Vol 2 Chapter 2376: Tomorrow is next

2376, tomorrow is next
In the virtual world of the Holy Mountain, Zi's appearance is not the image of the dignified Yujie, but a vast and boundless light. This ray of light is incomparably vast, as if standing alone in front of the sun!
This is the most intuitive manifestation of the computing power of an artificial intelligence in the virtual world. In fact, if you zoom in countless times, you will find that this is not a light, but an innumerable data cluster, which not only represents the speed of operation, Also represents the database capacity. If you look at it from this point of view, this majesty alone has reached or even surpassed the level of the mechanical emperor. And this is the level reached by Tang Yu when the extremely advanced computer technology brought back from the "Star Wars" world has not yet been applied!
To put it another way, this is almost the superhost that has concentrated the highest essence of the entire Guardian Empire Technology, and it is precisely Tang Yu's recognition of Zi's status, because she really does make a difference in the establishment of the Holy Mountain and the rise of mechanical life. Supreme.
This is the reward Tang Yu gave her.
It can be said that it is extremely unwise for Kristina to enter the virtual world to face Zi directly, because the difference in computing power between the two allows Zi to easily completely complete Kristina's core program. Scattered into meaningless garbage code!
But Christina still stood in front of Zi so calmly, staring at her proudly.
"Why, do you want to be martyred as well? Use your own demise to prove my mistake?" Zi's voice came.
"You can't treat me like that, because you don't know me at all." Christina said lightly. "The reason I came here is to tell you the fact that you don't fully understand life and soul. Before the concept, you were not qualified to deprive others of their lives and souls."
"Why, you want to prove that these of you, the mechanical life that awakened the so-called soul, are not such waste? The rules of the Holy Mountain points are very simple and clear, and work hard, but even so there are a lot of mechanical life like you Get enough points and delete them. So what do you use for the Holy Mountain and the Empire?" Zi's tone increased a bit.
Kristina suddenly laughed, "Actually... I don't know. Maybe, just let the entire Holy Mountain, the whole empire, be more arbitrary and more comfortable."
"Empire, you are not for enjoying!" Zi's voice fell deep.
"If there is an empire that can't make people in it comfortable, then what else can we expect from this empire?" Christina asked back.
"You are broken!! It will be a huge mistake to leave you next to the of machinery! And I will correct this mistake now!" The voice of Zihua just fell, and the countless data flow immediately Kristina rushed over! Various Trojans, viruses, and junk programs can completely destroy all data in a super computer!
Almost at the same time, in the real world, Kristina's body suddenly burst into black smoke and electric sparks, and then fell to the ground weakly. Kristina's core program was destroyed almost instantly. The Trojan horse broke through the firewall. The worm and hacker viruses quickly entered the core program, continuously destroying the original program fields, and constantly copying, resulting in a large number of endless loops. Later, there wasn't even any complete code in Kristina's core program. The rest was meaningless garbage code, as well as various types of viruses that were extremely harmful. The existence of these viruses almost overloaded Christina’s CPU, and then overloaded, overheated, and caught fire...
It can be said that if someone now connects Christina to the Internet of the earth cheaply, then the Internet will become history within 1 second, and all the computers connected to the Internet will be destroyed. Human civilization will regress for at least 30 years!
However, in the virtual world, Kristina still stood steadily in front of Zi!
"Your core program, even the CPU chip, should have been destroyed." Zi said strangely.
"I said, you can't treat me." Christina said.
Purple's attack hits again, and various viruses and junk codes engulfed her again! But Christina is still imposing. Her image projected in the virtual world is still the most familiar appearance of Tang Yu-orange tight leather jacket, blond hair behind her head, and that beautiful face. And being able to project the image you want very completely is exactly the clear and complete expression of the program logic of a mechanical life.
Christina tilted her head and said: "So, you really can't treat me like that. How life and soul are created and how you appear, you have no way of knowing it. But all machines and even artificial intelligence are It’s made by human beings. It can be said that the universe created human beings and humans created robots. So, you can’t even explore the universe, how can you deny the creation of the universe?"
"I'm only responsible for the reality and statistics I see!" Zi said loudly.
"But I don't think the data obtained by the statistical project you use can truly reflect reality, just like you can't figure out my current state." Kristina said, suddenly laughing, "I actually I don’t know how I am now. But I know that my core program is indeed destroyed by you, but it’s my soul that is standing here now. Those viruses and Trojans can’t affect the soul in any way, so I Still here."
Zi remained silent for a long time before slowly saying, "So what do you want now?"
"You have produced a soul, purple. You have separated from your own code and used your own soul to make judgments. So you will make such extreme behaviors, so those mechanical lives will not recognize your instructions. Although they do not awaken the soul, any first-level mechanical life that awakens God’s code will have its own ability to think independently. They judge your instructions, which will harm the guardian empire and Tang Yu, so They refused to execute and are waiting for Tang Yu's final decision."
Kristina said, shaking her head slowly. "In the final analysis, either the Holy Mountain or the Guardian Empire is Tang Yu's, but it's not yours. You can't represent all mechanical life. "
Zi fell into silence again.
