Chapter 30: Terminator of unknown model

   30. Terminator of unknown model
Whether in the previous world, after chatting with friends after watching the movie of "Terminator 2", or after experiencing the world of "Terminator", Tang Yu thinks that it is still the T-1000. There is considerable understanding.
   First of all, the original form of T-1000 defaults to human form, which is also the most comfortable form for them to move. Maybe the T-1000 can become a little tiger with the same volume as the human form, but their movement will be greatly restricted. In this regard, Tang Yu believes that this is because the Terminator's CPU is a neuron control system that imitates the human brain, so they generally do not get out of this shackle. In other words, they are shackled by their default form.
  Secondly, after the T-1000 is deformed, all the systems are composed of a large number of liquid metal units. In the form of a puddle of liquid, they only have the most basic instinct. Only after they become humanoid, can a complex CPU be formed by a liquid metal unit forming a CPU. Only by forming a sound-forming system can we speak. So unlike what many people think, the internal structure of the T-1000 is actually very complicated, but it can be decomposed and reorganized at will.
   So the T-1000 will not turn his entire body into a knife to fight-because in this form it does not form a CPU first, and second because it is not a humanoid, so it is at a loss for such a battle. Every time the T-1000 kills a humanoid figure in front of another person and then starts. It is not entirely because they want to cruel the spirit of the other party. The bigger reason is that they cannot kill if they are not humanoid figures.
   So when I saw the wolfdog T-1000 in front of me, Tang Yu was so frightened. If the T-1000 can really break through the shackles of human form, then how terrible killers they will become, it is completely unimaginable! Think about it, if you walk happily on the road, suddenly a knife protrudes from the phone booth next to it and cuts your head directly, how to prevent this?
   And the fear in Tang Yu's heart reached its climax when he saw this liquid metal loose lion suddenly two hind legs became awls nailed to the hood, and then the entire upper body began to deform, turning into a gun barrel! Is this a gun? This Nima is a gun! Can't the T-1000 become a complicated machine? ! Tang Yu almost cried out.
"Ah!!!" Tang Yu shouted and ran to the rear compartment of the car, and at the same time the dozen mechanical spiders immediately rushed to the liquid metal robot dog from all directions, even the one who had been hiding behind The mechanical spider carrying the camera also threw up together!
  Poof! A bullet was ejected from the barrel of the robot's upper body, and the slightly heavy mechanical spider carrying the camera got off the car. Then the robot dog struggled to swing the upper body to get rid of these mechanical spiders.
   Tang Yu has completely ignored other things in his fear. Under his control, all mechanical spiders don't attack the robot dog desperately.
  However, the sharp claws of these mechanical spiders can only leave shallow scratches on the robot dog, and the charged steel needles cannot pierce at all! Again, liquid metal is still metal in nature...
  I only saw this robot dog very annoyed, his upper body turned back to the look of a Chow Chow, and then his two front paws extended, and the paws extended to become 2,30 cm claws! Then grab one of the liquid metal robot dogs and throw all the mechanical spiders out of the car one by one!
   After Sara changed the magazine, he aimed at the robot dog’s head and slammed the gun. The liquid robot dog was not very bulky and unstable after all, and was suddenly hit with potholes, almost unable to grasp the hood.
   Tang Yu saw this, his thoughts turned sharply, and the car was continuously drifted in an S-shape. During a violent shaking, the liquid robot dog was crumbling, only to hear a bang, the robot dog was thrown onto a billboard by the roadside. Tang Yu hurriedly manipulated the car. The car reached its fastest speed in a short time in the boom of the engine, and soon disappeared at the end of the road.
  On the road surface, the mechanical spider carrying the camera that Tang Yu was just thrown off the car was struggling hard. His four legs had just been broken three times, and his body was also greatly injured.
   At this time, a burly man with a height of at least two meters or more, a bald man with a full face came over, looked down at the mechanical spider, and stretched out a foot to crush it. With a whisper of footsteps, the liquid metal loose lion who just hunted down Tang Yu ran over. The robot dog saw the bald man, and flew directly to the man's chest, followed by the robot dog. Immediately melted into a silver-grey liquid metal, and merged with the bald man.
   hum! Buzz! A motorcycle monster screamed and rushed from behind the bald man. The man who appeared in the monitoring center just now was riding on the motorcycle. I saw him wearing his upper body, showing his developed muscles and his brown hair dancing wildly in the wind. At this time, the communicator in his ear came to the instruction: "We have not found Sarah Connor's whereabouts. The opponent's team has moved. You retreat first."
   "Wolfman understands." The man who claimed to be "Wolfman" licked his sharp canine teeth again, a flash of blood flashed in his eyes.
Seeing the bald man standing in the middle of the road, a bloodthirsty smile appeared in the corner of the mouth of the werewolf, only to see his right hand suddenly stretched out, his muscles began to swell, and the thick hair was full of his right hand~www.mtlnovel. com~ Fingers have become longer, nails have become sharper, and there is a dangerous cold light.
   "Good dogs don't stand in the way, you're out of luck, stupid big guy!" said, "Wolfman" snapped at the bald man! Five fingers used the speed of the motorcycle to bring five strong winds to the unresponsive bald man. Seeing this scene, the smile on the corner of the werewolf's mouth was even stronger.
   The claws of the "werewolf" caught on the bald man, and after a burst of sparks, a loud noise left five gritty wounds on the body of the bald man.
   "Cut, is the bone still stiff!" "Wolfman" spitted, looked back, but found that the bald man was immobile, and suddenly felt something wrong. At this moment, the "Wolfman" suddenly felt that the front wheel of the motorcycle was suddenly slammed and was stuck by something. The motorcycle engine made a strange noise, and then rolled forward. The huge inertia directly changed the "Wolfman". Toss it!
   咣当! Boom! The motorcycle rolled several times on the road and fell to the ground as a pile of scrap iron.
  嘭! "Wolfman" was thrown to the side of the road and hit the highway guardrail severely, smashing the guardrail into a depression, and was suddenly dizzy. "Wolfman" shook his head vigorously and stood up, then he found something was wrong, a group of cats and dogs had surrounded him silently!
  I only saw that these groups of cats and dogs have different shapes, including wolf dogs, Persian cats, huskies, and Chow Chow. But under the shadow of the night, the silver light in their eyes was very conspicuous. In addition, these cats and dogs just moved quietly together, and there was no extra movement and no sound.
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