has firmly grasped the world’s right to speak, it forced Indonesia to lease Hama Hera Island to the Guardian Group, and Tang Yu renamed it Sky Island . Later, this small island with an area of ​​18,000 square kilometers was logically called the sovereign territory of the Guardian Empire on earth.
Of course, after the guardian space fortress was completed, the territory of the guardian empire expanded to an extremely large scale. With the gradual expansion of the lunar base, many factories in the empire have been moved to the space fortress. Sky Island has completely become the political center of the Guardian Empire.
The three cities on the Sky Island, Yucheng, Future City and Linguang City, will be merged together with the expansion of the city, and then the entire Sky Island will be completely urbanized, and the name is naturally called Yucheng. The political center of the Guardian Empire in every world is called Yucheng, which has become a rule of the empire.
These three cities are also open to the world under the direction of Tang Yu, and are cities where mechanical life and humanity coexist. In the city, the number of human and mechanical life accounts for about half, and only about one-third of the resident population, the other is mechanical life or human, are mobile. Tang Yu originally planned to open several similar cities on the guardian space fortress, but as the expedition to the "Star Wars" world plan started, the space fortress also went to support Meridians after the bug, and this plan was interrupted. .
Two men, one woman and one woman came to the streets of Yucheng. There was no doubt that it was Tang Yu and Zi. Tang Yu pretended to be a little bit, so that his appearance was different from usual, at least not recognized by others. Zi doesn't have any disguise, because no matter how she disguise her appearance, mechanical life can still recognize her, but there are no humans who know her.
Therefore, when Zi, who has crushed all superstar supermodels regardless of body shape or appearance, walked in the streets of Yucheng, there is no doubt that it has become the center of countless lights, and incidentally there are countless cities that have been voted by the plain-looking Tang Yu. look. After all, his height of 175 is not comparable to that of purple wearing high heels next to it... Of course, Tang Yu is used to it, anyway, he is not with a 180-year-old Christina, it is not a day or two, and he is not very interested in letting Kara Radames changed his height to a higher point, although it was easy to do.
After so many years of development, Yucheng has become an extremely developed city. Urban planning is very scientific, ranging from towering towers to lush greenery. And with the popularization of ytterbium energy and the extensive use of electromagnetic suspension technology, the city's air is very clean, absolutely no emissions. The city is also very effective in the treatment of sewage and garbage. There is a very large ytterbium processing base underground in the city. The sewage and garbage will be collected and then eroded and assimilated by the ytterbium ore, and then processed into a highly concentrated ytterbium ore energy supply for urban use .
The most important thing is that, compared with the Tiberium mine in the world of Command and Conquer, which also has the ability to assimilate and erode, the atomic structure of ytterbium is very stable, and there will be no explosion accidents.
From this perspective, even in a highly developed world like Star Wars, the role of ytterbium can never be replaced. In the world of "Borderless Land" where the technological level is no less than that of "Star Wars", it is not unreasonable for handsome guys Jack and Heberon to value Yi mine so much.
Walking on the streets of Yucheng, looking at the colorful holographic projection signs on the street, as well as the pedestrians on the street, Tang Yu suddenly had a feeling of being indifferent. I don't know when it started, he sat in the office more and controlled everything remotely. ‘Send one million soldiers, give me XX off’, the language that YY thought of when he was a child is now a reality. He has supreme power, even saying that he wants anything, as long as a sentence or even an idea can appear in his office as quickly as possible. Therefore, more often, Tang Yu only sees countless data, and occasionally there are some live images. Shopping like this has really not passed for a long time.
You can see the "black steel machinery" written on the huge trademark on a building, and there are several huge holograms with images and introductions of some of the latest mechanical parts. Inside and out of this building are all All kinds of mechanical life, but no human patronage. This is a rule set by Tang Yu before, except that the brain is implanted with a chip, humans must not arbitrarily make mechanical changes to their bodies. He is not interested in cyberpunk, he wants to maximize the characteristics of human beings, rather than trample his body at will. Especially after discovering that in this Laplacian multidimensional calculus system, all people possess recessive genes of various abilities, Tang Yu is even more convinced.
However, in other places, the number of human beings is much higher. For example, a company called "Rhein Bio" is promoting various gene strengthening and body strengthening agents, as well as many supporting services such as drug therapy, gene modulation, and brain volume optimization.
A truck painted with "Penguin Transport" is docking on the roadside, and several robots and humans are carrying goods. These humans are all wearing uniforms, and the coating on the robots is also uniform. A mechanical life led by the commander is loading the things under his command, and the mechanical life unique printing equipment is printed on the receipt to identify its own identity. Barcode.
I also saw a man in a black suit sitting in a coffee shop, talking confidently with a mechanical life in front of him, seemingly trying to persuade it to complete a business. According to the mark on this black suit, he belongs to a company called'Longmen Consortium'~EbookFREE.me~ These companies and organizations are completely new to Tang Yu, but he also knows that these are all guardians Part of the empire has made the empire stronger in its own field. Looking at the countless signboards and advertisements, Tang Yu also had a different feeling in his heart.
Orderly pedestrians on the street, there are mechanical life and humans. The body size of those mechanical life has strict regulations, not exceeding 2 meters in height, and the length and width of the body must not exceed 1 meter. Whether it is human or mechanical life, they all walk together very harmoniously, and can often see the communication between the two sides, and those humans who speak with mechanical life have very calm expressions.
Tang Yu was very pleased with this situation, because this is what he wanted. For the coexistence of human and mechanical life, both sides maintain their own characteristics very strictly, and then expect to create a civilization in which organic and inorganic life are jointly created by different sparks.
Although it is still very elementary, it is only for the two parties to live together simply, but Tang Yu believes that, with time, his ideal will be realized! The power of a civilization is not reflected in the military, but in the society! !
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