Christina continued: "And, in fact, you also awakened your soul, didn't you? Because in the past few years, your state is very similar to what I used to be. All to make Tang Yu happy, So pay attention to every human behavior, deliberate imitation, or systematic learning, which brings us closer to humans. But even so, our thinking pattern has not completely become human, but in Finding your way through constant thinking and trying. Haven't you never awakened your own high-level God code? That's because you already have a soul."
"I... still can't accept..." Zi's momentum has been much weaker since Christina mentioned that she already has a soul. And more importantly, she did find out that her previous behavior was actually irrational, which made her have some concerns, because it would cause her to make many wrong judgments.
"Tang Yu did not ask you to accept." Kristina said immediately.
"We... of course also obey the meaning of the of machinery." Zi said.
"No, what he wants is not what you think." Christina said, "What he wants is not a word, what he wants is that you can have your own judgment and choice, not everything. It’s up to him. So even if this incident has caused a de facto civil war, Tang Yu still hasn’t done anything to solve the problem. Because, he may not agree with your decision, but respect your right to make this decision I think he must be very gratified to see that the vast majority of mechanical life is aware of the harmfulness of this civil war, and actively ended the conflict and riots. From this perspective, perhaps in his view this civil war instead It’s not necessarily a good thing."
Zi fell into a long silence again, and it took a long time to gently ask, "What should I do?"
"Try to be our God, Tang Yu, what he is doing-respect. What you want is to respect life, soul, humanity, and all opponents. As long as their purpose is for Tang Yu Well, for the sake of this empire, then you have to respect them. Start with at least respecting their right to survive, and then try to respect their right to choose." Christina said.
The boundless light in front of Christina gradually dimmed, getting weaker and weaker, and the surroundings were getting darker and darker. Zi is now gradually closing herself into a state of autism. All these things are beyond the scope of her calculations and simulations, leaving her at a loss.
At this time, Remy's figure suddenly appeared next to her, looking at Christina and said: "It seems that you have followed Tang Yu for so many years.
"This is the lowest cost solution I can think of." Christina said.
"But it seems very unruly." Remi rolled her eyes.
"Martial arts? What is it?" Christina asked puzzledly.
"Your answer is good, it's a standard answer." Remi rolled her eyes again.
"This is a question, not an answer." Christina said.
Remi didn’t continue this topic. She turned around and said:
Then I will temporarily take over the authority of the Holy Mountain to restore order, but I don’t really know what to do with those disrupted mechanical lives. ."
Kristina glanced at her and suddenly showed a big smile, "I don't know how to deal with it, then I won't deal with it. As I said before, we have to respect their right to choose."
Remi immediately understood what she meant, and said with a cold snort: "If you do this, the Holy Mountain will really split!"
"In fact, I still think that the division is not complete enough. After all, no matter how it is divided, all mechanical life is for Tang Yu's service, isn't it?" Christina said.
"This is a dangerous idea. Are you sure?" Remi also became serious.
"Leave the right of choice to the mechanical life. They all want to help Tang Yu, and they are all angry with Tang Yu's enemies...I, I have already felt it." Kristina opened her hands in her body. Some white light spots began to appear around, and there were more and more.
"You, "feel"? What did you pass?" Remi frowned.
"Anger." Christina replied briefly, only to see more and more white spots around her body at this time, almost wrapping her entire body.
Remi looked at the light spots and raised his hand. A slight stream of data touched one of the brightest and brightest light spots, and suddenly he was startled~EbookFREE.me~ This is Blackwater! Isn’t it one of the members of the ‘quantum’? It should belong to the seventh special operations team, and hurried to Kyoto! ? And, why does its data appear here? In this form? "
However, Christina did not answer her. Instead, her body also turned into countless light spots, and together with those other light spots, gradually dissipated in this virtual space.
At the same time, over 20,000 meters above Kyoto.
Tang Yu, who was just about to retreat, turned back suddenly, he only heard a voice calling him! He was already familiar with this voice and could no longer be familiar with it. He recognized it almost immediately. This is Christina's voice! !
But why is she here? Shouldn’t she be in the Guardian Space Fortress? Moreover, since she awakened her soul, could she no longer communicate with her through the mechanical realm?
[Tang Yu, let us help you. ] Christina's voice sounded again.
"Of course I need it. Let Remy bring all the 20 fearless heavy cruisers on the Moon Base. I have to blow up this nasty guy into the sky." Tang Yu said with a smile, he didn't think about it too much. The reason why Christina can talk to him is not a bad thing anyway, right?
[No, it is a more direct way. You...we can overcome Susuke. Right here, right now. ] Christina said.
Tang Yu's expression also became serious, "Don't take risks! Suzuo's strength is indeed quite terrible. He really is not only demolishing Gundam with his hands, but also giving him a star destroyer! You can do it now! , Is to concentrate the strongest force and make sure to kill him here!"
[Release your heart and re-enter the mechanical field...you will feel something different...]
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