Vol 2 Chapter 2361: Susuke

   2361, Susuke
"Hehehehe..." Xu Zuobao smiled. He came to the window and looked at the black suit agents who were approaching towards his building. "It's good. We are so low-key. They can also be in half an hour. Find us inside. And acting so brazenly, it penetrates deeply in various countries."
   Nishimura nodded and said, "The Lanxiang team's control of the world has not been weakened by the urgent need to maintain the independence of each country."
"If this is the case, the thought of one day I will lead the army of the cloud, and set foot in this world, I feel excited for a while!" Xu Zuo shattered all the suits and shirts on his body, naked to the upper body, revealing the strong body Huge muscles. Throwing away his hat again, a unkempt and erected head emerged, and he seemed extremely mad.
   Then, three golden lights appeared on his body! With the light shining, a mirror appeared on his chest, a string of hook jade hanging on his neck, and a long sword on his back.
   Three artifacts in Japanese mythology! Ba Ji Jing, Ba Chi Qiong Gou Yu, Tian Cong Yun Jian!
   Suzuki shook his head hard from side to side, and there was a clicking sound from his muscles, and the grin at the corner of his mouth became more intense. He opened the window and jumped directly from the 7th floor! !
   Boom! ! A loud noise! Suzo hit the ground without buffering, and at the moment of landing, his fist hit the ground at the same time! ! The hard concrete ground was suddenly smashed into a deep pit, and the huge ground even started to vibrate. The several agents who had just walked to the door of the apartment building were the first to be hit by the violent vibration of the ground to the sky!
"A detective of the guardian empire? Or a detective from Japan?" Suzuo looked at the faces full of horror, apparently all Japanese, "So then, you deserve the trial of the three artifacts!! "
   The voice still echoed in the air, and his figure disappeared instantly! Almost at this moment, more than ten agents were hit at almost the same time! Boom! Boom! Boom! They were smashed into twisted rags by huge force in mid-air, and then smashed for tens of meters! ! A torrent of blood rain fell from the sky!
The killing aroused the ferocity in Suzuo's heart. He raised his head and looked at the fearless heavy cruiser suspended in the sky, laughing loudly, "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Tang Yu!!! Look good!!! Laozi is coming!!!"
  Di! Beep! Beep! ! The harsh alarm sounded immediately on the bridge of the Tianqing, a fearless heavy cruiser suspended above Kyoto, Japan.
   The captain of this battleship is a 40-year-old human. He turned his head to look at the T series tactical robot standing next to him and asked, "What happened? Report now!"
The tactical robot replied in its completely straight tone without any tone and emotion: "Thirty minutes ago, Kyoto, Japan, found a suspicious character without household registration, and the Guardian Empire immediately contacted Japan to send them local agents. Detective. But he was met with fierce resistance. According to the scan, the energy of the instantaneous eruption was equivalent to the power of a heavy high-explosive shell."
   "This alone is not enough for the warship to call the police! The instructions given to us by His Excellency Tang Yu are to maintain regional stability! It does not include dealing with these issues!" Captain Shen Sheng asked.
   "This is an alarm message from the world's current synchronous database." The tactical robot said, opening a photon screen in front of him, which was the scene of extremely mad laughter after Xu Zuo killed those agents.
   The tactical robot is on the screen a bit, the picture is frozen, and the image of Suzuo is enlarged, and it is repeatedly adjusted while zooming out to remove blur, so that every detail on his face is truly displayed. Then compare with another group of images, the comparison result of each detail is, the degree of similarity, 99.9%!
A line of text is displayed next to   : the highest-level wanted criminal in the empire, nicknamed Susuke. Extremely dangerous people, when they are found, it is recommended that all local forces do their best to kill them!
"Suzuke..." The captain touched his stubble chin, and then waved his hand: "Notify the Supreme Command of the discovery of Suzuke, and request immediate reinforcements! Inform the Japanese side and immediately evacuate the surroundings All civilians! The scanner locks whereabouts, and the squadron of fighters is always on standby! Take off a fighter to test!"
  The fearless heavy cruiser of the Blade Blade fleet has been modernized and automated modified by Lundilly Star Power Company. The total number of ships is only 2,200, of which the number of Marines is 400. And the positioning of this warship is artillery support ship, so there are only 12 carrier-based aircraft. That’s why the captain is so embarrassed and asks the headquarters to send troops for reinforcements, because the Dreadnought Heavy Cruiser is not good at handling such small-scale conflicts unless you plan to blow up half of Kyoto.
   A vulture robot fighter immediately made all preparations for take-off, the hangar door opened, the four prongs of the vulture fighter walked a few steps, and then immediately flew out, the four prongs also spread forward to form wings. In the cockpit of the fighter plane is the head of the robot, and a pair of sharp red electronic eyes have locked the Suzuo of the police who are coming to the massacre!
   On the ground, Susuke smashed it with a punch, suddenly smashed a police car tens of meters away, and disintegrated and exploded in mid-air! Those policemen hid behind the police car with a pistol shot, but these pistol bullets couldn't come close to the 1 meter range around Suzou!
   Boom! Another police car with two or three Japanese policemen hiding behind the police car was shot directly! The remaining police still surrounded Suzou very conscientiously and shot in vain, but no one escaped. Soon, several black armored vehicles came quickly, with the three characters of sat sprayed on the armored vehicles, which is a special anti-terrorist special strike force of Japan!
   Special forces soldiers wearing black combat uniforms and bulletproof vests, armed with next-generation submachine guns, immediately entered the battlefield and fired fiercely at Susa!
   However, it is invalid! ! Eight mirrors on Susuke's chest exuded a faint light, and all bullets were blocked, without exception!
   "Spread out! Spread out!!!" Several sat special soldiers gestured, and then found the bunker to evade very well, forming a cross fire.
   "You! Leave here! Evacuate civilians!" Another sat soldier who looked like a commander came to the police and said to them: "This monster is not something you can deal with!"
   The voice just fell~EbookFREE.me~ I only heard a loud noise! ! I only saw that the armored car behind them was boxed by Susuke, and under the immense power, the armored car was also smashed for more than ten meters! ! In a mass of scrap iron! Slightly better than police cars, these military armored vehicles have not yet disintegrated.
   "Quick! Evacuate the civilians!!" Commander sat slammed the stunned policeman away, then took the submachine gun and aimed at Susuo for a burst of fire!
   "Yes, yes! That's it! The more people come, the better! The more, the better! Hahahahaha!" Suzaku laughed loudly. Then he was shot by a series of submachine gun bullets. He looked at the person who shot him, grinning, and walked slowly.
   Although the sat commander was desperately shooting, it still didn't help, but he still pulled the trigger with great determination! Susuke seemed to be walking towards him while shaking his fist.
   Suddenly, Suzuo's steps stopped and he looked up at the sky.
  Sat commander who picked up a life also looked up, only to see the fearless heavy cruiser he had been used to, and flew down a fighter jet at high speed! !
   "The battleship! It is the battleship of the guardian empire!!!" A policeman shouted with great surprise pointing at the sky.
   Only saw that the beetle-like vulture robot fighter plane descended from the sky, far away are two bursts of laser beams! ! boom! ! The huge explosion will immediately engulf Susa!
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