Vol 2 Chapter 2358: Virtual war

   2358, virtual war
   Holy Mountain, virtual world.
  In this world, after a long-term transformation and evolution of mechanical life, it has been called an ocean containing countless information and data. If the matrix created by the 0-1 country for humans in The Matrix is ​​built from a human perspective, then the virtual world of the Holy Mountain is completely tailored for mechanical life.
   In this virtual world, if ordinary human beings enter, they can hardly see anything, except countless strange scenes. But in fact, the amount of data contained in this is more than thousands of times the matrix! This has exceeded the limit that ordinary human brain can handle, so human eyes can't see anything and can't receive anything.
   But if mechanical life enters here, what you see is completely different. Through sophisticated calculations and spectral analysis, mechanical life can see anything they need in it. How vast is the data in the virtual space of the Holy Mountain, even if you receive the same coordinates at the same time, the received data will be completely different.
   Some people may ask, where does the data in the virtual space of the Holy Mountain come from? The answer is all. When all the mechanical life of the Holy Mountain went out, I saw that everything I received, from the war between the nations, to a dog at 6:30 in the morning, put a bubble of urine in the owner’s slippers, which included . And it also includes a lot of Internet news, and even some original information of mechanical life.
   Don't underestimate these complicated information. The authority of mechanical life in the virtual world of Holy Mountain is divided into higher and lower levels. The higher the authority, the more data resources can be called. That is to say, a mechanical life with high enough authority can even create a city out of thin air in the virtual world between raising hands! And all the details in this city, and even the law of activity of an earthworm, are the results obtained from the countless data of the Holy Mountain.
  If you still cannot understand the power of the Holy Mountain, then describe it with a battle. For example, Tang Yu's World War I in the "Star Wars" world established the Guardian Planet's position in the Independent Galaxy Confederation as the Guardian Star Wars. In the face of Master Yoda’s personal command, the 13th Army of the Republic came out of the nest, and it was almost an inevitable invasion battle. In the face of this civilization, which was thousands of years more advanced than its own technology, the fanatic force and the mechanical life force united to carry out A very fierce struggle.
  The fanatic army relies on its combat experience and flexible response on the battlefield, while the mechanical life relies on the virtual world of the Holy Mountain. In the first time of the war, countless simulated battlefields appeared in the virtual world of the Holy Mountain. The battlefields truly reflected the battlefield terrain where battles were erupting, and the deployment and size of military units of both the enemy and us. And the data of these military units, especially enemy units, will become clearer and more accurate as the battle progresses.
  Innumerable mechanical lives repeatedly perform simulated operations on these simulated battlefields, repeated thousands of times, and then really put into the battlefield. Their battlefield performance in this case is not much more than that of experienced veterans! And for mechanical life, thousands of battlefield simulations are less than a minute.
   And this is the mother body of all mechanical life, the place where the entire mechanical life group was bred, but now it is a storm! Countless mechanical lives bite each other in this virtual world, sending a lot of junk data and Trojan horses into each other's data. Such a result will cause permanent loss and disorder of the core data of mechanical life, and because it occurs inside the holy mountain, once the data bad track exceeds the limit of tolerance, then the mechanical life will completely disappear, or Because of too much damaged data, it falls into a state of no logic, in other words, it is crazy.
  No matter how lively the battle is outside, the loss is just some mechanical body, but if it is in the virtual world of the Holy Mountain, it will really die! This is true even for the theoretically immortal mechanical life!
   This civil war has been going on for 3 days. Within these few days, there have been millions of mechanical lives that died due to data errors. This is definitely the first time since the birth of the Holy Mountain! But even in this way, those mechanical lives are still servants, continually pounced on their own...'enemy'.
  However, unlike the outside world, in the virtual world, the mechanical life of those soul camps is extremely fierce. They are not afraid of most junk data and Trojans, and even after losing logic to enter an endless loop, they can still slowly return to normal. These mechanical lives quickly occupied an advantage, suppressing the mechanical lives of the advanced God code camp.
  At the same time, in the guardian space fortress.
   The war is still going on fiercely, countless robots are attacking each other in every corner, the mechanical debris is almost everywhere. Most of the eight cities with mechanical life were plunged into flames, and even some places of war broke the outer armor of the space fortress, and the flames continued to spread.
  If you look from the outside, you can see that there are hundreds of places just outside the space fortress that are on fire, and many places are exploding, spraying a lot of robot wreckage and metal fragments, it is really like the end.
   But as the war continues in the virtual world of the Holy Mountain, you can see that the robots that are attacking each other often slump and suddenly collapse on the ground and no longer move. This is because the mechanical life that controls this body has been wiped out in the virtual world of the Holy Mountain~EbookFREE.me~ There are constantly robots falling down, which makes the situation more chaotic, but at the same time, the destruction does not continue towards the Spread in a more unmanageable direction.
  Now! ! A golden beam swept across, hundreds of t-2 combat robots were suddenly destroyed by powerful energy, and the extremely high temperature caused a burst of violent martyrdom. Before the explosion completely dissipated, the four figures rushed out at high speed.
   Christina, Tang Jiu, Furan, and Cameron Phillips! Although they only have four people, they are in a state of no one under the chase of countless robots. And Remy is doing her best to use her authority to help them, for them to shut down the transmission station that can be used to transport troops from all over the space fortress, or to direct the mechanical life in the virtual world to target the mechanical life involved in the siege.
"Enough! Christina! You can't come to my host! Near the host in the core area, there are already 100,000 combat robots on standby! We should have been companions! It should be for Tang Yu! Don't Force me to kill!" Purple's hologram appeared in front of them again.
   "You didn't understand that this civil war did not help Tang Yu." Kristina raised her hand and launched a series of ion cannons, which blew up more than ten robots and said at the same time.
   "Then stop! Let Master Tang Yu decide this!" Zi said loudly.
   Kristina's mouth showed a smile, "You also didn't understand why Tang Yu hasn't expressed his reasons so far."
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