Chapter 334: Cohabitation life begins

334. Cohabitation life begins
"Oh, it's not Shibingwei! Sit down, I'll treat you with this cold drink!" The fat boss greeted, and it seemed that Shibingwei had a good relationship with Huacun.
A scent of fragrance came, and it turned out that the sweat of Shibingwei, who was sweaty, was mixed with the unique perfume smell she used. Tang Yu looked at this beautiful woman full of heroism and could not help but admire it.
In fact, there are many beautiful women he has met, the young and sunny, the peacock in the country, the cool and beautiful Christina, but the feeling of the ten soldiers is different, the high eyebrows, the edges and corners Clear cheeks, sharp eyes, clearly look like a brave female warrior!
Of course, the most conspicuous is the huge and tall twin peaks of the pair of small watermelons on her chest! According to the previous nine soldiers, this is a g cup! When shooting archery, will you be struck by the bow string to the existence of Mimi?
Noting Tang Yu's eyes, Shi Bingwei looked back strangely and asked, "Why do you keep staring at me?" There is no girl's coyness, or she doesn't have this concept at all.
The next to him saw Tang Yu's pig-like eyes, whispered sharply, and whispered, "Hua Xin radish!"
"I have arranged it. This is my girlfriend, Song Xiuxian. She will accompany me to work and live in Shimada Castle." Tang Yu pointed to
"Um... what about your sister who is half a head taller than you?" Shibingwei asked while drinking a drink.
Tang Yu once again clutched his forehead and couldn't say a word... Can we not mention Christina's taller than me? In just a short time, this dumb beauties have been critiqued twice in a row! Is this your true strength as one of the ten ninjas...
"Are you saying Donna... she will continue to stay on the side of the reincarnation to help Eurok." Tang Yu continued to whisper over her forehead.
"In this case, it is more convenient. For your convenience, your residence is arranged inside Shimada Castle, and every time you go out of Shimada Castle, you must be accompanied by me." Shi Bingwei said.
Tang Yu frowned, saying, "Must it be the same as house arrest?"
"Because the work you are about to do is the highest level of confidentiality, this is the personal command of the head of the family." Shibingwei replied.
"Then do you know what kind of work?" Tang Yu looked at this guy who seemed to have little ambition and wanted to explore her tone.
"Ah, I can't understand these things, so I don't know." Shi Bingwei answered readily.
You can be regarded as another level of guarding your mouth... That is to say, even if these secrets are shown to you, you can't understand it, but there is no possibility of leaking secrets... Tang Yu looked at the Ten Soldiers again speechless.
"I said, are you really one of the ten ninjas? Why do I always feel that you are here to sell Meng?" Tang Yu asked.
"Ah! Your statement is the same as Jiubingwei!" Shibingwei said with some surprise in a loud voice: "Surely all of you smart people have the same opinion?" finally couldn't stand it anymore, she asked a little angrily: "Then why do you become that ten tolerant?" I don't know why, since Tang Yu stared at Ten Bingwei just now, she There was a trace of hostility towards this big breasted beauty in her heart.
"Um... maybe it's because they can't beat me? My strength is great!" Shi Bingwei raised his head and thought.
Yes, I see it. Carrying two watermelons anytime, anywhere, can't you be strong? Tang Yu still stared at the tall and plump twin peaks of Shi Bingwei.
But this is indeed worthy of vigilance! Shimada's ambitions are so huge that there will be no corpse vegetarians. Ten Soldiers can be one of the Ten Tolerances, and is the personal guard of Young Master Genji, but her mind is so simple, that can only explain one problem-she must be very good in one aspect. Are you strong? When Tang Yu thought about the ten soldiers guarding Genji before, she was carrying a huge wild sword behind her back.
What is the wild sword? Let's put it this way, in fact, China also has similar weapons, but the name is more straightforward, that is-cut the sword! ! It's just different from Huaxia's generous and heavy chopper sword. The structure of the Japanese wild sword is actually similar to that of their samurai sword, but it is much larger and thicker.
Relative to the Chinese hacking sword, the wild sword is more slender, while maintaining a huge weight and chopping power, while having better speed and flexibility. After all, Japanese sword-making has been the world leader since ancient times.
So, can't be careless! The nine soldier guards and ten soldier guards must seem to be the most powerful ones among the ten tolerants. Think of an eight soldier guard that is so tricky. So what about the more powerful nine soldier guards and ten soldier guards? Can't be fooled by their appearance! Tang Yu secretly reminded himself in his heart.
"Well, it turns out that a cold drink in this weather is a gift from heaven. Then let's go, I will take you to the prepared residence." Shibingwei drank the cold drink in one sip and stood up.
"Okay, is this our love nest? Dear Song Xiuxian." Tang Yu smiled and looked at playfully.
The small one-bedroom apartment in front of me is the residence prepared by the Shimada family for them. The place is not large, about 60 square meters, one bedroom and one hall. The decoration inside is very exquisite. Not only that, Shimada also prepared a very large heart-shaped bed in the bedroom.
"Haha, then we will live next?" Looking at this pink bed and the entire bedroom decorated with ambiguous pink ~ ~ Tang Yu could not help but wonder, just now the ten soldiers After handing over the key to him, he ran away as if she had been together, and most of them had come in to see her.
"Hey, why don't you talk, Song Xiuxian?" Tang Yu thought about seeing ugly and turned around.
Click, a dark muzzle is facing his forehead, Tang Yu froze for a moment, then saw's unfocused, and indifferent eyes. Well, it turned out that this little nizi was directly blackened.
"You get out and find a place to live," said coldly.
"Hey! Anyway, you have to do a full set of acting! How can we say that our current identity is a couple, so separated will be doubted by the Shimada family!" Tang Yu raised his hand exaggeratedly.
"I have never accepted the setting of "couple", that is your wishful thinking! In short, either you go or I go, these two possibilities." said.
"That's impossible, okay, otherwise you sleep on the sofa in the living room, I'll sleep in the bedroom." Tang Yu gently held the pistol held by, and seemed to understand that The guy is invalid, so there is no resistance, but Tang Yu's eyes are still cold.
"As a man, let a girl live on the living room sofa but live in the bedroom, are you embarrassed?" blackened said coldly.
"Sorry." Tang Yu blurted out, and immediately saw a sharp flash in the eyes of the blackened, and quickly changed his mouth: "Ah, I mean, if you don't dislike the decoration in the bedroom, you still live It’s more appropriate in the bedroom."
The blackened gave him a white look and said, "If you dare to come in without permission, I will die with you!"
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