Vol 2 Chapter 405: Jumper

405 Jumper
"Eh...? Why? I'm going to China too!" d.va was a little upset and a little bit upset. This article is made by  www. lwχs520. com  first
Tang Yu shook his head and said: "No, if we all go, the goal is too big, the fool will know that we have a purpose to go to China. Christina will be like me to protect you, you are hanging out in the nearby cities Play it. I should be back within a day or two." Tang Yu said.
"Okay..." d.va said sullenly, then stared at Tang Yu with a bit of resentment, and almost hooked Tang Yu's evil fire again.
Christina looked at the eye contact between the two strangely, and looked at Tang Yu again. The blue light in her eyes flickered. She scanned Tang Yu’s current body data, heartbeat, breathing, androgen secretion, etc. Wait. Then suddenly he said, "I also hope to go with you."
Tang Yu looked at Kristina a little strangely, Kristina looked at him with her head tilted.
"Why did you say this suddenly? Is it because you found something wrong with the simulation calculation?" Tang Yu asked.
"No, leaving me and Song Xiuxian is the best choice. However, I'hope' can go with you." Kristina emphasized the word hope again.
"Okay, I will be back in more than a day." Tang Yu walked over to touch Christina's head and said softly.
Christina rubbed Tang Yu's hand and nodded.
So you guys came here to abuse the dog...? Zhou Qing looked at the two beautiful women who were obedient in front of Tang Yu silently and thought angrily.
"In this case, you contact Peacock again, let's go." Tang Yu said.
"Okay." Zhou Qing nodded and began to operate on the large communication terminal in front of him. "Speaking of this, the performance of this communication terminal you made on site is really terrible. If I didn't guess wrong, I used it in it. Quantum entanglement technology!"
"Oh?" Tang Yu was stunned for a moment, and then put Zhou Qing up a bit higher, to know that he did use quantum entanglement technology, but it was just a coincidence. Because the peacock also carries a drop of liquid metal that he gave her before, he can use another drop of liquid metal to develop a communication terminal somewhat similar to quantum entanglement technology using quantum entanglement between the two.
However, this communication terminal does not use quantum entanglement technology to transmit signals, but uses this technology to locate. To put it bluntly, it uses two drops of liquid metal for positioning. The actual technical content is not as high as expected. But even so, Zhou Qing can recognize from this clue that quantum entanglement is a technology far beyond the world of Overwatch, which only shows that his theoretical knowledge is quite solid.
"Why? Am I wrong?" Zhou Qing asked Tang Yu when she saw Tang Yu not speaking.
"No, it's just that you started to make me look at it a little bit." Tang Yu replied.
"Oh, it was the knowledge my father gave me in a mess. He always told me that since he came to a world of technology, he would use technology as a weapon to arm himself. Although he is very strange, I still do it. I did." Zhou Qing said with nostalgia.
"You adore your father?" Tang Yu asked.
"My father is the person with the most noble character and the most knowledgeable person I have ever seen. If it is not his sudden death, it should be him who will take over the work of Liao Lao and lead the China branch. Being able to follow his footsteps is My lifelong goal. Peacock is the most powerful person I have ever seen, and her inner kindness and justice are always inspiring people around her. Both of them are what I dreamed of." Zhou Qing expressed some emotion Said.
Tang Yu walked over and patted his shoulder and said, "So now we are going to help the peacock and save her from those conspiracies and tricks. Then, we will slowly find the footprint of your father, I will I’m also very interested. I remember I told you that your father is probably not inferior to peacocks, or even a stronger one." Indeed, what is left by a platinum group strongman is indeed very very Tempting.
Zhou Qing nodded.
Zurich Switzerland. Underground laboratory at Overwatch headquarters. A gorilla wearing mechanical armor was leading Jack Morrison and Gabriel Leyce walking inside.
"What are you doing here with me? Winston." Jack asked.
"Our hole cards," said Gorilla Winston, helping him with the little glasses he was wearing.
"The bottom card?" Gabriel Leyes, who kept his hands on his chest and bowed his head in silence, asked suddenly.
Winston raised his glasses again and said, "Yes, the card that can fight Peacock. According to the video records we got before, it is unwise to fight Peacock head-on, unless we try our best It takes every force. And now, we don’t have the funds to carry out such large-scale operations, and we can’t afford such huge losses."
"In other words, do you have a way to counter the peacock's spatial power?" Jack Morrison asked.
Winston didn't speak, but opened a door in front of him. As the heavy iron door slid silently, an aircraft with only half of it assembled and various parts exposed appeared in front of them.
"This is..." Jack Morrison and Gabriel Leyes looked at this aircraft, which is closer to a ball than other streamlined aircraft, and was a little puzzled.
"This is the'sky jumper', one of the many future aircraft prototypes proposed in our prototype flight test plan. [Note 1]" Winston pointed to a light suspended in the middle of the prototype. Blue sphere, "This is a hyperspace transmission array, in other words, this aircraft can carry short distances."
"Are you saying you want to use this broken aircraft to fight against peacocks? Ha ha." Gabriel Leyce sneered.
"Yo~~~Winston, I haven't seen you for a long time~~" came a lively voice, followed by a small but exquisite beautiful figure who ran over and grabbed Winston.
"Ah, let me introduce her, her name is Lena Oxton, and we are our elite test pilots. According to the plan, after the completion of the "sky jumper", she will carry out the test flight of this aircraft. She is our best Pilot." Winston introduced.
"Lina, right, my name is Jack Morrison, and I'm glad to meet you." Jack greeted with a smile.
"Yo~ A sunny handsome uncle and a cold uncle!" Lina waved at Jack and Gabriel with a smile.
"My plan is not to rely on this unfinished prototype to fight peacocks~EbookFREE.me~ Even according to the fastest progress, it takes two years to complete the "Jumper". We need to use this -"Winston pointed to the suspended light blue sphere and said: "Hyperspace Teleport Array."
"Go on," Jack said.
"Inspired by the space resonance trick of Peacock, I have developed a small quantum field generating device. If this hyperspace transmission array is used as the core, and these small quantum field generating devices are installed according to the local magnetic field and space response If so, then I’m sure that Peacock can’t use space abilities for a certain period of time because of interference!
Winston said lightly.
[Note 1]: The "Jumper" aircraft, with its own transmission device, was completed two years later, in 2068, and was tested by Lena Oxton. However, an accident occurred during the test flight, and both Lina and the aircraft disappeared in time and space. When she reappeared, she was unable to synchronize with the time stream. This symptom was called ‘time dissociation syndrome’. Later, Winston developed a space-time acceleration device to enable Lena to live a normal life. At the same time, she also mastered the ability to transfer time and space in a short period of time. This is the reason why we are familiar with the "hunter". Master Mirror said thanks to the 100 starting coins from the world king for the reward!
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